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Daren Shrimps


Hamsters are omnivores, contrary to common belief, they cannot live on just fruit and vegetables, they need protein. It's very common for them to get their protein needs from dairy-based products like yoghurt, and that's okay, but one can also feed them freeze-dried shrimp and mealworms, and I believe varying insects. In the wild, they mostly eat insects. Daren likes shrimp, but he doesn't know what to do with mealworms. Robos will eat them though. So that's interesting to me. Admittedly, Syria is coastal, so maybe they do know what shrimp are in the wild. Robos are from the cold deserts of China and Mongolia, so nowhere near the sea. Anyway, in this pic, I'd just given him some shrimps. A hamster's diet should be mostly fortified food, pellets, Daren's on Oxbow, and then he also gets freeze-dried fruit, veggies, and shrimps, occasional frozen yoghurt drops, as a supplement.

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