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    • Book: Hunger Games
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      Darkest Hour RPG Rating

    22 years ago, the second rebellion rose up, believing they could change the way of the Capitol, they failed. The Capitol taking back what they believed to always be theirs. Now, in memory of the latest Rebel uprising the Games were announced to be a semiannual event, signifying two failed attempts to bring Panem back into the darkness. Will the rebels try again? Will the Capitol keep it's grasp over the citizens of Panem?


    Darkest Hour is the reboot of an AU Hunger Games site, taking place in the 122nd year of Panem. We are excited for you to join us!

    10/01 - Our Tesserae Claims have now closed and the Reaping will commence on October 4th. There will be plenty of NPCs to claim if you want to get in on some of the Hunger Games fun still once the Reaping is complete! The Grand Opening event is being extended through October and the current promotion is for all new characters.


    09/20 - Tesserae Claims have opened! Our members can now determine how many times their reapables will having their names in the bowl for the upcoming reaping. Now is the best time to join if you want to participate, and try to win, for the upcoming Hunger Games!


    09/09 - We have opened! We are currently running a Grand Opening Event that includes a bingo and a word bounty. Our first Hunger Games is just around the corner as well!


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