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The truth of Social Justice?

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I found this a while back and it's something that has kind of stuck with me. I wanted to share this so others could have a read and debate it. I will openly admit that I've been a little less than keen in posting this to any roleplay community because it takes issues with many who share roleplay as a hobby. (Though I'm confident that there won't be any issues here and that we can talk and debate this like mature adults. This roleplay community is the only one I've found that I'm confident enough to post this in. And I've asked @Morrigan before hand just to ensure this would be ok.)




We are fighting to end hate, to unite as one and love each other. We are fighting to be treated right without discrimination and for everyone to have equal opportunities.




Bullshit. You have no quantifiable metrics for injustice, so you have no victory conditions (for a very simplified example, when blacks hold X% of all engineering jobs and are only Y% of all prisoners, racism is ended). That would be fine by itself, but you believe in fighting injustice with injustice (gays have historically been denied gay marriage? let’s get random CEOs fired for opinions they held six years ago). You don’t seek converts, you seek to punish and bully – straight white males who disagree with you must be purged and publicly humiliated. Even the jihadists will spare you if you convert; no apology or future correction will satisfy a SJW.


I could forgive that too if you weren’t all hypocrites and liars. Your treatment of women and minority dissenters is appalling; if they don’t want you acting on their behalf, that’s their choice, not “internalized patriarchy” or whatever. You rob them of moral agency. When called out for these behaviors (as you always insist on calling out others), you lie. You strawman your opponents (criticized a woman? misogynist!), you group them with the worst (you’re a gamer? you’re as bad as the anonymous rape threateners!) and when confronted with your own flaws, you restate them less threateningly (motte and bailey argument). You phrase all arguments as kafkatraps (disagreeing with your assertion that we are evil is taken as proof that we’re evil). You publish manipulated and misleading statistics, then lambast anyone who questions them.


You insist on vigilante justice against random acts of the week for your two-minutes hate. Why is it the NFL’s business to punish domestic violence? And, if it is their business, why isn’t Hope Solo receiving the same attention from your side?


Then you claim to be arguing for equality, but you’ve taken the idea of racism (hatred based on skin color is bad) and replaced it with a new concept where only one race can be guilty of racism. You excuse racial prejudice and hatred based on what I’ve already explained are arbitrary, unmeasured states of being. Your solution for the unequal treatment of whites and blacks is to hold whites to a higher standard. Your side lobbied the FBI to redefine rape so more women victims would be counted, but also so that “made to penetrate” does not count, leaving male victims in the cold. Because male privilege, apparently.


Historically ignorant SJWs think whites hold collective guilt for the awful things our ancestors have done. But they don’t care about the unspeakable atrocities by other races. The only difference between whites and others was that whites had the social and technological prowess to do evil efficiently; Africans, Asians, Indians, and everyone else practiced genocide and slavery, they were just less adept at doing it right. Given the means, they would have done the same. But nope, only whites are guilty; Arab oppression of blacks and caucasians never happened, not to us, nope.

I’ve been lucky enough to grow up in America, so this shit is new to me. But I’m descended from puritans, and I know my history; I know how they treated dissent. I also know how commies treated dissent; I grew up next door to a grizzled old Russian who barely avoided the gulag by smuggling himself out of the country. I know what you petty tyrants have turned into every time you gained enough power.


Worst of all, you turn the very principles of freedom against us. We tolerate you because we believe in free speech and civil discourse, not bullying and violence. But that means we have to watch you advocate against that very freedom. We don’t believe in ruining a stranger’s professional life over an opinion, but that means that we can’t punish your actions.


We believe that the rightness of our actions should speak for itself. You believe in bullying, even as you claim to love the oppressed.


Funny how the evil and all-powerful patriarchy has seen fit to act according to SJW whims for all of recent memory, punishing those they hate and protecting those they love. Funny how the evil oppressor males have to speak anonymously, while the SJWs fighting the power can use their real names and get mainstream media coverage for fun and profit. How when a million straight white male nerds get bullied, no one cares, but the minute one fag hangs himself, suddenly bullying matters – and the solution, of course, is more bullying, but by the “right” people.


