Belated huggles and loves and good vibes to you! And don’t quit because of someone’s poorly trained crotchgoblin. 😜 You’re a wonderful writer and I know first hand how passionate you are about your Embers.
Yup! It's so bad. I honestly also think the best thing we can do is try and figure out how to make aeroplanes less dependent on fossil fuels. That article you linked mentioned it kind of but didn't outright say it. But aside from private jets there are dozens of planes flying all the time and Idk why we haven't focused more on their impact on the environment and making them more green.
Basically. I can live with pretty much anything, I just don't. I'm sure eventually the ATLA site wi
That's 585 exploitative individuals who probably think of themselves as self made and that anyone can do it (so they're delusional as well).
It's funny, board software is like a tool. You define what you want it to do and then you decide the software. Jcink is your, I just want new topics and add reply software, I don't want anything else option.
The forum in my sig is jcink, picked because we needed nothing special and I wanted my coadmin to be confident with the softwar