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  1. MyBB 1.8 Using CSS In Posts (<style> Tag) Mybb does not allow the use of <style> tags in posts, simply because they deem it 'dangerous' which can be true but for us forum role players... style tags can mean life or death when it comes to posting tables! I have here a solution for you! Actually two solutions. As a kind reminder: - Before ever touching any core files you should back up your site properly, or keep a copy of the original file you are editing so that you can paste the original code back in easily if something goes wrong. - This tutorial was created using MyBB 1.8.x software. ------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial Created By: Isoldehn Tutorial Permissions: Please do not re-post this tutorial else where, instead link someone to this thread. Tutorial Needs: FTP Access & Knowledge On Editing Core Files AND/OR Ability To Copy & Paste MyCode Style Tag or Core File Edit For HTML Style Tag MyCode Style Tag Step 1 - Go to: Admin CP --> Configuration Tab --> MyCode (found in left side navigation) --> Add New MyCode Step 2 - Create a title and short description, I generally title it "Style" and add the short description as "MyCode style tags to contain CSS." Step 3 - Add in the regular expression: \[style\](.*?)\[/style\] Step 4 - Add in the replacement: <style type="text/css">$1</style> Step 5 - Be sure the MyCode is enabled (check yes), parse order doesn't really matter. ------ Well how do I use it now that I've installed it? You use it just like a style tag but with brackets instead of greater than or less than signs and you need to make sure all line breaks and paragraph breaks are removed from the css. - This will work: <div class="bee">Bee class here!</div><div class="boop">Boop class here!</div> [style].bee { background: pink; padding: 5px; } .boop { background: blue; padding: 15px; }[/style] - This will not work: [style] .bee { background: pink; padding: 5px; } .boop { background: blue; padding: 15px; } [/style] Core File Edit For HTML Style Tag Step 1: - Open up your FTP - Navigate to inc/class_parser.php Step 2: - Open the file, take a deep breath and look at none of it (unless coding is beautiful to you, in that case stare at it hard) - Find and remove |style from this bit of code: $message = preg_replace('#<(/?)(base|meta|script|style)([^>]*)>#i', '&lt;$1$2$3&gt;', $message); Step 3: - Save!! Step 4: - Go make a test thread and use the style tag, make sure it works. Remember you will need to remove all line breaks/paragraph breaks from the CSS! - This will work: <div class="bee">Bee class here!</div><div class="boop">Boop class here!</div> <style>.bee { background: pink; padding: 5px; } .boop { background: blue; padding: 15px; }</style> - This will not work: <div class="bee">Bee class here!</div><div class="boop">Boop class here!</div> <style> .bee { background: pink; padding: 5px; } .boop { background: blue; padding: 15px; } </style>
  2. WHO POSTED TODAY? a block for IPS forums, by Mousie Why "who posted"? You might opt to use a "who posted" block over "who was online" for one of two main reasons: You use a Linked Accounts mod that does not record users as being online even if they have posted. You want your guests to see not just who visited the site, but who actively participated. What qualifies as a "post"? This block makes use of the "member_last_post" column attached to the member row. This generates a new date stamp any time the user posts content on the forum. This includes: New posts New topics New status updates New replies to status updates New blogs New comments to blogs New database records New comments to database records So in effect, any contribution the member makes to the forum is counted as Activity. How do I install this block? You'll find the full code at the end of this post. In your ACP: Go to Pages --> Blocks Create New Block Select "type" as "Custom" Select "content editor" as "Manual PHP" Under "Details", give your block a name, description, and a template key. Under "Content", copy and paste the code at the end of this post. How do I display this block? This block is mainly designed to sit at the bottom of your forum, similar to how Who Was Online? does. You can display the block by: Opening the Page Builder menu using the > icon on the left side of your screen, and selecting the block to drag and drop where you would like it displayed. If you defined a template key, you can add the block by editing the page template and placing the "{block="my_block_key"}" in your HTML templates where you would like the block to display. If you can use Page Builder to get the block where you want it, that is usually the simplest method. How does it work? This block doesn't use data from any custom databases, so it should work for most IPS forums. You should be able to copy and paste it into a new block, place it on your forum, and it will work. However, when I began coding blocks I found it difficult to find examples of simple blocks that I could understand, and use to modify and build my own blocks. For that reason, I've broken down the code below to explain what each function does, and how it manipulates the data to get the desired result. 