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NaNo House

Game of Thrones House

Bending Nation

  1. I'm in the process of designing a new skin for my site, and one of my main objectives is to make sure it's optimized for all screen sizes. From high res, giant desktop screens to tiny little phone screens. I have a few members who access the site pretty exclusively on tablets, others on desktops, and more on phones. And let me tell you - it's a struggle! As someone who has pretty much exclusively dealt in coding with pixels only, optimizing my website for screens that aren't my screen size is challenging. But at the end of the day, I'm not coding for me. I'm coding for my users. And I want to make sure they have the best, most accessible experience on my forum. So what advice do you have for optimizing that user experience? What problems do you regularly encounter when you view a forum on a different screen size? What do you wish more designers did to improve accessibility? And what do you do to make your forum more accessible?
  2. Hi, Just wondering if anyone has ever come across a good customizable calendar for RPGs. I guess an example would be the "donjon" one but I have no idea how to put that up on my site for my game. I'm only familiar with very basic html and css. I made my own crummy calendar using an html table, but it would be cool to find something that cycles but I would just settle for something I could edit and throw my own # of days and months in as well as editing the names for them. "donjon" is great, I just don't know how to embed it or if it's even possible.
  3. I'm not much of a coder, to be honest, but I know just enough to get me in trouble. 😉 Whenever I use a template - mine or someone else's - I run into a problem in which it's too wide for mobile viewing and my phone won't scroll sideways to accommodate the template. I have one of my templates set to a fixed width intentionally so it looks good on the computer, and I'm sure that another template I'm also using that's not mine is in the same boat. I don't want to make things fluid to fit screens because then it's undesirable when viewing on the computer. What have you guys done to amend this? Also, do you have any coding tips for making sure things fit on both mobile and computers? I used to make jcink and invisionfree skins so long ago when mobile wasn't a thing; I'm a bit rusty.
  4. Okay, so I've had this issue for awhile on some random templates I have chilling around. Essentially everything looks good, but the title text ends up lodged upward into the picture above. (Ie: the "WORDS WORDS" should be centered vertically in the green area.) I've tried using padding to center it, using vertical alignments, display blocking it, changing font size, changing the green background size. Really I've just been throwing random things in trying to make the text centered vertically in the green background. Here's a screenshot: Here's the code: <style type="text/css"> .s1pictr {max-width: 450px; height: 250px; opacity:0; background-color: #d0e9db; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.5s; -moz-transition-duration: 0.5s; transition-duration: 0.5s;} .s1pictr:hover {opacity:8} .s1info {max-width: 410px; height: 230px; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; line-height: 120%; text-align: justify; margin: 10px; overflow: auto;} .s1chrt1 {max-width: 450px; height: 40px; background-color: #0c2d1a; font-family: georgia, serif; font-size: 35px; color: #ffffff; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow 2px 1px 1px #000000;} </style> <center><div style="background-image: url(http://i39.tinypic.com/2uylpu1.png); width:450px; height:250px"> <div class="s1pictr"> <div class="s1info"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin scelerisque, turpis non vestibulum sollicitudin, tortor lacus facilisis urna, vitae ultrices tellus dui non turpis. Nulla diam justo, cursus a rutrum quis, eleifend quis dui. Cras placerat velit sit amet enim rutrum fermentum et lacinia diam. Nam semper varius dolor, eu ultricies nulla tristique sit amet. Phasellus ut scelerisque enim, congue sodales magna. Sed vel ipsum dignissim, dignissim mauris vel, faucibus tellus. Sed ullamcorper orci et ipsum malesuada aliquet. Nam laoreet nisl sed fermentum ultrices. In convallis eu velit vitae convallis. Cras commodo quam adipiscing magna facilisis, ac tempus lectus pharetra. Phasellus fringilla libero non justo pretium euismod. Vivamus porttitor quam et ipsum facilisis, quis blandit odio viverra. Morbi sollicitudin nisl sed lorem volutpat, sed sollicitudin purus cursus. Aenean at auctor libero, vitae mattis elit.<br><br> Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam vel imperdiet libero, ut accumsan tortor. Nam ac faucibus purus. Maecenas non dictum neque. In vitae suscipit erat. Proin in erat at tortor vestibulum placerat. Ut elementum imperdiet est, sed rhoncus augue viverra fringilla. Etiam dictum quis turpis a suscipit. Etiam tristique lacinia turpis id fermentum. Suspendisse non leo vitae ligula laoreet condimentum. Quisque nec ipsum tortor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc quis elementum lectus, sed imperdiet ligula. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur pulvinar nec elit in cursus. Fusce facilisis mattis tincidunt. Curabitur rhoncus ante id rutrum suscipit. </div></div></div> <div class="s1chrt1">Words Words</div></center>
  5. Where did you learn to code? Almost 13 years ago, I started coding on Neopets. Anyone else remember that place, and the pet pages you usually did character applications on? Yup! Welp! That's how I learned to code.
