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Week One In Closing


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We're fast approaching the end of week one, so let's touch base a little. How's everyone feeling? Are your stories working out for you? Are you finding any challenges that are unexpected? Are the kids not alright? HaVe YoU beEn eaTiNG aND SLEepiNG!?


My muses threw a sudden curve-ball out of nowhere and I'm writing a book that I didn't intend to write, and had no idea I was going to write until literally October 31 at something like 11pm. xD It was... somewhat unfortunate, but the end results are turning out to be decent enough (excruciatingly wordy though, but I suppose this is what I get when the wordiest character I've ever written ends up a book MC; very likely this will end up with so much cut out of it by the end). So far, I haven't hit any speed bumps. The only real challenge so far has been getting over the flu I randomly developed long enough to want to write. xD I did catch the flu, though, so my physical shell made me take care of it (it demanded vegetable soup and OJ).

nusignature.png nusignature.png

I am the darkness, always watching, always listening, ALWAYS THERE.
(If you're interested in Plain of Ice, message me, it's private. Bleach site, non-canon.)

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I'm feeling okay! One plotpoint in my story was supposed to be Much Shorter than it's turning out to be but it ended up being... kind of interesting? Watching the interplay between MC1 and the father that she ... only just learned about the existence of. She spent the first 16 years of her life quite literally living a lie, thanks to her mom just omitting huge swaths of information. Antagonist 1, the father, kidnapped her (and her mother, previously in the story) because he wants to be a family again. You know, along with his cleanse the world of impurities thing (demons, which makes sense, but also downworlders... which is anything with demon blood but human sentience and choice. Faeries, Werewolves, Warlocks, Vampires, etc).


I ended up writing a story that wasn't in the initial plans, but I'm enjoying it so there's that. No major speed bumps except occasionally just running out of steam for the day which isn't, like, uncommon but also I'm ahead of the curve so it's not a big deal? Mostly.


I am taking care of myself! Sleep and food and stuff are happening and not just junk food so there's that.


Some must be warriors that others may live in peace.

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