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Preptober 2020 #8


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Welcome to Preptober! Periodically during the month of October, I'll be posting discussion topics that challenge you to think about your story and where you're going with it. You also get a small amount of points for your NaNo House for participating, so you can get your house an early lead during Preptober! If you had a House last year, you'll remain in it this year; if you don't have one yet, pop into the House thread and ask for one!


Our next topic for Preptober is: What do you love most about your main character?


I do kind of like how easy he is to write with. I also kind of enjoy the difference between him around people he loves and around people he barely knows. And as much as it makes me roll my eyes into the back of my head, I also sort of love how protective he gets when he cares about someone. He's not always smart about it, actually usually he's not >> but it's a very hallmark trait of his and I think I'd be confused if it wasn't there. xD

nusignature.png nusignature.png

I am the darkness, always watching, always listening, ALWAYS THERE.
(If you're interested in Plain of Ice, message me, it's private. Bleach site, non-canon.)

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I like that a poker face is very much something that he has to learn rather than something he's been born and raised with.

By Wit & Whitby

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18+ | Victorian Era | No App | No Word Count |

PoC & LGBT-friendly | Newbie-friendly
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I love how laser focused the main character of my time travel piece is. He knows what's coming, he absolutely wants to fix it. And he's focused on getting the best outcome - it's not always perfect. But I like how little he strays from that. There's no aimlessness. He's... Driven. And it's weird to some of the characters in the story, because they don't understand that this person who is currently in the body of a 15 year old is actually an adult with a solid 10ish years of profession experience as a hero versus most of his class being students still learning how to be heroes. And even those who know about the time travel don't really... have any way of understanding exactly what that meant or how it effected him.


Some must be warriors that others may live in peace.

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