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The Beginning



So, why am I here?


I've been roleplaying since before the internet was a thing.  And my chat based roleplaying started back in the chatrooms of WBS.  I ran chatrooms for years and years, until the environment there got so toxic I withdrew into private play with a couple of friends.  See, I'm a person who likes to play things nice, to avoid drama and just have a good game where the drama is IC only and back in the chat days that was not a viable strategy.  I mean, in an environment like that, mostly nothing was a good strategy.  There's a reason that scene has mostly died away, right?  I do miss it.  I met a lot of great people and still am in touch with many of them.  But when you're in a room full of some people who want to be disruptive and some people who want to have a good time, generally, the disruptive ones are going to win out.


But, this isn't a blog for complaining about how the world done me wrong, or long for the good-old days.  This is for talking about my journey since returning to a more public-facing side of roleplaying, spilling a little tea about the drama along the way and hopefully having a few laughs!  I hope that someone is listening because, guys, I can't afford therapy.

Edited by divabeq


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