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  • Join willingness

    No I'm not willing to join your site!

Preferred Genres

  • Preferred Genres: Medieval Magic, Other See below
  • Specific Preferred Genres:

    Currently, we have a medieval magic/fantasy RP and the "futuristic sci-fi" of our dreams, though the latter isn't complete yet (a couple of us are still RPing it out lol). I'd like to focus on those settings for a while before coming up with anything different. I generally like...

    • Dystopian VS Utopian (like the illusion of a Utopia that's juxtaposed by the slums - it's all actually a dystopia)
    • Futuristic sci-fi
    • Medieval European and Feudal Asian fantasy

Unwanted Genres

  • Unwanted Genres: Animals, Historical, Horror & Supernatural, Human, School & College, Fandom see below, Other See below
  • Specific Unwanted Genres:

    Will get into it later


About Me

Alias: iota
Age: 31
Pronouns: She/he/they
About Me:
My personality can be summarised by: Leo, INTP-A, Enneagram Type 5. It's depressing how accurate these are.

Please note that I'm not the type of person to give out compliments willy nilly; in fact, I rarely give them. So, if you're the type who needs feedback/assurance for your post, we probably won't be a good match. I most often show my interest by replying, rather than by commenting.

I'm a very stubborn person. People who feel like it has to be their way or the high way all the time won't get along with me either (and vice versa).

Also, I'm a very literal person. I can't read between the lines, and I can't speak between the lines. I'll be direct with you (what I say is what I mean), and I hope you can be direct with me too as hints will go over my head.

Not sure if this is important, but I pretty much only play guys. You can play M, F, NB, etc. Doesn't matter to me.

P.S. I ask my RP partner be 21+, the closer to my age the better. I won't RP with anyone younger than 21.

How long have you been roleplaying? 17 years for chat/forum RPs, longer before chat/forum RPs.

Play Style

How often do you generally post? Usually every day. That might change October 7th, as I start job training. However, I'll still post regularly.
How much do you generally post? 50-100 words on a regular basis, sometimes up to 2,000. It all depends on what the post needs.
Do you like to write in the first person or third person? Third, but I'll sprinkle in first for important moments.
Who are your favorite play-bys (PBs)? Animanga FCs only
Are there any play-bys you would not write against? A.I. generated art, other peoples' OCs from fandoms or something, RL FCs things like that.
What rating are you comfortable with? (Please use the Language/Sex/Violence format. E.G. L1/S1/V1, L2/S1/V2, L3/S3/V3, etc.) Idk how to gauge this
How do you feel about writing out graphic scenes such as violence, drug use, and sex? Fine with all of it, but no for saw-levels of graphic violence and prefer to FtB with sex.



  • Fantasising/fetishising rape Absolute no for me
  • Child abuse I don't mind it being in character's histories and touching up on it with a heads up, but I won't RP it out
  • People playing out DID, Schizophrenia, and other serious mental disorders because they almost always glamourise it. I have relatives with Schizophrenia and other serious disorders, so this is a hard no for me. I've not come across a single person who's played serious mental disorders accurately to date, so I'd rather avoid it all together now.


  • Possessiveness of me or my characters
  • Trauma dumping pissing contests
  • Entitled behaviour
  • Constantly arguing, bashing, gaslighting, etc.
  • Can't distinguish IC from OOC

Plots I'd Like

What plot (or plots) would you like to play out with someone? I don't really have any specific plots I want to play, I just want some people to rapid fire with from time-to-time. A few of my friends and I have a couple of settings set up already (one medieval fantasy, one sci-fi fantasy) on a private forum to play. So, we can work with one or both of those to start with and work. Later on, we can always come up with something else entirely.

Other Information

To contact me, please add wadiokoyooota or message me on the RPG-I.

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