1. Establishing the time difference $rightnow = time(); $timevar = $rightnow - 86400; In the first line, we use the time() function to generate a unix timestamp - a number that is essentially a count of how many seconds have passed since 1/1/1970. As the function is undefined (there is no additional information between the parenthesis), it defaults to current time. It also says that whenever we use the variable $rightnow, that it is to use the datestamp created by the time function in that first line. In the second line, we instruct the system to subtract 86400 seconds from $rightnow, and call that number $timevar. Basically, we're asking the system to work out what the time is now, and take 24 hours off it. You can adjust that "86400" to whatever number you like, depending on what range you would like displayed on your block. Want posts from the past week? Subtract 604800 instead. 2. Accessing the member database // Get the select object $select = (\IPS\Db::i()->select('member_id, prefix, suffix, g_id, name, members_seo_name, member_group_id, member_last_post', 'core_members' )); Here we define a new variable, $select, that we will use to contain information from the member database. The important parts here are:\ $select - This is the variable that will store all of the information found by the select query below. (\IPS\Db::i() - This function, unique to IPS systems, tells the system that we're going to access information from the database. It's a nifty shortcut. ->select - This tells the system that we're going to choose some information from a particular database and store it in the $select variable we defined at the start of the line. In the parenthesis, we have the conditions of the select. The format is: ('{columns to select}', '{database}') There are other conditions that you can add to manipulate and refine your data, but this simple example only defines the columns and database. You can also use * as a wildcard to select all information from a particular database, eg select('*', 'core_members') will return all columns of information from the core_members table. 3. Join on group data $select = $select->join( 'core_groups', 'core_members.member_group_id=core_groups.g_id', 'LEFT'); This line is important if you want to style the output using the group colours you've defined in your system. Which you probably do, because it looks nifty. How this works, is it looks at both the core_members table, and the core_groups table (where all information about the groups is stored, including styling) and asks it to find where the member_group_id (from core_members) is the same as g_id (from core_groups). Then, in any row in core_members where those fields are the same, it adds columns to the row and populates them with the relevant data from core_groups. Sounds complicated, but you can see how it works in a plain SQL example. Important parts of this function are: $select - This is the same variable we used above. $select-->join - This says that we're going to take the data from the $select variable we created, and join more data on. Basically, we're updating the information contained in $select, and still calling that updated variable $select. In the parenthesis, again we have a set of conditions that will tell the system what data to find and how to join it. The format is ('{second_database}', '{first_database_column}={second_database_column}') 4. Begin the print print "<div class='ipsWidget ipsWidget_horizontal ipsBox'><h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>Who Posted Today</h3><div style='padding: 10px;'>"; Here we start to build the HTML that will contain the information. The function "print" is an output function, it tells the system that what comes next is a visual output element. In PHP, you can use HTML code by encasing it in double quotation marks, as in the example above. To print the results of PHP variables, they must be placed outside of the quotation marks. You'll see more of that below. 5. Start analysing the data foreach( $select as $students ) { if ($students['member_last_post'] > $timevar) Here, we ask the system to look through each row in $select and compare it to a particular condition. foreach - This tells the system that we're not looking at $select as a whole, but each individual row contained within it ($select is essentially a table in itself, created by the data you have chosen). $select as $students - This tells the system that each $select row is now going to be called $students, allowing it to differentiate between $select the big group of data, and $students the row of data contained within. if - This tells the system that we're only going to proceed for rows that meet the conditions defined in the parenthesis. ($students['member_last_post'] > $timevar) - This is our condition. What it says is that any $students row where the column member_last_post (you'll remember this is the column that keeps the latest post datestamp) contains a higher value than $timevar (the variable defined at the beginning of the block) are going to be used in the next processes. $students rows that do not have a datestamp higher than $timevar (thus, did not