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Need advice on something roleplay related, either as a player or an admin? I aim to answer your asks here! If you would like to seek advice from me, you are more than welcome to send me a private message! Please remember to mention if you would like to remain anonymous in my reply!

Entries in this blog


Hello my fellow RPers! This blog will be on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time while I am away on vacation and sorting out my life situation.



I don't like this person, but they've done nothing wrong.

An anonymous user asked me:   I've written a guide about this (This person is obnoxious but isn't breaking any rules- what do?), but if you don't want this person on your site, then I can see why it might not seem as though it applies. However, my advice on the matter remains the same: just ask the person to leave.   If something about someone sits wrong with you as an admin, then you're not required to put up with it. You deserve to feel comfortable on and enjoy your own s



How do I attract people to my site?

An anonymous user asked me:   Hello anon and thank you for the ask!   It is difficult to say that there are things you can do to attract people to your forum without advertising, but there are definitely things you can do to make guests want to stay! Have activity on your forum. No one wants to join an empty forum, one without any posts. That means if you are the only member, you need to be posting- even if it's with yourself! This also means that hiding the IC forum



On the matter of the urge to run more than one site...

An anonymous user asked me:   Boy, do I ever empathize with this situation! And unfortunately, I don't have a simple response.   Firstly, I would like to say that you should always do what's best for you. In the event that you are inspired over something new but are lacking inspiration for your current site, go with the new thing. Don't feel like you have to hang around and play with what already feels dead to you just because you feel obligated to entertain others.



How can I make my site successful?

I had an anonymous user on Necessary Evil ask the following:   What you can do to make your site a success is a tough thing to give advice on since everyone has different ideas of what a 'success' is. So for starters, my advice would be for you to decide what success means to you. Is it a site with lots of members? Is it a site with people who are posting every day? Is it a site where people fearlessly start and join open threads? Once you've pinpointed what it means to you to be suc



Someone's taken my wanted ad, and I don't want them to...

It sounds like you're a staffer, and if that's the case then I would encourage you to have the member speak with this person! In my opinion, this is not a task which the staff should have to handle, but then again I place strong emphasis on members being able to stand up for themselves and communicate their wants and needs. If you decide to get involved as a staffer, then in order to perpetuate fairness you will have to oversee any characters that have been created from a wanted ad. That's not n



Concern over playing a controversial character- what to do

An anonymous individual came to me with the concern about playing a character that could be the source of some controversy. The character in question is from a series which takes an alternate- and obviously fictional- look at real events and people. There is a big difference between the real version of this character and their fictional portrayal, which is where the controversy arises from, as some of these differences may be seen as insensitive. This character has little in common with the real



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