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  • NyxDarklore

    I am convinced morning only exists to drag us out of warm and comfortable beds to do things we don't want to do when staying at home, in bed, with my cats, tea, and roleplaying or a good book would be a better use of my day. Unfortunately, adulting.

  • ulla

    I got my second dose of the vaccine last Thursday and I'm just starting to feel fully functional again 🙌 Really relieved to have those good good antibodies now though.

  • Dragon

    Pay raise and a bigger house this Dragon is slaying it 

    elder scrolls dragon GIF by Bethesda

  • Keaton

    Introducing people to RP as a concept is always an interesting proposition. You can never quite know if people will swing from the "that's wacky" camp into the "MY kind of wacky" camp.

  • Deacon Frost

    235 ebooks/paperbacks sold.

    500 Kindle Unlimited reads.


    The strange part is realizing that I am focusing a lot more on the grammar and style of my posts. It is stupid, because I am not actually roleplaying anywhere. But when I think about it, I look at what I would say when I hit post more; as though my fans might see it and go "that fuck is FAKING!" 

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