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Found 13 results

  1. Work continues to trudge on and so time is still limited. I did get a little time on Christmas as things aren’t open so gig work is non-existent. That means I got some things done but not a lot. I spent the time relaxing which I feel like I never really get enough of. Lets look at the progress though. I moved a table and got some stuff organized. I’m currently working on getting my paint organized first. I know its not a huge change but the condensing of space as well as the beginnings of the organization is making it feel a lot cleaner and better all around. It has since been slightly upgraded to be a more mutual space as part of the sticker production has been moved to a table that is directly beside the one in the first image. I have also created a cover for the roller to keep debris from getting on it since there is a fan above. I think an important step for me is to find an organization system that works for me instead of against me. In the second image you can see some tackle boxes that I’ve been using and I feel like that just isn’t quite the right method for storing things that I need. I certainly need something more modular and I think that a big thing that I need to figure out is how to organize stuff I get for specific projects and things I get because I feel like I may use it eventually. I feel like some sort of box system that goes in those shelves may be my answer but any ideas would be great! View the full article
  2. So, its been a few minutes since I posted that I was starting a journey to creativity but I have made no progress. The last few weeks have been rough. I finally had a few hours today to actually get some stuff done. I feel like I have made a significant stride by simply starting. It is, by no means, even nearly complete, but I feel accomplished even with the limited amount of cleaning I got done. Mind you, if you look at the previous post you’ll know that it was a disaster before. Now I work in piles. So please bear with me as I know it looks messier than when it was piled on the shelves here. I will take the stuff on the right and it will eventually be neatly packed away. I am taking a break and I tucked everything under the left nook so that it was out of the way for now. To me this is PROGRESS! And lots of it. I actually got the first step done which is action instead of waiting. As I sort through this I’m finding things that aren’t even crafts in this area. Just miscellaneous stuff that appears to just get lost in the shuffled but I am struggling to find places for them. Some things I may get rid of but some things I just need to get to where it belongs. Some important steps that will come as I get things more sorted out is I will be 3D printing some paint holders so I can organize my paint better. I may find a few other things I’ll need to create! I have used plenty of sorting systems but I feel like they aren’t doing what I need. If you have recommendations for how to better create and sort a creative space I’m all ears. View the full article
  3. To start my creative journey I feel I need to sort my creative space. Now, I’m sure I will reflect on this as I go but I went ahead and took pictures of my disastrous space so that I can focus on the little things and get things sorted. I feel like, while I do this I may get distracted so I will need to write down any project ideas I get as I go. These project ideas should help in motivating me to complete my tasks. Let’s start with showing you my space so you understand what I’m working with. Part of this space is currently a sort of shared project space which may need to be changed so that I can sort my area better. I know, for sure, that part of this will be pulling these areas closer to myself, coming up with backings to these shelves if I want them away from the wall and maybe more of them. I feel like if I have the extra up then maybe I can display things better as my desk is very crowded at the moment. So some things that I will work on: One section at a time. Figuring out the best sorting and labeling system. Moving the areas to better suit my needs. Creating backings for my shelving areas so I can move them away from the wall. 3D printable items for sorting items like paint. Ways to make things accessible. Focus on getting things sorted but not hidden. Get rid of my pants hidey hole lolol I may come up with others but for now that is all I can think of. If you have ideas or suggestions please feel free. Please ignore the pants hidey hole. When I wear pants I normally take them off and shove them in there. This is a habit I need to stop doing lol. As long as I get home at a reasonable hour (which at the moment isn’t looking good) I will start this tonight and update. If I don’t I’ll see what I can do. View the full article
