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Bear Butt


This is Bear! He is a retriever-labrador-some kind of a hound mix, and he was born in my lap. (No, really, I felt so bad for her lol) Long story short, his mother Brat was our roommate's dog; he got her when she was a pup. Used to even take her to work with him a lot, they were always together almost, but then she grew up and wasn't cute anymore, and he stopped bothering with her, tossed her in our backyard and forgot she was there. I ended up feeding her and playing with her. In the end, she got out of our yard and ended up pregnant with pups. She was 11 years old at the time, so it was kind of stressful. I was with her through it, making sure she wasn't too stressed, got enough water, etc. She had her babies on January 8, 2015, after an entire day of labour halfway in my lap. It was very hard on her, she birthed eleven of them, too. (One, unfortunately, a little black one, was stillborn.) We lost two more, over the following months, until she only had eight, two black, one brown, the rest blond like her. Nine months later, we took her to a non-usual vet, to get her spayed. I decided she was MY dog and decided to take over the rest of her care, and the day she went in for her spay, I was sleep-deprived and not thinking straight. This dog that had never once growled in her life, sat down and growled at the vet's staff. I should've taken her home right then and shopped around more. She died a week later. No one seems to even know why or what even went wrong. Bear's siblings had gone to other homes. Two of his brothers went to a family with three kids; another went to a man that had the space for her to run around almost freely. And Bear stayed with us. (I WANTED the brown one but roommate, who had zero part in helping Brat raise the pups or helping her through pregnancy and labour and cleaning up after the runts, went behind my back and gave the brown one away. I was PISSED.) Bear looks very much like his mother. He has her eyes and her facial structure. I am sad she's gone now, especially as I never really knew WHY she went, but she lives in them now.

From the album:

Arc's Furries

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