That’s the arrogant core of it. You do the same evil, in the same pattern, as so many before you, because mob justice, punishing dissent, and repression of others is just fine and dandy so long as the “right” people are doing it to the “wrong” people.

Eat shit and die. All I ever asked was to be left alone.




Here's the link where it came from.


So now thoughts?

Edited by VirusZero
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"There are three sides to every story... Your side, their side, and then somewhere in the middle is the truth."
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So I was trying to not be the first person that posted to this because I have strong opinions on this. For a long time I've stated that "single white males" are now the most discriminated upon person in the US (not sure about other countries sorry). This didn't matter about sexual orientation when I started to state this.


While many may not believe in this I still think it's pretty accurate especially if you say "single white heterosexual male".


The biggest issue here is that somehow that someone somewhere decided that since they were persecuted in some way that reverse persecution is alright. It's really not, and it's horrible that people find that leg to stand on.


In my opinion SJWs can be/are just as bad as the people that do it due to ignorance or hate. Hate just creates more hate that creates more hate. It's an awful circle that is perpetuated by the fact that 'an eye for an eye' is the way to feel better. Well you know what they say about 'eye for an eye' right? If you do it then it leaves you both blind (or something like that ;) ).

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Profile set made by myself and original Artwork by Fae Merriman, my daughter.



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I'm kind of not surprised that no one else has wanted to reply... Truth of the matter is that roleplay in general is very much influenced by tumblr and social justice sorts. (Ever wonder where trigger warnings, safe spaces and microaggressions come from? They're concepts derived from 3rd wave feminism that have been picked up by tumblr.) This makes topics like this somewhat dangerous because it goes against that mentality of everything is wrong, everyone is a victim, safe spaces are necessity. 


Now I don't know if straight white men necessarily face more discrimination than other groups... but the problem is that in cases where they do experience discrimination no one cares, no one bats an eye, no one even stops and thinks "hey, is this wrong?"... it is just kind of accepted.

For a solid example at a job I worked at years ago I saw a fellow worker get repeatedly pulled into the office and given talks about their performance and how they needed to do more (door was left open so anyone walking by could hear... real professional I know). This was of course despite the fact he showed up for every shift on time, did everything he could do and never complained.  And eventually he was fired for not doing enough while they kept a native american woman who: showed up when she felt like it (like maybe twice a week), did maybe a third the work he did and spent half her time on her phone. I never saw her ever get pulled into the office, to my knowledge no one said anything to her. (I could be wrong, maybe they did say something in private. But given how that manager acted... probably not.)

The only reason she was kept was because she ticked a number of boxes in the diversity checklist. Basically a number that made the company look good on paper. 


The part that angers me is the part where SJWs claim to be for love, acceptance and equality. The opening paragraph says it all for me. We've seen time and again how those claiming to be fighting for equality aren't. It's a bizarre concept where 200 people can write a letter to shut down a day set to recognise men's issues then themselves feel threatened when some guy kills himself. Or how at a vigil for those slain at the Pulse nightclub how one woman claims she didn't feel safe because it was "too white". Or how a group can use emergency personnel to shut down a peaceful meeting (that's a youtube video that gets quite loud so before you click, turn your volume down just in case) that they just didn't agree with. Or how a supposed safe space becomes a target of attack simply because it has a difference of opinion



As an aside if you like seeing SJWs get their due... 




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"There are three sides to every story... Your side, their side, and then somewhere in the middle is the truth."
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Yeah, it's stuff like that, that always brings me to raise my son the way that I do. That he can come to me about anything and that he can be/do/etc whatever he wants as long as he's a good person. It's a struggle for me personally because his father doesn't share the same beliefs and refuses to talk to me about them. This comes down to keeping him within a stereotype of short hair and trucks and "masculine" things.


