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Pet Vent


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This isn't a place to be all GRR ANGER about your pets but rather a place to let out some pent up emotions involving them. Mostly writing this because I need it right now. 


I have a pair of lovely male guinea pigs, Boo and Lemmy. Boo had his problems when I adopted him because I took him from a home where he had a mite infestation that the previous owner wasn't going to treat. So I took him and a vet visit later, he was fine. Now he's nice and fuzzy (he had pink bald patches all over from the infestation) and he's also kinda fat. Recently put him on a diet because he was a little bit overweight. That's going well!


My vent is regarding Lemmy. I've had Lemmy since he was a teeny baby, not even a month old. He turned 3 years old this August (same birth month as me!) and so he's still fairly young. But as of May 2019, he's been struggling with an abscess and resulting staph infection since then. MONTHS. I am still dealing with it TODAY. Lemmy has been a trooper through three surgeries, different antibiotics, AB-caused diarrhea, and even a stress related seizure. But this infection of his just WON'T GO AWAY. I have cried over it because I'm not really cut out to be draining abscesses nightly. He cries every time and he makes the most awful sounds that follow me into my nightmares. Just to clean and flush out a wound that we're not allowed to let heal. 


My husband and I have had our doubts as to the vet's motivations. I want to believe in the vet but my husband is convinced that he's just milking us for all we have. When I see the vet, he seems as tired of this infection as we are. He's even offered to flush him daily himself but we live 45 minutes away and it's not feasible for us to get out there daily, especially when we don't have a car and no bus out to town... Also, guinea pigs don't travel well, so it's best to have him in a car, where we can control the temperature and make sure it's ideal for a guinea pig. 


Anyway, that is my vent. I am doing everything I can for this little guy but it's hard! 


I don't have pics on my laptop to share, they're all on my phone but you can see him on my Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/razsiba/

He's the black and white one. Send him all the well wishes! He can use the good luck!


Reality is an illusion. 


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