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Morgyn-Ezio 80s


Part of the story I'm writing goes all the way back to the 1980s, though by that time frame the twins are already over two hundred. That part of the story kind of starts the journey for the both of them to start discovering themselves, and also sets the stage for the primary obstacles they need to overcome. At this time, Morgyn is still 100% female, and hasn't quite figured out that this presentation is not right. My iteration of Morgyn is actually agender, and has some gender dysphoria. Ezio was aware of this a long time ago, before he had words for it, so for most of their lives, Ezio has been refusing to use gendered terms in reference to Morgyn. This is why I also don't use pronouns with Morgyn. Ezio doesn't.

From the album:

Arc's Pretty Pictures

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