Fantasy Genre Confusion
After going through and updating suggested fandoms and genres there still seems to be confusion on why there is no "Fantasy" genre within the Directory and other locations on the site and I feel that we need to clear up this confusion as it appears to give pause to many people that are trying to select their "genre" and we want to try to mitigate this confusion as best as we can.
I'm sure all of you remember my post from over a year ago here:
The TL;DR version is that Fantasy has no genre. All things writing and roleplaying "unless they are real life accounts" are in essence "Fantasy". Not real life. As such it is our firm belief and desire to keep true to the word instead of the "assumption" that fantasy is automatically this "magic" genre. We imply that all genres are "Fantasy" so whether it's the Spy Genre, the Sci-Fi Genre, the Historical Genre or any of the others it is implied that they are all fantasies. EG Spy Fantasy Sci-Fi Fantasy, Historical Fantasy etc.
You are free to post questions or concerns here but this is something that we firmly believe in and will not change.
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