  6. I'm not going to lie, I bork up my coding all the time. It happens typically when I'm coding late at night, which is basically always. I get really frustrated and start talking to my code: "Why the heck you actin' like that? Huh? Who authorized you to do that? It certainly wasn't me! Where do you think you're going? Get back here!" And then after we fight for a while I realize that nothing is showing up how it is supposed to because I made the thing an id but wrote it in the HTML as a class. Amazing. So! What are some times when you've borked up your code?
  7. Alright, so only recently did I start using the alert setup Jcink started offering. Now, it's great in theory, but as the skin was made pre-alerts it doesn't really do it justice, appearance wise, and now we have a transparent alert box when you click the ALERT button. It's a minor thing, but it's driving me up the wall. Where can I adjust the look of the alert box? Or what do I have to add to my .css to adjust it? I need some sort of background to it so it's actually easy to see when you do click it. I checked the css and board headers, but I didn't spot anything that was obviously linked to it. I'm not good with coding unless it's dirt simple or someone makes me a diagram, so I'm a little baffled. It looks like this right now:
  8. What do you do when you've got coding block? It doesn't happen to me often, but when it hits it hits hard. It helped me to try and code for a software that I'm unfamiliar with, since it really got the gears turning in my head and forced me to start thinking. How about you guys?
  9. Hopefully this is the right place to ask this. I wasn't sure! Anyway, I've been poking around Discord API because I want to create bots to pool all wanted ads from different sites for easier access for myself and my staff. The problem is that my coding experience is with the visual aspect of coding. I'm great with HTML and CSS, but I'm a little lost in the woods like red riding hood here when it comes to trying to do this. But, I know it can be done, I've seen it on RPG-I's Discord. Can somebody help me to grandma's house and away from the big bad wolf?!
  10. Hello! So umm, I have been looking all over and no one can help me with this, but maybe you can. I am looking around to see if anyone knows what software Roleplayers Guild uses. I will attach some screenshots to this as well. It is KILLING me! I must know! Or if it is custom, you can tell me that too. If you need any more questions or info, please let me know.
  11. What it says on the tin! What do you think should be the most important factor? For me, it is always going to be the usability of the skin- that it is intuitive. You don't have to guess where hovers might be lurking or click on a bunch of things to open up the navigation. Everything important is out in the open and not hidden away. I will always, always, always value the functionality of a skin over how pretty it looks.