It actually ruined my son for 2 years after my ex came back into our life after leaving it for 3 years. He made my son self conscious and fem-phobic (where he was afraid to do "girlie" things because he was a boy).

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Profile set made by myself and original Artwork by Fae Merriman, my daughter.



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I absolutely hate SJW's. I've had to end a few friendships because they take things too far. I like to think I'm open minded, but when I get shut down in a discussion because I'm 'cishet trash' i really start to lose all respect for people. I support rights, for everyone. I support father's rights, Gay marriage (isn't it just marriage? c'mon now), adoption, abortion, I support all kinds of things, simply because I have experienced the other side of the coin, as it were.


I've watched as my mother struggled to be a better mother to her fiance's son then his own biological mother was. I watched how the custody battle that followed tore the family to pieces. I had the fortune to be less involved as I am older, and not dependent. I've watched my best friend get judged and even ridiculed at work because of his orientation. I've been on the receiving end of harassment for being a lesbian (totally not, but damn do I understand the struggle), for dating my boss (wasn't. He is the aforementioned bestie who is more asexual than homosexual but very not hetero) but despite all this, I have gotten smacked with that cis crap. I know technically it's a legit 'definition' but I don't like it. Just as much as I don't like labeling others. I don't like terms like Transman or Transwoman. You're a man or a woman, I don't care how you started off, just where you're going. I also respect those that prefer to be non-binary. I hate 'Gay couples' and 'Lesbian couples'. They're couples. Who cares what the definer is? I don't point at a straight couple and refer to them as 'that straight couple over there'. 


Maybe I'm just ahead of my time, or even ass backwards. I try to live a simple life, and wish everyone the best. 


I hate to say it, but after something happens, a shooting, a crisis, a media frenzied death, I find there are a handful of sites and people I have to not talk to for a week or more, just so all the SJW calm down and I can go back to my simple life.


I shall also admit that I couldn't finish the initial post. It's like my mind shuts down when the rants get too SJW. I saw Patriarchy and my mind just noped. It's sad that I've had to condition myself like that just to avoid an argument, or reading something that I know will lower my IQ a dozen points or so. I miss the days where we could joke, and make bad jokes, terrible jokes, and everyone would laugh at them, and not cry because they were 'triggered' or just deeply offended. I miss the days when if it was a race issue, it was obvious. Not just some white guy punched a black guy, but because it was OBVIOUSLY racist. 


I miss the days where I didn't have to stop and really consider the words coming out of my mouth, and wondering if the person I'm talking to, will find what I said funny, or offensive. Society has turned into this sensitive fluffy bunny that explodes if you so much as breathe too heavily near it.  I remember when I could tell my stepbrother that mowing the lawn was his job, because it was his task assigned by mom (oh no, chores, who does those, right?), and not because he's half Hispanic, and worry about someone hearing that and immediately assuming I'm racist.



I am tired and I just carried on there. I'll stop now.

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On the upside though, despite how bleak it may seem... SJWs are actually a relatively small (though exceptionally vocal) group. Most people do not agree with them. I mean you can see from every major example where SJWs are involved it's usually only a few of them complaining where everyone else is ok. (They just make it seem like they're larger number than what they are by how loud they protest. Plus some use duplicate accounts to bolster ranks.) If we want to stop them though we have to refuse to give into their crap. The whole shaming tactic of calling someone a racist/sexist/whatever only works if the person being called that cares. If they don't care (because they know they're not, and others can plainly see by how they actually behave) then SJWs lose their power. The other thing to stop SJWs... never apologise. An apology to a SJW is a sign to press the attack. (We've seen this in cases like with Sir Tim Hunt.)


I'm not fond of the whole identity politics crap to begin with (which most SJWs seem hyper obsessed with). I have never seen it do anything useful, I've only ever seen it create problems. I mean dividing people up into groups never makes things better. It's all too easy to go into the othering effect where because they're not in the same group as you that they're the enemy. And that means it's easier to take more extreme actions on/against them.  (And the acceptable target is usually white men... because apparently white men are responsible for all the evils in the eyes of SJWs.)


