As a hobby in general, RP can be so draining and toxic. The writing is fun; the egos and cliqueyness are not. This community is made up of people who have gotten away from those awful experiences and created a truly safe place where OOC and IC are clearly separated.
Then there's the stories themselves! Any character can quickly become intertwined within the in-character communities that have been built, and if something happens to one, it ripples out to others they knew. One move can set off a chain of events that culminate months or even years later (but usually much sooner than that!). It's so much fun to be here.
The lore has also developed over time without retconning, to allow for more character development as well as rebalancing mechanics between different playable species. It's important to note that these things come about through discussion with members and testing out feelings overall. Feeling like our input matters is extremely important, and I have never been on a community that actually allows that. So, yeah, five stars, this place is the best.