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Taking in the space



To start my creative journey I feel I need to sort my creative space. Now, I’m sure I will reflect on this as I go but I went ahead and took pictures of my disastrous space so that I can focus on the little things and get things sorted. I feel like, while I do this I may get distracted so I will need to write down any project ideas I get as I go.

These project ideas should help in motivating me to complete my tasks. Let’s start with showing you my space so you understand what I’m working with.

Part of this space is currently a sort of shared project space which may need to be changed so that I can sort my area better.

I know, for sure, that part of this will be pulling these areas closer to myself, coming up with backings to these shelves if I want them away from the wall and maybe more of them. I feel like if I have the extra up then maybe I can display things better as my desk is very crowded at the moment.

So some things that I will work on:

  • One section at a time.
  • Figuring out the best sorting and labeling system.
  • Moving the areas to better suit my needs.
  • Creating backings for my shelving areas so I can move them away from the wall.
  • 3D printable items for sorting items like paint.
  • Ways to make things accessible.
  • Focus on getting things sorted but not hidden.
  • Get rid of my pants hidey hole lolol

I may come up with others but for now that is all I can think of. If you have ideas or suggestions please feel free.

Please ignore the pants hidey hole. When I wear pants I normally take them off and shove them in there. This is a habit I need to stop doing lol.

As long as I get home at a reasonable hour (which at the moment isn’t looking good) I will start this tonight and update. If I don’t I’ll see what I can do.

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