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Just bitching today



Yes, I would need some sweet bread to make my day sweeter. Not that I have anything particular to resent today as I do. I guess some days of this kind just happen, when everything already piled up starts hurting and mattering.

I have an exam today and I haven't studied enough. No time. I have a hard day at work too... and I am just taking a little break from it now.

It is rainy for several days and I feel it in my bones, in my head, in everything.

And I have deadlines for my site too. No, I don't mean the plenty of owed posts that I will catch up with some day.

Owing posts is my natural status anyway (even if normally I never owe them for more than 2-4 days). I am a slow poster - not slow as in waiting a century to answer somebody's post and blocking threads. Just slow as in taking 30 minutes to 2 hours for writing a post and being jealous for others' productivity, because I know there are people who are able to write (if talking about 2 writing partners) 4-5 posts each in the time I need for writing 1-2 posts, and complete a thread in one day (when the threads I am involved in usually take several weeks/ months to be completed, when I would have liked them completed in 2-3 weeks)

This delay doesn't happen because I would be so slow; I can answer, and I usually do, in 2-3 days; but others can take more than 2-3 days for their replies to me.. and so on. So yes, I am jealous of others' productivity. (At the same time, I am not sure I would be able to focus to posting only to one thread; if I have time to write several posts, then I am writing them to several threads, so that each of them goes forward).

It is the beginning of the month... and until the 6-th I have to finish the Monthly chronicle. Since I am busy with the training courses and all, and I have announced this publicly, I would have hoped and needed some help. Nobody offered. I have asked my only available staff member for help (since the others are on hiatus, and she just returned with renewed energy). I haven't received it yet, and I am not sure I will.

I am annoyed with everyone now... but I am sure this will pass. And it is more important to stick to my deadline and prove (myself and the others) that I still can do it no matter what... and only afterwards to express my disappointment at the lack of help.

I think some people simply don't care...


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