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Video Game Inspired Event!

NIGHTMARE ZERO'S POPULARITY ON THE RISE A recent new video game released at the beginning of this year has gamers from all over Nyxis flocking to play. The video game, which is an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) is set in a fantasy land called Sedna, where players can choose a character from several different classes to explore, fight monsters, interact with other players, and more. The open-ended plot of the game, which involves taking on jobs, fighting monsters




The books you need to look at: The Vikings by Gwynn Jones The Varangian Guard by Sigfus Blondal Harald Hardrada: The Warrior's Way by John Marsden Marsden is the most readable if you just want a good glimpse into the Viking age. Harald was the last real Viking conqueror and my god he was good at it. It's a tragedy that the only thing people remember is his defeat in 1066 by Harald Godwinson (who then lost to William the Conqueror it was a really BAD YEAR for England ok). Thing

deliriums child

deliriums child

If you suffer your people to be ill-educated...

and their manners corrupted from infancy, then what else is to be concluded, sire, but that you first make thieves and then punish them? - quote from Ever After sorry this is basically a test entry. New to this blogging software. I'm accustomed to Livejournal so a forum with a blog is a NEW and ASTOUNDING thingamajig. And yet somehow still WAY MORE COMPREHENSIBLE than tumblr. I love tumblr. I just have no idea how to effectively communicate via tumblr. I just obsessively reblog al

deliriums child

deliriums child

Guilty of fangirling, still I hate it

I am annoyed with fangirling over playbys, especially when it happens in the c-box (or in the messengers where I want to discuss plot twists, not how cute/ hot/ etc is one or another actor). I thought I wasn't doing it... But it seems I am wrong, and maybe I am annoyed because I have different tastes.   Still, I prefer fangirling over plots, characters and writing techniques, not over playbys. Over the action per se, the story twists and the character motivations, because these should



Everything beautiful has an end

It just has to come sooner or later, in a painful or natural and serene way. Why now? Because the bells were tolling. Why now? Because the new moon in Sagittarius is the moon of unexpected changes. And I have to open to them, no matter what they would entail. To mourn my losses, to gather the remained pieces... and to go forward. I had moments of hesitation, when I thought I'd give up. But I can't. There is no turning back, ever.... just forward. "Caminante, no hay camino, se hace



People are seeking only things to complain about

And so do I now. I arrived to the conclusion that some people want always what they can't have right now, and lose interest when they can have it, just to have always something to complain about. It has happened every time when I did my sort of activity check - it happens about 2 times a year on my site, and it includes ideas for further inclusion in the story in the next story months - "what would inspire you the most in order to write more consistently? What story is growing inside you an



Black Cat Story

Georgie never played well with others, but she was not the “I prefer animals to people” type. She did, but she preferred individuals to animals, which had to count for something. She was young and small for her age, small enough to seem even younger, and that showed her the truth in people. So she knew that many were jerks but far more were good, decent people. She still felt closer to the tiny black kitten than she had to any human being in a long time. It was tiny. It had tiny ears an



Crazy little Halloween Story

What can I say about Halloween? There is actually not that much that I can tell you about Halloween since we do not celebrate it over here. What I can tell you is my story of celebrating Halloween last year in West Hollywood. I stayed in LA for 10 months last year for my internship. I also was here during Halloween, which honestly was some kind of crazy happening for me. It was hard to understand what it was all about and at some point I just stopped thinking and went along with it. My frie



[sample] skyscraper sinful

Rain drenched the city, making the lights of the high tower blocks burr on the grey concrete. The air was filled with the sound of motion - both aircraft and the older, but still common, car. While darkness descended in a thick cloak New York didn't sleep - it didn't a centuries ago and if anything it was worse now. It was a city of Sin in a way Vegas never was, the new city. Pleasure, self discovery had become the meaning of life, had taken over. It ruled Caella Evan's life and it was the



Horn & Tail Factions In Trouble!

SPECIAL BREAKING NEWS REPORT The condition that has been sweeping Nyxis' Horn and Tail factions has become a full-blown epidemic. No Horn or Tail is completely unscathed by now. Some are reporting an increase in nightmares and nightmare-related insomnia. After using their abilities, those of the Horn and Tail factions have also reported feeling a terrible compulsion to harm themselves or those around them. The more often an ability is used or the more powerful the skill, the worse these c



What's the appeal of pirate women?

