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    • Graphics

    The Challenge

    This challenge is for even those that aren't great with graphics! You can make a custom meme in your editor of choice or you can use a meme generator like this one. The point of this challenge is to make a meme related to your site in some way. No the image doesn't have to be of one of your playbys it can be standard meme material with a site related meme joke.


    Go crazy. Maximum number of entries per person is 5 and each entry can support the same or different sites but the meme should be about the site or characters on the site that you are submitting for.


    Have fun with it. We are excited to see the inside jokes and craziness.


    (The above image is a meme for Dawnbreak).

    Submission: Submit the following in a reply to this post.
    Directory link to the site you are supporting:

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    Directory link to the site you are supporting: 

    Entry: c4PdluC.png



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  • Challenge Winners

  • Challenge Rules

    Challenges are posted in a set (one graphics, writing and coding challenge) for each round.

    • Graphics challenges are prohibited from having direct site paraphernalia unless otherwise stated to be allowed in the challenge. This includes logos and site names.
    • Codex challenge entries may not have your copyright line until AFTER voting is completed. You may add it but the staff will hide it until then.
    • Writing challenges should refrain from mentioning site specific names or lore (while we can't fully ask that you do this for some challenges we do ask that it be limited wherever possible).
    • Each round can have up to 3 winners, however the winners must each be unique per set. This means that if you win both the coding and writing challenge you will only win 1 of those 2 challenges and the runner up will be given the first place space. The one that you are chosen for winning will be based on the challenge entry that received more votes overall based on percentage not total votes.
    • You may win 1 time, for any category, once per three rounds. This means if you win this set you will not be eligible to win for the next two sets of challenges for any category for the same site. You are eligible to promote other sites in the interim.
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