post in the last 24 hours) will be skipped over. 6. Create a running count { $count = $count + 1; We also want to know how many people have posted today, so this keeps track. Every time a record is found that meets the condition, $count (which initially starts at 0) goes up by +1. This works because it is located inside the foreach, and after the if -- which means that it runs every time a record is found that meets the conditions of the if. 7. Print the member list print "<a href='/profile/" . $students['member_id'] . "-" . $students['members_seo_name'] . "'>" . $students['prefix'] . $students['name'] . $students['suffix'] . "</a>, "; }} Again we're using the print function, this time to create a linked and styled list. It looks a touch confusing, and may help if formatted like this. print "<a href='/profile/" . $students['member_id'] . "-" . $students['members_seo_name'] . "'>" . $students['prefix'] . $students['name'] . $students['suffix'] . "</a>, "; }} Here you can see more clearly where HTML is enclosed in quotation marks, and where PHP variables are being used. PHP variables are being used to help create the link itself, by accessing the member_id and members_seo_name columns. You can see again how the column name is defined after $students to get the right piece of data, eg $students['name'] returns the name of the account, while $students['member_id'] returns the member's id number. You can also see how the PHP variables are used when HTML is also being used. If you just want to print the contents of a variable, normally you would use print $variable; But because we want to mix PHP and HTML output, we need to do things a little differently. Any PHP variable that is used between or after a HTML sequence needs to have leading and following full stops. For instance: print "some html" . $variable . "some more html"; 8. Print the count and close off print "<br><span class='resultxc'>" . $count . " members posted today</span><br>"; print "</div></div>"; This simply prints the $count variable (the number of total people that posted in the last 24 hours), and closes off the rest of the HTML used throughout the block. Who Posted Today -- Block Code /** * Build SELECT statement * * @param array|string $columns The columns (as an array) to select or an expression * @param array|string $table The table to select from. Either (string) table_name or (array) ( name, alias ) or \IPS\Db\Select object * @param array|string|NULL $where WHERE clause - see \IPS\Db::compileWhereClause() for details * @param string|NULL $order ORDER BY clause * @param array|int $limit Rows to fetch or array( offset, limit ) * @param string|NULL|array $group Column(s) to GROUP BY * @param array|string|NULL $having HAVING clause (same format as WHERE clause) * @param int $flags Bitwise flags * @li \IPS\Db::SELECT_DISTINCT Will use SELECT DISTINCT * @li \IPS\Db::SELECT_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS Will add SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * @li \IPS\Db::SELECT_MULTIDIMENSIONAL_JOINS Will return the result as a multidimensional array, with each joined table separately * @li \IPS\Db::SELECT_FROM_WRITE_SERVER Will send the query to the write server (if read/write separation is enabled) * @return \IPS\Db\Select * */ $rightnow = time(); $timevar = $rightnow - 86400; // Get the select object $select = (\IPS\Db::i()->select('member_id, prefix, suffix, g_id, name, members_seo_name, member_group_id, member_last_post', 'core_members' )); $select = $select->join( 'core_groups', 'core_members.member_group_id=core_groups.g_id', 'LEFT'); print "<div class='ipsWidget ipsWidget_horizontal ipsBox'><h3 class='ipsType_reset ipsWidget_title'>Who Posted Today</h3><div style='padding: 10px;'>"; foreach( $select as $students ) { if ($students['member_last_post'] > $timevar) { $count = $count + 1; print "<a href='/profile/" . $students['member_id'] . "-" . $students['members_seo_name'] . "'>" . $students['prefix'] . $students['name'] . $students['suffix'] . "</a>, "; }} print "<br><span class='resultxc'>" . $count . " members posted today</span><br>"; print "</div></div>";
  3. soggymuse

    BBCode 101

    What is BBCode? Well, without getting all technical (because honestly I don't understand that part of it), BBCode is a dumbed down version of HTML that lets admins let their members fancy up their posts without also letting them get up to no good and install bad scripts. In other words, BBCode gives you a few wonderful options without giving you the entire list of HTML codes to work from. Nifty, right? Clear as mud, right? Thankfully, you don't really need to know what BBCode is to use it. Otherwise, you'd need a whole other guide from someone far more knowledgeable than me. How do you use BBCode? DF and other sites with upgraded software have a rich text editor that means you don't need to worry about all that ugly code because you can just click a button and et voilé, your text is pretty. Older sites (like the ever-popular JCINK) don't have that option so you have to use the tags. You've probably seen a bunch of <HTML> tags knocking around in your travels, and might even have used them yourself if you've installed