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The Mad mumblings of a crazy woman.

Entries in this blog

Journey to Creativity P3

Work continues to trudge on and so time is still limited. I did get a little time on Christmas as things aren’t open so gig work is non-existent. That means I got some things done but not a lot. I spent the time relaxing which I feel like I never really get enough of. Lets look at the progress though. I moved a table and got some stuff organized. I’m currently working on getting my paint organized first. I know its not a huge change but the condensing of space as well as the be



Journey to Creativity Pt2

So, its been a few minutes since I posted that I was starting a journey to creativity but I have made no progress. The last few weeks have been rough. I finally had a few hours today to actually get some stuff done. I feel like I have made a significant stride by simply starting. It is, by no means, even nearly complete, but I feel accomplished even with the limited amount of cleaning I got done. Mind you, if you look at the previous post you’ll know that it was a disaster befo



Taking in the space

To start my creative journey I feel I need to sort my creative space. Now, I’m sure I will reflect on this as I go but I went ahead and took pictures of my disastrous space so that I can focus on the little things and get things sorted. I feel like, while I do this I may get distracted so I will need to write down any project ideas I get as I go. These project ideas should help in motivating me to complete my tasks. Let’s start with showing you my space so you understand what I’m working wit



Journey to creativity

Time is often limited in my day to day. I don’t currently have a 9-5 and am working 7 days a week to make sure my household’s ends meet. This leaves me with mere hours in my day to myself, my hobbies, my family. When you have hours, at least for me, I get this sort of paralysis. I’m not sure what to fill my time with. I tend to squander it by floundering on the millions of ideas I have in my head and getting nothing done. I want this to end! I am 40 and I want to actually be product



Trying to consolidate things

So as life would have it, I’m getting older (Turned 40 last month) and things are still as hectic as ever. I’m starting to take count in what things I still enjoy and what things I have started to resent. It is amazing how time can really show you how thankless some things you poured your heart and soul into can be. With these realizations I have decided to focus my efforts on things that I still enjoy and consolidate down to a more succinct internet presence. Its hard to admit it, but I hav



Nervous Breakdown

Alright, so I think I took on too much and I’m starting to feel the effects of it. I’m unfocused, I have a constant ringing headache. I want to finish things but when I start looking at it I start to feel a little panicky, which honestly, isn’t anything like … Continue reading View the full article



Hosting Moved

Hey there everyone! My RPG hosting has been moved to RPG Initiative. It is still free but it gives me a single point of access to manage my hostees as well as auto-sets you guys up so no more waiting for me! Please feel free and head over to the RPG Initiative store and check out the new ways that you can help us and help your RP! http://rpginitiative.com/store View the full article



3 Weeks 2 Days, feeling alone

So, as most people know, I can’t really function without my kids. I love them so much it’s painful being away from them. Trust me when I say I try to put my thoughts and efforts into other things, it’s not as helpful as I wished it was. I miss … Continue reading



No longer limited

I do believe I have worked out most of the kinks of the hosting. At least that I can tell so my limited amount of slots is now unlimited again. I will be updating the terms and things that can get an account suspended. I will recommend that you do not use phpBB as it is a resource hog and it can get your account suspended for slowing down the server. I would recommend things like MyBB or similar. Happy hosting! View the full article



New Theme

Well I’m trying to get myself settled into new things, including a new theme for the site. I’m going to try and post more regularly again. I’m not sure I’ll do daily posts like I tried to do before but I may try to do a post every three days. … Continue reading Source



Looking to be proud of my smile again!

So I enjoy smiling and I hate giving tight lipped smiles so that people can’t see the teeth that have gotten smacked and broken and continue to break over time. I want to get it fixed and it’s really expensive, to the point that dental insurance wouldn’t even cover it. They probably wouldn’t cover any […] Source



Passive Aggressive Manipulation, Sad to lose a friend

So I recently had a falling out with one of my oldest RP friends. I’m very tore up about it, it makes me very sad that this has happened as it was all around a bad situation. It was a lot of shit that piled up to a large culmination of me putting my foot […] Source



Fantasy has no genre

So, as everyone know, I roleplay. I love to roleplay, I love to write collaboratively with other people and I love to simply enjoy people. Well, one thing about roleplayers is that we like specific genres because that’s the flavor of writing we like to enjoy. One thing that perturbs me is that so many […] Source



Word counts and why they don't count

Okay, so I administrate over at Distant Fantasies and as such, on a regular basis get to see new sites or existing sites as I just browse the DF Directory. As such I find sites that strike my fancy and … Continue reading → Source



Hosting limited

Hello everyone, I will be re-opening Morrgasm. hosting on a limited basis due to server load. This means that I will be more strict about my inactivity rules so that people aren’t taking up hosting that aren’t utilizing the service. As such I will email any current applicants and see if they are still looking and then post if I have further spots. Thanks! Current Available hosting slots: 5/10 Morrgasm hosting would love to upgrade to offer further hosting to more RPGs and even possibly inve



Hosting Closed temporarily

So as some have noticed I’ve been having a few issues with keeping the server up. It’s been a trial and I know I can fix it but until I can get what hosting I currently have stable I will not be accepting new hostees, primarily because I don’t want your first site experience to be intermittent downtime of the server. That being said I’m also working on an upgrade to the Character Mod for the current IPB version. Once it’s released I will work on the 4.0 version subsequently with the help of a f



Star Trek Uncle Sam

Remember that post forever ago? With Uncle Sam in a Star Trek Uniform! Well a Star Trek Podcast found in and asked to use it so I thought I’d remind you of it and send you there way: http://priorityonepodcast.com/ They … Continue reading → Source



Secret Santa!

A friend is looking for some people to fill some roles. I can’t pick up the characters myself but I figured the fabulous people on the internet may be able to oblige. This here is for these two! http://i42.tinypic.com/2dqn483.jpg first middle holden. 15. first or second year. clique is open. The tentative face claim is Jimmy Bennett but you could use anyone, really. You don’t necessarily have to run it by me as long as they have light brown or blond hair. Elizabeth isn’t extremely close with




The site is all up and running. If you find anything that looks weird or you can’t read let me know! I will make sure that I get it fixed as soon as possible. I added a Plugboard! If you have a button and a site to go with it feel free to plug your site as often as it falls off the plug board. With this I’m willing to host some plugboards so let me know if you want a Plug board for your site hosted by Morrgasm and I’ll contact you to get it setup! I am considering a links directory or a review



Nearing Completion

Hello everyone! Sorry that I kept being fickle about what I wanted to do with this site! It’s always been meant to be the hub of my many sites and all the things I do but when you have a million sites and a million things that you like to do it’s always a difficult feat to make a site that brings that all together into one neat little place. I think so far it’s coming together nicely. For now I want to wish everyone a hello from Morrgasm! I also would like to remind everyone that Morrgasm curr



Updating sites

So I’m in the process of updating Morrigan’s Madness and Morrgasm. I was thinking that Morrigan’s madness needed something new and improved for a skin (still working on that) and just a makeover all around. Excitingly I added a new … Continue reading → Source



Halloween costumes

So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone that I’m a big fan of Halloween. This year is no different. All out crazy and I’m designing for comiccon too. I am sad that my daughter changed her mind … Continue reading → Source



Halloween costumes

So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone that I’m a big fan of Halloween. This year is no different. All out crazy and I’m designing for comiccon too. I am sad that my daughter changed her mind last minute to Abbey Bomindable from Monster High but that … Continue reading




You know your boyfriend is perfect for you when they understand the priorities in your life. Not only does he understand but he goes out of his way to fix those things for or with you no matter how frustrating … Continue reading → Source



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