  12. I am trying to make a html table for my board - it's mainly something I designed to give spotlight to new characters, link to rps, say which canon characters that the board is needing, etc. I thought it would be a good way to draw attention to what's new on the board and to help new comers find people to write with, etc. I've got most of the coding sorted out, but when I place the coding on to the site, the gaps I had between the table cells vanish and they run together. I was hoping someone could help me with the code so that the gaps appear (there should be 10px gap between the cells.) The colours I'm using was just to make the cells visible and will be changed to match the board once I've figured this problem out. The code I'm using is: <table border="1" cellspacing="10" width="955"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Character Spotlight</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Wanted Characters</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Active Storylines</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Links</td> </tr> <tr> <td><table border="1" cellspacing="20"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"><a href="http://legends-of-arda.boards.net/thread/11/kili-icewolf"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/ho3uah2.png" border="0" alt="Kili"></a></td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"><a href="http://legends-of-arda.boards.net/thread/29/lyndheids-profile-icewolf-progress"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/7iBsWpR.jpg" border="0" alt="Lyndheid"></a></td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"><a href="http://legends-of-arda.boards.net/thread/27/lofnheid-icewolf"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/ZfGHT7a.jpg" border="0" alt="Lofnheid"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"><a href="http://legends-of-arda.boards.net/thread/28/loni-icewolf"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Cch1RTA.png" border="0" alt="Loni"></a></td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"><a href="http://legends-of-arda.boards.net/thread/43/iolien-oaktwig"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/fJaX1mF.jpg" border="0" alt="Iolien Oaktwig "></a></td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Empty</td> </tr> </table></td> <td><table border="1" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Thorin Oakenshield</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Fili</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Dwalin</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Balin</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Radagast</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Beorn</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Bilbo Baggins</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Frodo Baggins</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Lord Elrond</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Thranduil</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Samwise Gamgee</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Gandalf</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Aragorn</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00"> Eowyn</td> </tr> </table></td> <td><table border="1" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">After the Battle of the Five Armies </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Where the Wind Blows </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">r </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">r </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">r </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">r </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">r </td> </tr> </table></td> <td><table border="1" cellspacing="10"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Welcome</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Site Credits </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Staff Required</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Help!</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Character Sheets</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Adoptable Characters</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Fan Fiction</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Link To</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Site Directory</td> <td bgcolor="#00FF00">Affiliates</td> </tr> </table> TUMBLR LIVEJOURNAL </td> </tr> </table>
  13. What can you improve in your coding, and how do you plan on doing it? I'm not going to lie! I feel my coding is pretty unorganized, in the backend. I don't tend to label what things are especially if I know that no one else will be making any edits to the skin. But there are times when I need to make edits and I can't find where the frick to do that because I don't remember and everything's a mess and on fire. In the past I've made attempts to be better at this! I label my coding as I go, but it's not something I've ever stuck with. It's just a habit I'll have to try and fall back into. We'll see how it goes.
  14. While I know that you can always replace images etc on a skin, when looking for a new skin do you have a preference on whether the skin has pre-made graphics in it or if they have place holders to tell you where the graphics go?
  15. So I am going to try and get some good tutorials for graphics and coding up. Specifically I'm looking to find out if there are any tutorials (things that you've seen me do and want to know how to do). Not everything I can show as some things on this site and DF are IPS framework but I'm happy to make a tutorial on anything. A few of the ones I intend to do: How to resize a gif in photoshop How to add text to a gif in photoshop Easy graphics effects in photoshop Now some of these will come with video tutorials because images just aren't enough sometimes but I'm happy to add things in and help you all out in making anything from templates to graphics that I can help you with. Thanks!
  16. Anyone have any experience with Project Wonderful? I set up an account to advertise my RP, but I was thinking of putting a couple of the small ads on my public facing pages of my game to help pay for the ads I place with them. I know some people have a knee jerk reaction to just hate all advertising, but I don't mind small static ads myself. And with the way Nova (my RP's cms) is set up, I'll be able to not put the ads on the pages my players frequently see. And if you don't have experience with PW itself, any experience with ads in general would be helpful.
