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Guilty of fangirling, still I hate it



I am annoyed with fangirling over playbys, especially when it happens in the c-box (or in the messengers where I want to discuss plot twists, not how cute/ hot/ etc is one or another actor). I thought I wasn't doing it... But it seems I am wrong, and maybe I am annoyed because I have different tastes.


Still, I prefer fangirling over plots, characters and writing techniques, not over playbys. Over the action per se, the story twists and the character motivations, because these should be of paramount importance in a writing community. We are gathered together to write jointly a story, aren't we?


I wouldn't say that a character/ playby is "hot", I would never say a variant to "my ovaries are melting" or "I'd want him in my bed", how I have heard from others. And no, I am not even thinking this. I don;t understand this kind of fangirling, and some of those comments made me uncomfortable.


I am not reblogging endlessly only certain characters (and I think the writing advice reblogs and the ships/ Age of Sail inspiration and history tips, clothing and weapons are more than the characters on my tumblr). Yes, sometimes I have the same characters from time to time, but this not necessarily because I like them more. Either because I saw more photos of them on my dashboard, to reblog, or because the characters have done something (taken a prize in a contest, got spotlight of the month, etc.)


Nevertheless, I have been caught guilty of fangirling too. (Yes, this is a scene from the Christmas tree of this year). Even if I don't think I meet the definition in the picture. I am not obsessed, and dying for the actors/ actresses/ singers I admire.


I can't deny that I have Alain Delon's photo under the glass on the coffee table for 8 years or so, since I took it from my mother's (where I had it under the glass of my desk for 20+ years). It doesn't mean I am looking at it all day long. I had even forgotten it was there. But yes, I like Alain Delon since I was 8 and I saw him first in "Black Tulip", then in "Zorro". I had at home (at my mother's) several photos with him (and with many other actors and actresses. In my teens, I used to collect not only stamps and foreign coins, but also postcards with landscapes, postcards with actors, with ships and with roses).


I can't deny that I have Pinterest and that, for some of my characters, I have photos and videos of the playby beyond the character. But I am not sure it is the same kind of fangirling that I despise at others. I don't think I am a hypocrite.


Yes, I think that the playbys I chose for my characters represent them well. Some are more beautiful than others, but all are representative (in the chosen photos; because the same actor/ singer/ etc. can be not suitable for the character in other movies/ photos). And some are not beautiful, and chosen on purpose so. Because in life not all people around are beautiful.


I do like Alain Delon, but I chose him for my character Andrea Costa because, in the movie "Rocco e sue fratelli" he had the angelic look I was searching for. You wouldn't hear me though saying "how beautiful he is!". I might say I consider him beautiful if asked, but otherwise I wouldn't say it. And I wouldn't have wanted him as boyfriend or anything... He is just a pretty actor who matches my idea for a character.


I do think Sarita Montiel was one of the sexiest women in "Carmen, la de Ronda" and in "Veracruz", and she matched my idea for Maribel Vargas the innkeeper. I have on Pinterest also lots of videos with her songs, because I like her songs a lot. But only rarely a link with a song would appear in the C-box or on my tumblr, without any other comment. (Well, on tumblr with the link to the character bio, how it is for all characters spotlighted). I like her songs more than her acting.


Nikos Xilouris is not beautiful, but he has a good voice and he was appropriate for the character to envisage, Leftheris Vounos. I like his songs since I had got a tape 20 years ago and I didn't know how he looked like. I knew only that it was a good voice and that he was already dead. And when deciding to make a Greek character, I said he had to be from Crete and have his face. I have on Pinterest photos with his children and his brothers too... but it simply gets to the fact that, learning more about him, I admire him more for what he was and for what he brought to the Greek musical world and to the Greek history than for how he looked. And his brothers and their children and grandchildren are still in the musical world, and now with the Facebook I am following them for their music. It's like... Strauss family on several generations.


Does it make sense what am I saying? Am I a hypocrite to despise fangirling and still be into it?

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I think there is a difference between liking a character and 'fangirling' over one if that makes sense. You simply approach it differently and keep it mostly to yourself. Where for others they might choose a pb because they think its hot, while you choose one because they fit well not because you might want to sleep with them. So I do not think you are a hypocrite as you do deal with it differently and there is nothing wrong with being a fan of someone, just don't shove it into someone's face. 

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