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This Weeks New Stuff!



Hey everyone! Just a few updates!


We would like to welcome @txernest onto the staff as our new Graphics moderator! We are still looking for more staff! Many jobs to fill! Check them out! The featured (most wanted job this week) is the Featured Content Manager!



Also, one more week before the end of the Calendar challenge! Don't forget to get your entries in to be featured in the Initiative spotlight as well as the calendar forever!!


Other challenges to get your entries in for are the Color Change Graphics Challenge and the Trapped Writing Challenge!


We also want you to remember that there is voting up for the Tech Graphics Challenge!


Finally we have gone HTTPS! Which means we are secure. You may still notice some directory links and forum pages show as "insecure" or having "mixed content". This is normal with forums unfortunately as content embedded from sites that aren't HTTPS will cause this (including images from places like photobucket and tinypic). You are free to upload your images to your post and signature or the gallery and use them if you would like to make the site more secure. In fact we recommend it! You can even use them offsite in other signatures!

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