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    • Myths and Fairytales Panfandom
    • Genre

      Cyber/Bio-punk Dystopia Medieval Magic
    • Rating

      Welcome To The O.Z. RPG Rating

    A dystopian Wizard of Oz role play, set in an alternate universe. This is more of a Steam Punk / Victorian / Western role play. (No no knowledge of The Wizard of Oz book or movie is required for this role play.)


    The people and creatures of land of OZ turned their backs upon the old ways now that they no longer had to fear the wicked witch. They decided to rebuilt their home in order to move on from the curse and of all the darkness of the witch. But would this peace last forever? For many years there had been peace brought to this land. The harvest was plenty, the long days of summer and spring were here to stay. But little by little a chill has been making it’s presents in the air, and darkness has started to creep in. The citizens within this world are nothing more than a pawn in a game of good versus evil.


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