I'm right there with you on the whole transman/woman thing. It's why I get sort of annoyed when I see sites bending over to cater to this nonsense. I mean look, if someone's trans I get it, I do. But you're not really trans forever. Eventually your become either male or female. That is the end goal more or less. (Now, let's be clear here, that doesn't require going through surgery though. So don't conflate the two thing. If that individual wants to have surgery then power to them.)


I will go a step further though and say I'm not fond of the genderfluid thing either. I think that very much heightens struggles that transgender people have. People who are transgender are so because their brain chemistry more closely matches that of the opposite gender they were born. Humans, as a species, recognise their gender pretty early on (usually by age 5 we have a pretty good concept of male/female). So someone switching back and forth each day easily leads to people presuming they're faking it (which, not going to lie, some probably are doing just that) and that it's the same for transgender people too.




And for some more laughs... ever seen that buzzfeed video of the questions women have for men? (In case not... have a watch. Though I recommend ShoeOnHead's reply instead because it's funny and covers everything.) Here's the white men to SJW version. 



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"There are three sides to every story... Your side, their side, and then somewhere in the middle is the truth."
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Erk. I will be honest, I am stunned at this thread. What sort of people are you! Seriously, I'm curious. You guys are like a small group of people I've seen that are not at all like most I've hung around. When I began to venture out from the first forum I was on, I got warned that most people wouldn't like me because of my political / social ideals. I kind of accepted that as gospel truth because from what I have seen, it's okay to get on the political soapbox so as long as you were on the very left end of things. It isn't okay to do that when you're on the other end of the spectrum, watching idly over that fence with a straw in your mouth and a very annoyed expression of 'can't we just rp?' In fact, one of the members of said forum was friends with me on facebook and got in the admin's ear that I was too scary to keep around despite the fact that I never got on my political and social soapbox. I kid you not. What made up for this was that my darling liberal friends loved me and hardly cared about where I stood so as long as I continued to write with them. I love them and dote on them.

So, on topic. That huge rant against SJW? I agreed with every bit of it, but well, that's to be accepted because I'm a conservative. I abhor mob mentality. I abhor doxxing. I abhor outrage (like that member had against me) over something that is disagreed with, in which the outrage turns into bullying. I can't stand vigilante justice because it's so subjective, so infused with emotion, that it's never regarded with a cool eye and objective analysis. It doesn't matter what side of the spectrum you're on, if you do any of those things, I hate it. SJWs do have a strong grip on the creative world. So, say you go to tumblr to blog conservative things, you can be damned sure to expect that your blog will get shut down or that you'll get hate mail. It's sad.


I refuse to worry over someone else's personal identities and to cater to them. Look, you're a human being. You're flawed, troubled, screwed up. Dude, guess what? So am I! Don't spray it, don't scream it, just own it with some freaking dignity. -_- Plz. As for oppression, again plz.


 As someone who is about to solo admin for the first time, I look at my site and realize that I'm pretty much going to run it that way. I ain't gonna care about sexuality, gender, crossdressing, etc -- just gimme some char dev and history and let's run. I'm not gonna bow to someone who is triggered because sweetie, errywhere is a trigger. I agree with @VirusZero -- don't back down. Own who you are and don't let people shame you for it. Don't be apologetic. Don't let them twist your intentions around and make you out to be a monster because you're not towing the line. THEIR line. THEIR beliefs. THEIR ideals. Psht no. We're not a hivemind.


P.S. I love Based Mom, dangerous faggot Milo, Steven Crowder, and shoe0nhead.

P.S.S. Okay, so this is the first time I got on a political/social soapbox in a forum rp community. *shuffles toes to ground* Wow. Got rambly. ^_^

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home sweet home.

18th century British India rp. Jcink premium.


be geeky with me!

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