  4. Time is often limited in my day to day. I don’t currently have a 9-5 and am working 7 days a week to make sure my household’s ends meet. This leaves me with mere hours in my day to myself, my hobbies, my family. When you have hours, at least for me, I get this sort of paralysis. I’m not sure what to fill my time with. I tend to squander it by floundering on the millions of ideas I have in my head and getting nothing done. I want this to end! I am 40 and I want to actually be productive with my time instead of mindlessly staring at my computer screen as if it will give me the answers. Spoiler alert, it doesn’t. As such, my first journey to start sharing with you all is getting this site done and getting my physical hobby space organized and settled. This is a big task for me. I have a lot of physical hobbies and not a lot of it is currently sorted. Tonight I’m going to get images and video of the space, this will include my computer desk, so that I can share with you my journey and thoughts on how I did it. This won’t be a fast process as I will still only have my limited time through the days. Each day the I get something done will come with an update the next day! I hope you are all as excited as me for the journey to come! View the full article
  5. So as life would have it, I’m getting older (Turned 40 last month) and things are still as hectic as ever. I’m starting to take count in what things I still enjoy and what things I have started to resent. It is amazing how time can really show you how thankless some things you poured your heart and soul into can be. With these realizations I have decided to focus my efforts on things that I still enjoy and consolidate down to a more succinct internet presence. Its hard to admit it, but I have let go of over 15 domains, some of which I’ve had for nearly 20 years. That’s INSANE considering that I loved websites both making them and maintaining them. As time wears on I have figured out that while I still sort of enjoy it, it was really just doesn’t hold that “new car smell” that it used to. Even as we speak I’m wholeheartedly annoyed with making this post. Things look wonky and everything needs a background… when in the hell did this become so difficult? It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to get the right background on the header of this site, let alone figuring out the individual pages thing. I guess WordPress was always a little unwieldy to me and that’s why I would use Invision Community. Unfortunately I just can’t afford to keep up with it or justify the expense though it would likely help keep me from doing my head in because of WP. (This is a note that I KNOW that this blocky BS looks terrible, I’m working on it and it will hopefully not be this way forever). It is possible that if things change I will move back to Invision, for now its just not in the cards. NOW! Back to the subject at hand. One of the biggest things I’m consolidating are many websites into this one. It makes sense really. My Morrgasm of stuff! You’ll be able to get to things from here as I finish them. Redundant websites (such as morrigansmadness.com, ladypirate.net etc) have been redirected to here and this will be sort of my new mecha home page where to find me and anything I make. Additionally, I will be using this site as the primary site for my future endeavors, wins and fails. I am trying to settle into a routine enough that I can begin streaming video games I play on twitch and share them onto Youtube. Share the projects that I work on here at home including my new dice making endeavors, with my 3D printed model paintings, new purse making ideas and even eventually I may get into crocheting. You never know where things will take me. Completely possible to take me back to my teenage roots of cross stitch and embroidery. I guess if you don’t want to read the above, the long story short is I’m going to focus a good portion of my efforts on fewer sites, this one being my primary. Does this mean that Morrgasm is the only site I run and operate and stuff now? No. I have a few other projects including a site for my significant other called Home Brew Gaming, a site called Tales from the Dungeon and a few others that are still being run, maintained or otherwise still up. It does, however, mean that I won’t be maintaining 17 different sites at once trying to keep up the motivation for each of them individually. I’m excited to really focus on something that I can be proud of instead of spreading myself thin. I hope to finally really get the site of my dreams made. View the full article
  6. Hey there everyone! My RPG hosting has been moved to RPG Initiative. It is still free but it gives me a single point of access to manage my hostees as well as auto-sets you guys up so no more waiting for me! Please feel free and head over to the RPG Initiative store and check out the new ways that you can help us and help your RP! http://rpginitiative.com/store View the full article
  7. I do believe I have worked out most of the kinks of the hosting. At least that I can tell so my limited amount of slots is now unlimited again. I will be updating the terms and things that can get an account suspended. I will recommend that you do not use phpBB as it is a resource hog and it can get your account suspended for slowing down the server. I would recommend things like MyBB or similar. Happy hosting! View the full article
  8. Hello everyone, I will be re-opening Morrgasm. hosting on a limited basis due to server load. This means that I will be more strict about my inactivity rules so that people aren’t taking up hosting that aren’t utilizing the service. As such I will email any current applicants and see if they are still looking and then post if I have further spots. Thanks! Current Available hosting slots: 5/10 Morrgasm hosting would love to upgrade to offer further hosting to more RPGs and even possibly invest in developing an RPG software. If you want to help support free RPGs and RPG software than please donate. For more information on helping this cause please don’t hesitate to contact me. View the full article
