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  • Morrigan

    New Theme

    We've been working on an updated theme since ours turned into a bloody mess after the 4.5 update! Something we've been working on is to hopefully not have this issue as badly in the future by combing the themes a little more forcibly.


    As such we need to verify something about how you like to browse your sites.


    Currently you have to switch to the "Light" theme if you prefer bright/light themes, however the Internet is smarter than that and we would like to get with the times.


    That being said we need to know:

    • Do you prefer sites that match your system theme? (This means if you are in light mode you prefer the sites that you browse are in light mode, and same for dark mode. If you are in dark mode do you prefer sites that are in dark mode to match)?
    • If you prefer the opposite (My system is in dark mode but I prefer light themes or vice versa) will it annoy you if there is a few seconds on load where the browser detects your cookie and changes the colors on the screen?


    We plan to move forward soon.


    Note: The second question is ONLY for those that don't like to use their system preferences to load their site.


    Please no long explanations just simple. "I do/n't prefer it to match my system settings" and "Yes/No I can live with a quick load change because I'm not using my system default".


    We have 7 versus 1 person saying that they always use their system default on discord so we think we have an idea that using your system default may work just fine but we are doing a last minute confirmation.

    • Fuck Yeah! 1

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    • Admin

    Since all systems have the option to be in dark or light mode we are asking if you would mind if we honor that. (So if your PC/Phone is in dark mode it will auto-load Dark mode and vice versa).

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    I definitely prefer setting matching sites. Bright sites slaughter my eyes, and there's nothing worse than waking up in middle of the night to read posts and being blinded by a theme.

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