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  • Hysteria

    I seriously need to invest in blue light glasses before my eyes just become the sahara desert out of spite.

  • NyxDarklore

    Having the kind of day where I enter a species name instead of my password when trying to log in, attempt to drink tea out of my phone, and search for a character name instead of a playby name. How is it not Friday yet?

  • Hysteria


    Yeah, this is about right.

    Anyhow, back to lurking I go.

  • Deacon Frost

    I got a package in the mail. I hadn't ordered one. I opened it up and found a bluetooth speaker from Podium Audio and a note that read "Congratulations on your contract and partnership with Podium Audio!" and I was flabbergasted. I didn't realize that gifts to writers for deals was a REAL THING. 

  • Ledin

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day/evening wherever you are in the world!

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