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A roleplayers peeve moments


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I find it pretty sad when people make it clear they want nothing to to with the site via complaints and such, and instead of being mature and leaving the site they insist on coming in every now and then with a snide 'oh, this site is still around?' comment.


They just want the satisfaction of knowing they caused enough of a stir to get banned. 


I guess it comes with the territory of the internet, but it's still sad.

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> I feel the same as many of you do - it irritates the holy hells out of me when someone contacts me saying they want to thread, and then expects /me/ to do all the legwork, coming up with the plot and usually the first post too.  

I dont' expect people to know every minute step of their character's progress in said thread - but don't come to me without at /least/ a basic idea, please?


> Players who refuse to let certain things happen to their characters and/or has an escape plan for every feasable plot because they believe their character is an advantageous situation.  Even when they're not.


> Plots that go round and round (and round and round) in circles.  I will sometimes throw a spanner in the works out of pure frustration when this happens.  


> When rp'ers just go off the grid without any heads-up.  Life can get busy and complex, sure, I know that, but please just shoot me a pm or something at some point to let me know if you're going to return? Don't come back after six weeks and expect me to still be waiting for you to post, ok? 

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You know what bothers me? When someone tells me that something is okay, if I forgot to post in a thread and that I can take my time...only to find out that, no, it wasn't okay to them. In fact, it was quite the opposite and everything I'd done up to that point was seen as a personal slight.


I'm human. We're all human. We make mistakes and we forget. We've got lives outside of the computer, some of us have children, we have jobs. Never have I joined a thread with the mindset of, "I'm me, bitches. Work around it. I do what I want." If you have a problem, talk to me.


Nothing ever gets solved by letting things fester. Ever.

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Nothing ever gets solved by letting things fester. Ever


This!  I completely agree with you here - I'm sure that probably at least 80% of ooc drama could probably be eliminated if people were just willing to talk about things! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a self peeve:


I hate that I can never put up a well-written plot, I always just go off the cuff by putting up some vague ideas I'm craving whenever I throw out my fishing line so to speak. I just suck at plots... It's so much easier to bounce ideas off of another person.


It's even worse when someone else puts up an idea that is something similar to an idea i had and it gets more reception. And the rp closes before any true expression of 'yo! I wanna do this' can be made.


And I'm currently going through a craving moment, too... It's been awhile since I felt the need to rp something so badly. My timing for getting my rp spark back and throwing out said fishing line out couldn't be worse...


Been a while since I've felt this in general...

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Peeve moment: When you feel like you are dragging on the plot by yourself and your partner is no longer interested and almost as if it is a chore to them. 

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On Monday, 29 February 2016 at 5:28 AM, Amelia said:

Peeve moment: When you feel like you are dragging on the plot by yourself and your partner is no longer interested and almost as if it is a chore to them.

Yes, x1000.

Is it just me, or is this so incredibly common nowadays? The players who, God forbid, actually care about the character dynamic and the story are becoming a rarity.


Someone take me in a time machine back to the year 2000 when the majority were engaging and there were hardly any flakers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh man do I have them. One year now of being an admin under my belt and I can say I'm a wee bit more jaded than I used to be, but my biggest peeve of the play? Spending too much time on sites posting about said peeves and not correcting it.

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"Everyone has been doing so much soul searching during all of this,

and I'm just over here drawing pics of my character's dicks."

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Guest Archaic Cyborg

Peeve: when a partner keeps giving you excuse after excuse and promise after promise as to why they haven't posted yet, and why it'll definitely happen 'tomorrow'. And you can't sit around, waiting forever, and yet.. If you just boot them out of the 1x1 community, you know they'll come back in 3 hours, asking why can't they access said group.


Fuck. If you've lost interest, steam, time, say so. It takes a minute to leave a comment/PM! Doing this song and dance every 3 weeks must take more effort, yeah? Just.. move on so I can move on, too! Aaaaarghfuck.


Peeve: when a partner actually admits that they lost interest because the line wasn't fast enough. Welp, I did what I could, and without turning into those people who spam with daily 'gonna post yet?' crap. It's not my job to remind my partners weekly., and it's not my fault that they're distracted by flavour of the week RPs.


peeve: In fandom 1x1s, I find less people want to share fandom things these days. I hoard a lot of obscure goodies, and I enjoy sharing said goodies with people who genuinely enjoy the fandom as much as I do, if not more! But, the other player then stops contact. It's too awkward, apparently, saying yay or nay to something as small and harmless as .... Er.


.....It would have to be like asking a fellow shipper, for instance Captain America x Bucky, what they thought of a certain comic storyline, or their favourite scene in the films. Soon as something that harmless is asked, the other person flakes and/or suddenly comments that they have to leave (a rare comment). What the fuck. This does not compute. I can't plot out a fandom pairing or thread idea by avoiding the subject! 


