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Loose Ends

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About this blog

Just a blog for my wonderings, or things I need to get off my chest.

Entries in this blog

On Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

The night before last I had a dream.   I had a dream that it was my birthday.   And on my birthday, I was going to go to a restaurant to celebrate with my family. I was going to drive there alone.   And while driving there, I realized there was a festival in town. A festival where some of my friends would be, and where some of my favorite performers would be. I decided to swing by just to say hi, but didn't call my family to let them know I might be a little bit lat



Satan is a Black Jello Blob

More strange dreams!   So I have this thing where I can dream in one setting and then not dream again in it for years and years, but when I do, I instantly remember everything that happened before. I'm not sure if it's been a long time since I dreamt in the setting I was in last night, but either way- that same sort of thing happened. I can't control my dreams, so going back to a setting isn't anything I have any power over and it's not a choice I make.   Anyway, in this sett



Burned at the edges

I'm feeling a little like burnout's creeping up on me, but I'm not sure it's entirely that since I haven't exactly been doing a whole lot of work or anything lately. I think I'm mostly putting nonsensical and invisible pressure on myself, because I have such high expectations for myself and always expect myself to be working towards them. I don't really know how to relax, and "relaxing" makes me feel kind of panicky because oh my god I'm not getting anything done.   I also have the las



Another Nightmare

You guys might not think that the dream where someone peed on my bed was a nightmare, but it totally was okay. Anyway, since so many people seemed to enjoy my ridiculous dream, I thought I would share another one. It wasn't one that happened recently, but it still sticks out in my mind as being very memorable.   A player from one of my forums invented a new kind of pet lizard. And hey, I like lizards, so I wanted to have one. But because I am me, before I could purchase one, I had to d




Whenever I don't get to share a bed with my SO, for whatever reason, I tend to have pretty strange and wacky dreams. For the last two nights this has been the case.   I rage quit on my dream last night because in my dream, we had a guest over. There's no other way to say it- our guest was morbidly obese, but was still capable of walking herself around. She announces to everyone: "I've got to pee." So she gets up. Walks into my room. Lies down on my bed... AND PEES ON IT.   RI



Good friends

I have such good friends. They send me pictures of their cats.



Tentatively Optimistic

The stuff in my grandma's lungs is benign, according to the results of her PET scan. My mother says her doctor is a jerkface but my grandma was a nurse and is also a jerkface, so I imagine if she felt like he wasn't giving her the appropriate amount of care and consideration that she'd sock him in the jaw.




I'm starting to feel better ever since I told my mother that I resent her LOL. I don't necessarily feel good about telling her that I resent her, but it was a lot of formless negative energy associated with her that I think I was able to let go of when I told her. I know that she did her best and my feelings for her were very juvenile. But that's the thing about emotions, did you know? They don't mature with the rest of you. If someone hurt you when you were six and you've never forgiven them, y



I love you!

I tell people I love them (as a friend) a lot and that I care about them because I think it's important to. It weirds some folks out, and that's okay. It can't hurt to tell someone that you care about them. But it can hurt for a person to go around thinking that no one cares at all.   For some people, hearing that they're cared for might be the only nice thing they hear all day.



On Moral Relativism

Moral (or ethical) relativism is a branch of philosophy with a few different schools of thought, but in the end it more or less boils down to different cultures having ideas of what is right and wrong and that no point of view is wholly correct because no point of view encompasses all truths. This is how I view life. I believe that every group has ideas on what is right and wrong, and that, generally speaking, most groups do what they believe is right. However, to others, that might seem like th



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