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  1. Morrigan



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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/02/2014 in Challenges

  1. This challenge you must include raindrops in some way in the image and portray some sort of sadness of your character. Restrictions: Maximum image size: 1000x1000 Minimum image size: 500x250 Restrictions: Must have water in the image, specifically raindrops. We recommend utilizing unsplash: https://unsplash.com/search/photos/rain
    2 points
  2. For this challenge we'd like a graphic with your character and an animal (or three) that you believe could be them if they were a pet or an animal. We'd like you to channel showing the feature or features that you believe personify it. If it's more personality then include some sort of text to explain it. We want to see the other side of your character. This doesn't have to be a wolf if your character happens to be a werewolf. It can be ANY animal you believe your character would be. Restrictions: Maximum image size: 1000x1000 Minimum image size: 500x250 Restrictions: Must have both a person and an animal in the image. Mythical creatures are prohibited.
    1 point
  3. For this challenge we want to go a little on the risque side! We want sexy edging on the side of rated R. The entries must stay PG-13 but if they move that hand, they definitely make it rated R. We want to bring sexy back and want to see what you do with it.
    1 point
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