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Error with Unread Posts


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A little too "simple", huh? xD


It's still not showing NPCs in the dropdown, though. 
Here's the thing in Post.template, I think... 


		// Create the optgroup loop.
		if(!empty($non_player) && (allowedTo('cmod_post_npc_own') || allowedTo('cmod_post_npc_any')))
			$select_box_string .= '
			<optgroup label="'.$txt['acm_label_npcs'].'">';
			foreach($non_player as $character)
				$select_box_string .= '
					<option value="'.$character['id'].'"'.(!empty($context['current_poster']) && $context['current_poster'] == $character['id'] ? ' selected' : '').'>';
						if($modSettings['acmOrderCharsBy'] == 1 && !empty($character['name']['last']))
							$select_box_string .= $character['name']['last'].' '.$character['name']['first'];
						elseif($modSettings['acmOrderCharsBy'] == 2 && !empty($character['name']['last']))
							$select_box_string .= $character['name']['last'].', '.$character['name']['first'];
						$select_box_string .= $character['name']['first']. (!empty($character['name']['last']) ? ' '.$character['name']['last'] : '');
				$select_box_string .= '
			$select_box_string .= '


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Check in Post.php, see if you can find // Can we pull NPCs? in it.

nusignature.png nusignature.png

I am the darkness, always watching, always listening, ALWAYS THERE.
(If you're interested in Plain of Ice, message me, it's private. Bleach site, non-canon.)

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	// Can we pull NPCs?
	$non_player = array();
		// This pulls all NPCs on the site.
		$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('','
				id_character, name_first, name_last
			FROM {db_prefix}acm_characters
			WHERE is_npc = 1',
		$non_player = array();
		while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
			$non_player[] = array(
				'id' => $row['id_character'],
				'name' => array(
					'first' => $row['name_first'],
					'last' => $row['name_last'],
		// Admin said only your own NPCs.
		$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('','
				id_character, name_first, name_last
			FROM {db_prefix}acm_characters
			WHERE is_npc = 1
				AND id_member = {int:id_member}',
				'id_member' => $context['user']['id'],
		$non_player = array();
		while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
			$non_player[] = array(
				'id' => $row['id_character'],
				'name' => array(
					'first' => $row['name_first'],
					'last' => $row['name_last'],


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Welp, code's correct... actually,

every instance in both Post.php and Post.template.php where it uses $non_player, change it to $context['npcs'].

nusignature.png nusignature.png

I am the darkness, always watching, always listening, ALWAYS THERE.
(If you're interested in Plain of Ice, message me, it's private. Bleach site, non-canon.)

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Yes, only replace $non_player itself, leave anything after it alone.

nusignature.png nusignature.png

I am the darkness, always watching, always listening, ALWAYS THERE.
(If you're interested in Plain of Ice, message me, it's private. Bleach site, non-canon.)

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Can this be changed so that it shows the character avatar in the messageindex if they post IC?

if(!empty($topic['first_post']['member']['id']) && $topic['first_post']['member']['id']!=0) {
					// Get The Avatar the easy Way
					$last_poster = $topic['first_post']['member']['id'];
					<td class="icon2 ', $color_class, ' avatared">
						', !empty($memberContext[$last_poster]['avatar']['image']) ? $memberContext[$last_poster]['avatar']['image'] : $settings['sr_default_avatar'], '
				} else {
					<td class="icon2 ', $color_class, ' avatared">
						', $settings['sr_default_avatar'], '

Edit: I should probably mention that it's not curve. It's SunRise. And I know compatibility isn't guaranteed, so I totally understand if you can't help with this.

Also, I'm trying to figure out how to make the correct names show in the SimplePortal sidebar Recent Topics... I don't know if it pulls the information from somewhere else on the board or if it has it's own little algorithm or whatever. I also understand if that's out of scope, since it's someone else's mod.

Edited by Snickerdoodle
added more info/inquiries
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SP's recent posts blocks use SSI and basically it's a pain in the ass and I'm not touching it. I have done it before so it is doable.


Anywhere a character name is pulled, it also pulls avatar under ['whateverthefuckthekeyis']['image'], should have name, href, and image. So if you just want the image to show up, ',$whatevervariable['whateverkey']['image']['image'],' should do it. And I mean everywhere, I made it do that in topics and board index and everything. I think it even does it on the member list and in user profiles.

nusignature.png nusignature.png

I am the darkness, always watching, always listening, ALWAYS THERE.
(If you're interested in Plain of Ice, message me, it's private. Bleach site, non-canon.)

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Okies.. I'll try that later on.... right now I'm dealing with the disappearance of the log in bit at the top of the page.... I haven't even changed anything since getting everything fixed, except adding a favicon *cries*


OMG.... it was the 'show quick login on every page' being unchecked.... It's been unchecked for days, now.... and they just now noticed there was no quick login. >.<

Anyway... yeah... I'm gonna give the avatar thing a shot tomorrow. xD

Edited by Snickerdoodle
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  • 10 months later...

Realized a few minutes ago that I was running into this exact same issue. Followed the instructions to add the extra LEFT JOINs and now things are working perfectly again. Thanks!

Ask me about Werepenguin!

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