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People are seeking only things to complain about



And so do I now. I arrived to the conclusion that some people want always what they can't have right now, and lose interest when they can have it, just to have always something to complain about.

It has happened every time when I did my sort of activity check - it happens about 2 times a year on my site, and it includes ideas for further inclusion in the story in the next story months - "what would inspire you the most in order to write more consistently? What story is growing inside you and you want to tell it?" I do keep in mind the proposals, I combine them in consolidated adventures and I tell them when they will be implemented. But usually the ones who post ideas in the "activity check" council threads are the ones who ultimately don't write in the threads to implement the ideas when they happen.

I honestly don't understand their attitude - if they want things to happen, why aren't they writing and making things happen? It is always easier to complain than to act constructively. Why do they say they want battles, then don't write in them when the time comes for the battles? Why do they always find an excuse and not post in the said battles?

I myself have flat out no time to devote to a thread where nothing will happen to any of my characters (or any of my partner's characters) like this thread. - was the newest excuse I heard.

Well, but it is the battle you (and others) had stated you wanted to happen... and there are things which might happen to your characters or to any writing partner’s characters if you make it happen. This is valid for each of you – be active, make things happen and they will! The problem is that everybody said they wanted a battle, they wanted to write their characters doing heroical things… but now once this battle happens, they decide not to write, thinking that nothing will happen. Sorry, it is up to you all to make things really happen, and there are plenty of opportunities for this. There are Navy guys aboard the privateer ship, in an exchange of forces; there are new guys and old guys, there is a battle to write and enemies to fight and be heroical. It all takes you all to want it to happen, and it will happen.


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