  9. So as some have noticed I’ve been having a few issues with keeping the server up. It’s been a trial and I know I can fix it but until I can get what hosting I currently have stable I will not be accepting new hostees, primarily because I don’t want your first site experience to be intermittent downtime of the server. That being said I’m also working on an upgrade to the Character Mod for the current IPB version. Once it’s released I will work on the 4.0 version subsequently with the help of a friend to keep me motivated. Primarily I’m working on functionality/security in this release, next release will be optimization and knick knacks. I’ll try to keep updated here, life is just crazy. <3 View the full article
  10. A friend is looking for some people to fill some roles. I can’t pick up the characters myself but I figured the fabulous people on the internet may be able to oblige. This here is for these two! http://i42.tinypic.com/2dqn483.jpg first middle holden. 15. first or second year. clique is open. The tentative face claim is Jimmy Bennett but you could use anyone, really. You don’t necessarily have to run it by me as long as they have light brown or blond hair. Elizabeth isn’t extremely close with her younger brother but they get along well enough that he’s the only one that actually knows how to calm her down when she’s having one of her psycho moments. I know she’s got Nicolette for that but she really just keeps Liz from getting too wild, really. Liz’s brother knows how to get her out of them altogether. He’d have to have a decent relationship with Liz’s friends as well although they might not be his friends. ——— http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130829010644/prettylittleliars/images/4/45/411_Caleb.jpg first middle last. 17/18. fourth year. open clique. Tyler Blackburn is the preferred play-by but he doesn’t have to be. I just want him to be laid-back and he should be able to deal with Liz’s dramatic tendencies because they’ve known each other since they were 3. His hometown should be Dayton, OH (like Liz). He treats Liz’s little brother like his own. Here is for the other! http://i.imgur.com/9HzEKrB.png GRANT GUSTIN FIRST M. MORETTIIf you haven’t figured it out yet, this is Elizabeth’s twin brother. He can be just as dramatic as Elizabeth at times but is usually a bit more mellow. He can also be a sarcastic asshole but he’s still Elizabeth’s best friend in the whole world…well, after the guy that got sent to juvie when they were sophomores in high school. Both of them are talented actors and vocalists. Other than that, though, personality is up to you. In regards to the fraternity, I’d like him to be an omimu pledge – simply because, in my mind, that was their father’s house when he was in university (just a different chapter). ANOTHER NOTE: Elizabeth and her twin brother make a lot of bets – so much that they sometimes can’t keep track of them. He’s also the only one to make her laugh 90% of the time. Anyone interested I would suggest you see CamilleB. View the full article
  11. Just thought I’d let you all know: http://dragcave.net/image/rZcDz.gif View the full article
  12. Morrigan


    The site is all up and running. If you find anything that looks weird or you can’t read let me know! I will make sure that I get it fixed as soon as possible. I added a Plugboard! If you have a button and a site to go with it feel free to plug your site as often as it falls off the plug board. With this I’m willing to host some plugboards so let me know if you want a Plug board for your site hosted by Morrgasm and I’ll contact you to get it setup! I am considering a links directory or a review submission part of the site. If you have an opinion about either of those let me know by replying to this post! I think the Links directory would be easier but I can always do site reviews. Soon to come: Morrigan’s website no-no’s page Fun ways to make your site fun! View the full article
  13. Hello everyone! Sorry that I kept being fickle about what I wanted to do with this site! It’s always been meant to be the hub of my many sites and all the things I do but when you have a million sites and a million things that you like to do it’s always a difficult feat to make a site that brings that all together into one neat little place. I think so far it’s coming together nicely. For now I want to wish everyone a hello from Morrgasm! I also would like to remind everyone that Morrgasm currently has free hosting open. At this time there is no limit to the amount of people I’m willing to host. That is subject to change but so is life so it’s a necessary disclaimed I think. I recently sent out an email to all those that are currently hosted with Morrgasm just to get some updates out there and let everyone know that Morrgasm is almost done! I think I’ll have an update later, for now let me know if anything looks wonky here. I’m currently trying to get size of the main content area to look right. >_< Good luck to me. Don’t forget to join the Morrgasm Community! View the full article
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