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Doing doomed genres: Dragon Age


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If you're a roleplayer that has any sort of fandom interests you've likely noticed that certain genres seem particularly doomed to early-death-syndrome. There are usually several reasons that they don't get off the ground, but sometimes pinpointing- and more importantly combating- those little things can be tedious or challenging. I am mildly debating the creation of a Dragon Age roleplay since it's one of my favorite fandoms. The catch is that finding a 'just right' site is super hard since the selection is narrow, the sites die off fast, and I'm too spoiled to settle for less than a game that's going to make me absolutely happy. So talk to me about your Doomed Genre games that worked out. What did you do differently to keep the pulse going? Throw your Dragon Age site complaints at me too so that we can brainstorm a better build!

My general game plan for now is to start with a staff NPC'd male Qunari Inquisitor in the Trespasser timeline. Instead of focusing on the game's plot, I want to turn the spotlight on the minor canons and OCs. We could technically do that from the start of the whole game, but I'm not sure what member preference would be. I, personally, like the Trespasser to post-Trespasser timeline since it gives time to set up your 'Inquisition formed bonds' and then move on into a more open world and timeline. It should also deter some of those 'I'm only here if I get to romance my fave canon' types that come and go in the genre. I have a lot of ideas for the plot after Trespasser to keep things interesting and the story flowing. I think I might also set up some optional, simple stats for those that want to run campaign style missions on the side. We'll see.

tldr: why DA sites be dying so fast, how to make love me long time?

Edited by Jones


operation: bowtruckles & bombs


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Hey lovely, I know this long wait for answer, but there have been "Doomed" games last for awhile.  What you need to do is get a person on your side that is good with long term plotting. The Narrative is important, more so than most other sites like Real Life, but you need to balance the big three  Narrative, Character drive, and Character Development.  Now, you want to look for staff that help manage these. No Micromanaging. Have someones experienced in aiding members in story, drive, and development.  Also, a group of members that aid in plotting the best thing in the world. Don't just pop anyone into this place. Look for members that are gun ho on post and plotting.  Not minor plotting but long term plotting. People who play villains well and can balance wins and loses are really the people you are looking for.  Since there is always the fear of admin, these members can help transfer ideas that other members might be afraid to come to you with.


Information, archiving, and more also help your site grow. Do not be afraid of what seems to be stagnant member growth. If you are specializing, expect it.  Information should not only be geared to a knowledgeable member base but also to a audience that never played the game. I see this problem certain Genre sites.  They have plots that are good and exciting but there is no information to introduce the genre to people that may not know it.  


Sources, another thing that people don't think of. I don't if Dragon Age has other source material.  If it does use that to aid in site development.  Some people may played a game, watched an movie, or even read possible books. It creates a sort of comfort around joining.  A lot of sites ignore how important this is. 


I hope some of that helps.  Really, I do the "Round table plotting" It's really helpful, especially when people start feeling that they are heard. So, get members into that.  Member involvement with the site on planning level is huge.


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