What can they do what pirate men can't? I honestly can't understand their appeal (and I have 2 pirate men).   I am honestly exasperated. Pirate women existed, indeed. But they were damn rare, and not exactly in command position.   Yes, you'll say Grace O'Malley, Sayida Al Hurra and Ching Shih But even they were more pirate ship owners than captains, and they had captains to actually command the ship. Pirate men were plenty. Some ships allowed no women aboard, others had 2-3 w



Frustrating missed opportunities

Those who are character-focused, say that the character is making the story; those who are story-focused, like me, say that the story can't go on without certain characters. And both of us are right in our way.   The problem of missed opportunities has troubled me for a long time too.   There are people who post only once in a blue moon, or who have problems and have to take time out. It happens. But their characters need no time out, by contrary. A story can't wait for those



Writing - related musings

I think my frustration with missed opportunities, to which my brain returns and returns, is based on the fact that people do write for different reasons. There are people like me, who write because they have a story to tell. The story is there, in their brain, it is turning its wheels and writing itself, bits and pieces, while waiting in the station or riding a bus/ subway to or from work, or in bed before going to sleep. Bits and pieces scribbled on a paper while in a boring meeting or wai



Writing alone

I have been writing since I learnt to write. I remember being praised and having my compositions and poems featured on the wall gazette in second-third grade, and when I was about 13 I discovered at a general cleaning a notebook where I wrote a story in the first grade, about a witch who flew over a man and turned him into a rabbit. Two or three consistent paragraphs were a lot for a 7 years old...   I started writing longer stories since 12. My first one, 2 notebooks long, was a Western one..



I believe in negotiation

I think that in writing a story together with other people, negotiation and compromise are the key words. (Some see compromise as something bad, they give it a negative meaning. No, I don't mean that kind of compromise, but giving and taking mutually, and meeting the others half-way. And some people are really willing to do this, and I am thankful to them.)   Why do I say negotiation? Because the objectives of each character must be met. Not only mine and not only yours. And this is wh



How strange am I for not losing interest?

Yes, this had been making me wonder for a while. It might be RP-related, but not only, because it applies to all realms of my life. There are so many people who are enthusiastic for a few moments, then they are losing interest in whatever they liked before and find something else shinier. Am I the strange one that I add new interests to the existing ones, instead of replacing them? (And also, in another context, am I the strange one for always sticking to my promise, even if it hinders



Rebellious inspiration

If I believed in Muse, like many people do and I don't, I would say that I have a rebellious, non-conformist muse now. Or, well, for the sake of this blog, I might still toy with this idea and imagine a mist-bodied muse enveloping me and luring me to adventures which are or not good for me... but they are definitely good for the story! Actually, I have never believed in anything else than creativity and writing skills - which sometimes are drained when the mind is preoccupied with something



A historical approach on childbirth and pregnancy

Somebody said, in a post on another site, about realistic pregnancy in historical context: "It would be pretty realistic for a pregnancy to end in a miscarriage, or for the child to die at birth or be stillborn - health care back in the early nineteenth century was pretty rudimentary, after all. To get pregnant and give birth carried HUGE risks for the woman and if the child was born safely, odds were good that it wouldn't live past the age of five..." While I do agree with her, this realis



A world crushing blast

There was once upon a time a site... which had been on life support for more than one year. There had been three writers left, then us two, and a post at more than one month wasn't enough. There had to be an end to the site sometime. I hoped my partner would do the last post, but ultimately I had to do it. And I just did it. The town the story was happening in went off in a blast. If there were any survivors by miracle, their story is not told. It's a follow up for anyone or no one to write




I think in a RPG, like in any story worth telling, the characters have friends, enemies, siblings, sometimes parents or children, workmates, sometimes a love interest/ fiancee/ spouse. And all these do flesh out the characters, allowing the reader to see different aspects of their personalities. Even the one who saves the world (depending on setting), can't do it alone, he still needs friends and workmates in order to accomplish it. (And enemies to attempt to hinder his endeavour). But



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