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      Modern Magic Modern Superpowers Sci-Fi
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      Masked in Shadows RPG Rating

    Freeform play with and for adults focused on story and character development. We revamped a bit, with a greater focus on fantasy and science fiction in a modern day invasion setting.

    LGBTQ Friendly.

    The 1980s marked a turning point in the history of our world as beings with extraordinary abilities began to surface.  Science and mysticism on Earth had begun to connect the people of Earth to other dimensions and the beings who lived there.  This began in dark places with mystical and scientific experimentation during World War II, but continued in secret laboratories of major governments looking for an edge in the Cold War and later among more diverse groups for their own purposes. Between the science produced by these explorations, psychic exploration by others and some powered beings and mystics finding they had the ability to tear the veil between dimensions, the Earth became a member of a larger cosmic community, with other dimensions touching our world, traveling between one reality and the next. But the people of Earth were unprepared for these connections, our science wasnt sufficiently advanced, our magic not yet strong enough and we lacked the sophistication to understand the impacts of these jarringly sudden changes.

    These changes brought Earth to the precipice of both a potential renaissance and a societal upheaval. Powered humans and others of extraordinary talent started to dominate fields as varied as warfare, science, and entertainment, reshaping humanity's role within a multiverse now watching closely. Diplomatic relations with entities like the Courts of Chaos and the Faerie Courts further entwined Earth's fate with interdimensional politics, revealing allies and exploiters among the stars. Some extraterrestrial and extradimensional benefactors sought to uplift humanity, while others eyed Earth's riches with less altruistic intentions.

    The revelation of an anarcho-capitalist dimension, whose overlords had been quietly undermining Earth's governments and social structures for decades, came to a head in 2024 with a sudden and brutal invasion. The revelation of this treachery, which had turned the citizens of Earth against one another, driving factionalism and hatred, rallied Earth's defenders—a diverse coalition of extradimensional beings, half-breeds, and powered humans. United by the need to defend their home and drive back this invading force, these heroes are now in a race against time to harness the very technologies and magics that bind the universe together. Their struggle is not just for survival but to secure Earth's place in a cosmos filled with danger and opportunity, ensuring its future against any who would threaten its sovereignty again.


    For people who want to introduce some random chance into their play, we've got a very light dice rolling system a friend of mine created based on The Pool but updated for online play.  No one is required to use it.  If you want strictly freeform, then you are welcome to do that.

    The game is going to give players a lot of creative freedom (within the selected genre) and sandbox play with an overlying storyline and loosely organized events players are welcome to participate in.  So long as what you're doing doesn't interfere with someone else's play (without their permission) we're going to try to give a lot of free rein. There are lots of fantasy and science fiction influences to choose from, such as the Chronicles of Amber, Planescape, Snow Crash, the DC and Marvel universes, The Watchmen, and Jade City, just to name a few.  We look forward to hearing from people!

    The invasion of Earth has begun!  Characters are going underground to begin the resistance.  More to come.


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