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© http://dystopiapro.com


Lifeless is a pretty significant wallpaper to me, it was the first really serious piece of artwork I ever did. Not to say it was my first wallpaper as I had been dabbling in the medium for awhile before Lifeless but up until that point I was really just learning the ropes. As a statement though Lifeless also means a lot to me personally, as it represents a pretty tough period in my life and was a major help getting though it. Lifeless was created completely in photoshop, and still to this day probably is the wallpaper I spent the most time working on, 10s of hours went into the brushwork (probably because at the time I didn’t really know what I was doing and there was a lot of trial and error) and I think it shows!


© http://dystopiapro.com

From the album:

Dystopia's Portfolio

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