skins or whatnot (and if you're a coder yourself, I have to wonder what you're doing here, unless you're here to judge my tutorial skills, in which case leave me alooooooone you big meanie). BBCode is a lot like HTML in the way that it isn't really like HTML at all. To use BBCode, you surround the content you want to style (eg. "does my butt look big in this") with BBCode tags. With the exception of link tags (because they're speshul snowflakes), every BBCode needs an OPEN and a CLOSE, and the tags are enclosed in square brackets [ ]. Like this: [open] [/close] (And no, there are no cookies for the Harry Potter reference because I ate them all.) The brackets [ ] tell your browser "yo dude, it's clobbering coding time" so it can read the next bit as instruction rather than content. The forward slash / in the last tag tells your browser "oh hey, I'm done with the coding stuff, you can go back to your regularly scheduled awesome". The full BBCode should then look something like this: [b]This text will be bold.[/b] What can BBCode do? BBCode (and any code, really) is basically just an instruction so your browser knows what you want it to do. BBCode keeps these instructions very bare-bones (unless you add a ton of customs) and (usually) only affects the text, but there's still a nifty list of things you can do. You'll notice that for the most commonly used, the tag inside the square bracket is made up of the initial of the style effect: [b]Bold[/b] [i]Italic[/i] [u]Underline[/u] [s]Strike-through[/s] You can also do the following: Make a link (see Links below) Insert an image (see Images below) Align your text left, center, right (see Alignment below) Change the font type (see Fonts below) Change the font size (see Fonts below) Change the font colour (see Fonts below) AND you can combine them for super mega spectacular spiffy overkill awesome!!!! (see Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome at the bottom) Links The tag for links is . You can use that as it is to actually show the full link : [b][i] [url]http://distant-fantasies-net[/url][/i][/b] which will give you an active link like this: http://distant-fantasies-net, or you can use the option within the tag to pretty your links up instead: [b][i] [url=http://distant-fantasies-net]Distant Fantasies[/url] [/i][/b] which will give you a neater Distant Fantasies. Images You can add images the same way you use the first tag: [b][i] [img=http://images.distant-fantasies.net/public/style_emoticons/default/asmile15.png] [/i][/b] That particular link will give you a kiss! But you can use anything, really, so long as it's an image file and it's hosted somewhere on the internet. Alignment Do you want a title for your post? Are you writing a traditional format letter? Well, with alignment, you can! NOTE: There are two schools of "thought" among the makers of forum software. On the one hand, you have places like IPB (on which DF is built) and Proboards, which use the simple style. On the other hand, you've got places like JCINK and... JCINK... who use the more complicated style. (I'm sure other forum softwares do too, I just can't think of any.) Simple Style alignment tags are: [b][i] [center] Text goes here [/center] [left] Text [/left] [right] Text [/right][/i][/b] That's all! It's just like using the bold, italic and underline tags. Complicated Style isn't really that complicated, it just means more typing: [b][i] [align=center] Text goes here [/align] [align=left] Text [/align] [align=right] Text [/align][/i][/b] Whichever you (have to) use, you can do nifty things like this: Fonts You can also change your font type, colour, and size if you don't like the site's default (especially useful if the site's default is 8px Comic Sans). [b][i] [font=Verdana] Teeeeeext [/font] [color=purple] Purple text is purple [/color] [size=12] HUUUUUUUGE [/size] [/i][/b] NOTE: The style of size depends on the forum software again. Some have x-small or xx-small or xx-large, etc, while some start at 0 and work up to 7, or even go into double digits. I've used 12 in this case, but you'll need to check with your chosen forum for actual "numbers". To change the font colour, you can use either colour names (like purple or goldenrod, for which you can find a list here on Wikipedia, along with HTML and CSS and various other comparisons) or you can use hex or RGBA codes instead (though I don't recommend using codes if you're going to change the font colour on a regular basis because "#DC143C" is much harder to remember than "crimson"). Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome You can combine BBCode tags the same way you can combine HTML and...other things that can be combined! [center][b][u][size=24][font=courier new]Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome!!![/font][/size][/b][/center] which would give you: Super Mega Spectacular Spiffy Overkill Awesome Pretty great for a title, huh? Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of new knowledge and a toolbox of nifty tricks! Don't abuse it. (Seriously. Rainbows are funny in out-of-character posts but not in IC ones.) Go forth and make me proud! :D
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