ETA: I JINX MYSELF, I SWEAR TO DOG. An old potential-flaker has unflaked, 3 secs ago. Aaaayyy

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My biggest peeve I haven't seen mentioned in here? When you get a group of people who are cliquish, decide they hate a particular person or group of people, and then will have absolutely nothing to do with them. This may not be as big of a deal for you forum RPers since you can go off and thread without the clique, but on the star trek sims, where everyone usually has a primary plot that affects everyone? Having a clique that actively shuts particular people out is a recipe for disaster.


I've been on both sides of the divide, and the only reason I was on the inside of the clique the second time around was I was basically the help that got all the admin stuff done so that the clique leader, who was CO of the ship, could swan around doing nothing for the sim except write days of our lives level soap interactions between her character and the men vying for her attention. She never had time to do the admin stuff, and she conveniently forgot to include my XO character in logs where she should have been included.

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Captain Amelia Waterhouse, Commanding Officer

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"It is human nature to yearn to be what we were never intended for. It is singular, but it is so." -Mark Twain

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This thread is full of my salty sort of people.


When people do the "I'll post tomorrow!" "I'll be active again next week!" "I'll be around more!" And then repeatedly do the minimal to give the appearance of activity (frequently only posting in the Cbox and not actually threading.)


People that make character after character only to either immediately drop them or go off to make another without doing anything with the first ones. Bonus: They write up a character that makes no sense, you take the time to critique it and then they just abandon it to move on to the next because it would require too much work to fix it because it didn't work at all with lore/common sense.


Guests that make noises. They don't join, they don't talk about joining or asking questions. They just show up and say shit like  "mew" and leave when everyone doesn't jump down their throat with OMG GUEST HIIIIII excitement.

On a similar note: "Is this site active?" When the Cbox is actively moving. You can see the last posts, you can see who's been on, you can see that the Cbox is being talked in. What do you think?


Harassing for posts. Especially if its passive aggressive. "I can't wait for XYZ post!" "Oh man, am I next?" "I'm so excited for the thread" over and over and over again. It makes me have no desire to post to you because, while you're excited and that's great, you're stressing me out because I have other obligations to attend to and will get to the post when I get to it. The worst was someone bluntly going "Can I get an ETA?" every time they saw the person.


Pity Parties in public spaces. If your life sucks so bad that all you can do is talk about how horrible it is, maybe you should consider spending less time online and more time trying to fix it. I've had people that can only discuss the terrible things in their life and will actively go out of their way to attempt to redirect conversations back to how awful things are for them because they NEED the pity or something.



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Guest Archaic Cyborg
9 hours ago, Rune said:



Guests that make noises. They don't join, they don't talk about joining or asking questions. They just show up and say shit like  "mew" and leave when everyone doesn't jump down their throat with OMG GUEST HIIIIII excitement.



THIS. Christ on a kraken. It is somehow ridiculously grating when someone posts 'mew', 'rawr', 'meow? o.o' and so on. Human language, use it, please.

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Going to third that it's annoying to see "rawr" or "mew" used. I can kind of forgive if it's close friends doing it then moving onto an actual discussion... not just dropping that bit and fleeing.


Also might as well throw in the abuse/overuse of the emoticon type stuff. You know... 






So to all that stuff I have just one thing to say...



Admins who can't (or won't) communicate.

Half the time admin problems can be resolved by admins talking to the person first. (And in those cases where it can't be fixed? Ban hammer!) Don't pussyfoot around and make passive-aggressive stabs at a player... (seriously, don't make blanket rules to cover one user's transgressions.) If you have an issue with them then talk to them. They likely aren't going to know unless you take that few minutes and be up front with them. (People are not mind readers so they won't know unless told.) If they either can't, or won't, learn then bust out  some consequences.


I don't know how many times I've seen admins be like "I have this problem member, dunno what to do". And they seem  genuinely confused by the notion that they may have to talk to this problem person.


Also, tangentially related to the above, Admins... don't ignore problems, they don't go away they just get worse. If a member misbehaves or isn't a good fit for the site, don't be lazy and make your members do your job for you. This has the tendency to backfire. (Yes, your members turned away that member without you. But it took 4 weeks, they got hounded for plots along the way with someone they either didn't want to or couldn't plot with and their enthusiasm for the site is probably waning. Your inaction has dragged this ordeal out and very likely cost you at least 1 other member.)


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"There are three sides to every story... Your side, their side, and then somewhere in the middle is the truth."
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Guest Archaic Cyborg

When you bump a want ad with something along the lines of 'Still searching for Canon X Role!22!'...


...and someone replies, asking if the role is still available. *headdesk*

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