  17. soggymuse

    BBCode 101

    What is BBCode? Well, without getting all technical (because honestly I don't understand that part of it), BBCode is a dumbed down version of HTML that lets admins let their members fancy up their posts without also letting them get up to no good and install bad scripts. In other words, BBCode gives you a few wonderful options without giving you the entire list of HTML codes to work from. Nifty, right? Clear as mud, right? Thankfully, you don't really need to know what BBCode is to use it. Otherwise, you'd need a whole other guide from someone far more knowledgeable than me. How do you use BBCode? DF and other sites with upgraded software have a rich text editor that means you don't need to worry about all that ugly code because you can just click a button and et voilé, your text is pretty. Older sites (like the ever-popular JCINK) don't have that option so you have to use the tags. You've probably seen a bunch of <HTML> tags knocking around in your travels, and might even have used them yourself if you've installed skins or whatnot (and if you're a coder yourself, I have to wonder what you're doing here, unless you're here to judge my tutorial skills, in which case leave me alooooooone you big meanie). BBCode is a lot like HTML in the way that it isn't really like HTML at all. To use BBCode, you surround the content you want to style (eg. "does my butt look big in this") with BBCode tags. With the exception of link tags (because they're speshul snowflakes), every BBCode needs an OPEN and a CLOSE, and the tags are enclosed in square brackets [ ]. Like this: [open] [/close] (And no, there are no cookies for the Harry Potter reference because I ate them all.) The brackets [ ] tell your browser "yo dude, it's clobbering coding time" so it can read the next bit as instruction rather than content. The forward slash / in the last tag tells your browser "oh hey, I'm done with the coding stuff, you can go back to your regularly scheduled awesome". The full BBCode should then look something like this: [b]This text will be bold.[/b] What can BBCode do? BBCode (and any code, really) is basically just an instruction so your browser knows what you want it to do. BBCode keeps these instructions very bare-bones (unless you add a ton of customs) and (usually) only affects the text, but there's still a nifty list of things you can do. You'll notice that for the most commonly used, the tag inside the square bracket is made up of the initial of the style effect: [b]Bold[/b] [i]Italic[/i] [u]Underline[/u] [s]Strike-through[/s] You can also do the following: Make a link (see Links below) Insert an image (see Images below) Align your text left, center, right (see Alignment below) Change the font type (see Fonts below) Change the font size (see Fonts below) Change the font colour (see Fonts below) AND you can combine them for super mega spectacular spiffy overkill awesome!!!! (see Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome at the bottom) Links The tag for links is . You can use that as it is to actually show the full link : [b][i] [url]http://distant-fantasies-net[/url][/i][/b] which will give you an active link like this: http://distant-fantasies-net, or you can use the option within the tag to pretty your links up instead: [b][i] [url=http://distant-fantasies-net]Distant Fantasies[/url] [/i][/b] which will give you a neater Distant Fantasies. Images You can add images the same way you use the first tag: [b][i] [img=http://images.distant-fantasies.net/public/style_emoticons/default/asmile15.png] [/i][/b] That particular link will give you a kiss! But you can use anything, really, so long as it's an image file and it's hosted somewhere on the internet. Alignment Do you want a title for your post? Are you writing a traditional format letter? Well, with alignment, you can! NOTE: There are two schools of "thought" among the makers of forum software. On the one hand, you have places like IPB (on which DF is built) and Proboards, which use the simple style. On the other hand, you've got places like JCINK and... JCINK... who use the more complicated style. (I'm sure other forum softwares do too, I just can't think of any.) Simple Style alignment tags are: [b][i] [center] Text goes here [/center] [left] Text [/left] [right] Text [/right][/i][/b] That's all! It's just like using the bold, italic and underline tags. Complicated Style isn't really that complicated, it just means more typing: [b][i] [align=center] Text goes here [/align] [align=left] Text [/align] [align=right] Text [/align][/i][/b] Whichever you (have to) use, you can do nifty things like this: Fonts You can also change your font type, colour, and size if you don't like the site's default (especially useful if the site's default is 8px Comic Sans). [b][i] [font=Verdana] Teeeeeext [/font] [color=purple] Purple text is purple [/color] [size=12] HUUUUUUUGE [/size] [/i][/b] NOTE: The style of size depends on the forum software again. Some have x-small or xx-small or xx-large, etc, while some start at 0 and work up to 7, or even go into double digits. I've used 12 in this case, but you'll need to check with your chosen forum for actual "numbers". To change the font colour, you can use either colour names (like purple or goldenrod, for which you can find a list here on Wikipedia, along with HTML and CSS and various other comparisons) or you can use hex or RGBA codes instead (though I don't recommend using codes if you're going to change the font colour on a regular basis because "#DC143C" is much harder to remember than "crimson"). Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome You can combine BBCode tags the same way you can combine HTML and...other things that can be combined! [center][b][u][size=24][font=courier new]Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome!!![/font][/size][/b][/center] which would give you: Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome Pretty great for a title, huh? Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of new knowledge and a toolbox of nifty tricks! Don't abuse it. (Seriously. Rainbows are funny in out-of-character posts but not in IC ones.) Go forth and make me proud! :D
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