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Worst thing YOU have done


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Oh geeeeez... Once I had a member pushing to get the most ridiculous muchkins approved. After I told him he had to follow the site's guidelines, I found he went to a discussion board we both were members of (focused on the same gaming system, but of course having nothing to do with my board specifically) where he was asking whether and how his munchkin character was "possible" (so that he was advised on loopholes to powergame the system, that were  from a rules-lawyer point of view, but that still weren't allowed on my board). Instead of confronting him privately or posting a "generic" reply, I wrote more or less "hey, I'm the ST he's talking about and he should ask me what's playable in my game. If something exists in some manual that's cool but it doesn't mean I must allow it". Later I realized calling him out in public wasn't exactly a good idea...


Vampires are real. Now the world knows about them.

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The worst thing I did was get into a battle thread with a min-maxer type who wants their character to be the best at combat and beloved and respected by all, both ic and oocly. I was playing a powerful canon and accepted his combat thread idea where I proceeded to simply not get hurt and lecture his character about how unheroic, and thus unworthy of respect, his character was based on his recklessness and overzealousness for combat. It was a totally dick move, not one I'd do again, but at the time, it was quite hilarious.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm guilty of so many things, RIP. It comes from doing this for so long! But putting aside things that happened almost 10 years ago... I think my biggest regrets in recent times are:


-Splitting on people + topics. I know it's because of my BPD, but that doesn't make it right Dx

-Ditching so many boards in the past before I found my former home site! I had a friend who I followed constantly and I think of all the fun I could have had with so many people who I just never interacted with again because my friend had moved on and so did I.

-Not owning up to things I really should have, which includes not taking ownership of my own site until very recently. Honestly, it's a good thing I am now, too! It's really cool!

-Looking for dumb shit tbh. I need to just chill!

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Definitely a lot, (the usual early stuff,) but my worst staffing mistake is that I once accidentally deleted a forum of IC threads. It haunts me to this day. 😬


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Back in 2014 me and a few friends were part of a wolf rpg (this was back when I was in my wolf phase lol. I was like 13/14 years old >>) and the admin was just awful.  He would advert  in other sites cboxes but it was against his sites rules to do that, he would spam the ad, etc, etc. Well the first of us to go was the admin of our friends. She told him what was up and then she left. He continued doing so. And so everyone was gone until it was me and my closest rp friend (we became friends on that site and to this very day still rp together and are stupid close lol, so at least one thing good came out of it xD) and we decided we were going to leave with a big bang xD


She was the first to get in the cbox and she said some pretty awful things but they needed to be said so that other members of the site were aware of the toxicity (there were other things that he had done, like stolen graphics and codes and whatnot, but denied all accusations). He deleted the comment and then banned her and then I got in right after that and did the same exact thing, but with some choice words a 13/14 year old probably shouldn't have been saying x'D


To this day I don't regret my decision (the site closed not too soon after that) but I do believe it could have been handled better lol

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If I get bored with a site because nobody seems to be posting any more, or interested with plotting in me... I ghost instead of putting in a lot of effort to get things shaking. Oops? 


A past regret I've had is not calling people out on their behaviour and just ignoring them instead. I've looked the other way when a member is baiting people or being passive-aggressive, and I haven't notified the staff if I wasn't the victim but was still made uncomfortable. That's not true as much any more, but on previous boards, it definitely was. 


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