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Once I believed that there is one truth in everything, and all the other perceptions are wrong. This was how I was educated, and how my mother still believes. (But she also believes she is right in everything, when she isn't, and often what she knew isn't applicable at the current society).


As I grew up and gained experience, I understood that there is no absolute truth, everything being various shades of gray. Whiter or blacker, but still gray. And that, unfortunately, everyone has his own truth, his own perception we can't fight. We can give arguments towards our version of the truth. We know sometimes we did this, we wanted (or sometimes even harvested) these results... but to some people they are seen completely different. Some of our efforts and deeds are missing, some results are seen totally different, and the arguments don't hold because... simply their perception is radically different, and they are conviced it is the correct one.


The problem is that feelings and perceptions are something personal, and they don't take into account the others' realities, the others' different perceptions. So people who would have cooperated, can't, remaining each one in his own world. Ultimately, the two people with irreconciliable opinions would part ways, each one holding to his own piece of reality, to his own perception, both feeling wronged or disappointed by the other. And unfortunately it is nothing to be done with it, even if I wish it was. 


Others succeed to make the effort to see the other perspective too. To agree with it or not, but to extend a hand, together with an acceptaince that the other point of view can be sincere and valid too, even if it doesn't invalidate his own feeling. 


Do you believe there can be different realities, different perceptions for the same facts or results?

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