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Worst thing YOU have done


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@CovertSphinx I really can't blame you for this, especially when the player is being a bit precious about it and extremely picky. I have also experienced a player posting a hiatus notice (after being made inactive once already) because there was "nothing interesting for her character right now on the site and she'd come back when there were characters she could plot with..."  That being said, there were 52 characters to choose from that all had active players on the site -_-

Edited by Dusty
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The worst thing for my site, the worst thing for me, or the worst for a character? xD



Not kicking my ex boyfriend off the forum when I should have. I let him stay, and he made our lives hell, until I finally gave him the boot. Shut my site down for a little while after, but we came back with a BANG and it's been glorious ever since!



Getting too attached to characters run by people who have left. I still miss a bunch of my former friend's characters, and she vanished four years ago. Super sadfaic. </3



Uh, well, I've killed a dark elf and had him be brought back like four times in the many years I've had him. All in the same canon universe. xD Oops?

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  • 1 month later...

Leaving sites without saying anything >.< I feel really guilty about it, but when my stress levels hit critical mass and I need to cut something out of my life to keep from getting too stressed I do it without warning. And then two-three weeks later when I feel better I'm too embarrassed to crawl back and say "Hey guys, sorry about just suddenly disappearing." It's really something I should work on. 


Another thing was that I once got unintentionally bitchy around another member I didn't like, I just seemed to have to make snide comment or argue... not proud of that one, but fortunately I realized what I was doing pretty quickly and just started avoiding them instead cause I didn't trust myself to keep it civil for long. 

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  • 2 months later...

Oof. I've been forum roleplaying on and off since around the age of 9-10, so those teenage years of pettiness were rough. I didn't take what I perceived to be personal attacks very well, and was definitely one of those types who could get baited into 'wars' with people over the dumbest stuff. It took me a long time that being right and ruining friendships is worse than just letting the small stuff go for the greater good of the site. Like, I used to have these long arguments with people over the dumbest of things that neither party had first or even secondhand knowledge about.


Does the realism of one sword strike REALLY matter when there are dragons flying around and people shooting fireballs from their fingers? No, not really, but don't tell teenage me that. I also had the tendency as a staffer to be too scared to pull the trigger in kicking just out and out toxic people for so long it definitely contributed to some site deaths. I would do things like straight up step down as staffer rather than do my job in that regard, which was really rough.


I also held grudges forever, and still do to an extent. There are certain people that when I see on a site I just flat out X out and never come back. A lot of people who have that effect on me run the same characters with the same PBs/Names on every site so they make it really easy for me. When people go off the rails and attack me as a person outside the game, especially over an in-game dispute I remember that shit forever.

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  • 1 month later...

I am not a perfect person and I have done many things that I regret or that people remembered longer than I would like. Plenty are cringe-worthy. But this takes the cake as it is lives on to this day. It is unkillable:


Once upon a time, I misread a certain site as having a mechanic that no one else did. Years later, I realized I had misread but still attempted to join it, but it took as many revisions, time, effort, and pictures in my application as a graduate thesis paper; the site was already in its death knell and this same treatment as everyone before me made me perturbed - I thought I was doing them a favor by helping to increase activity so they wouldn't die, but they were perfectly happy to do so -  and they did. But because I missed the misread mechanic that never was and could never find it anywhere, because I thought their site was too pretty to waste, and because I still felt bitter about my treatment (even though they treated everyone else the same), I decided that I would create a skin in the likeness of an old skin of theirs.

I used internet archive to pull up this very old skin and created my own in its likeness (nothing was stolen, everything made anew). As a skin, it looks just fine, and its whimsical elements are pulled together.


Do you remember how there was a bit of outrage about how everyone kept using the "exact same skins", because they'd never put any personalization efforts into it? This is one of those skins that's immediately recognizable for it, and it looks hideous because the elements of the skin do not go with the genre the admin is using it for. Harry Potter and ... jellyfish? Super natural powers and ...gems? Teenage violent ninja turtles and ... feminine hair ribbons?


TL;DR: A revenge-porn skin exists and people keep using it and making it look so much worse for added cringe.


A relaxed, dark and gritty roleplay based on Disney's Zootopia. 

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Oh gosh... I'm by no means a perfect person. I definitely have a bad habit of being that person who joins and tries to get involved with everything. I can't help it. I get so excited. I try to offer to help and throw out suggestions, but mostly I think it irritates admins. I'm bad at sitting by and just posting like a good member.


This is why I'm better off running my own sites instead of joining new ones, which leads me to another thing I do--I tend to join sites and drop off the face of the earth a month later without saying anything. Sorry 'bout that....

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Well, let me preface by saying that I don't think it was the worst ever because the intent was anything but malicious, but it was taken badly so intent or not....


I took a plot from a member. The member (we'll call them Yessica) responded when I had jokingly offered it, but Yessica didn't seem at all enthused about it. It felt very much like a favor to me. So, when I told another member about it, (we'll call them Catalina), Catalina was excited and mentioned their character taking it. Now, my memory is crap and this happened a few weeks back, but the result was that I took the plot from Yessica. I thought it was purely a favor, so I didn't think it mattered. Apparently Yessica was more enthused than I realized because it gave her more to do on the site and well, it became a thing. It's a thing that had someone join the site then walk right back out because of it despite my intent. Us role players aren't always the most understanding, forgiving sort. Not that I can totally talk.....


I've also totally banned someone from my games simply because they screwed me over in the past. But, in my opinion that's simply lookin' out for yourself, and honestly it takes a lot to get me to do that. #sorrynotsorry


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  • 7 months later...

Honestly, it was deciding to do something different and "inactivate" people into a special category when they went inactive instead of copying down information for munny and such. When doing this, accidentally made one of the "inactives" a staff member. THANKFULLY we caught it when a member asked who "so-and-so" was and why they were staff. Only thing they did was play with the munny feature and gave them-self a lot of munny. Thank goodness. But yeah, let's say we scrapped that idea.

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Hmmmm - I have a long and storied RP history, starting back in the Yahoo Groups days when there wasn't really other RP resources out there. The first incidents were ones where I got involved in IC drama and OOC drama just to run with the Big Kids. I regret all of that and I lost a good friend once over it. Unfortunately, by the time I realized how stupid I was being, it was too late.


I once walked off a site and took everyone with me. To our defense, the person that owned the site we left kept disappearing for weeks on end and then lying about why they were gone (we caught them in several blatant ones).


I believe in multiple chances because I've grown and left most of my vindictiveness behind - especially where it concerns imaginary people in imaginary worlds. However, I gave this one person that 3rd chance and she outed another member's personal health info. Lesson learned.


I can be very passive-aggressive. Doing it right now (not here but at one of my sites).


Had clingy issues some years ago where a favorite writing partner was concerned. When they chose to leave RPing, I probably made their life miserable for a bit. I got better. They still don't RP anymore, but we're friends again.


I need to be more forceful when someone is not participating, but I hate hurting feelings.


Even now, sometimes the mouth (or keyboard) overrules the brain. No fix for that.

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Someone somewhere went to sleep and dreamed us all alive.
Dreams get pushed around a lot, and I doubt if we'll survive.
We won't get to wake up, dreams were born to disappear.
And I'm pretty sure that none of us are here.
~ None of Us Here by Jim Stafford ~





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1 hour ago, Stormwolfe said:

I once walked off a site and took everyone with me. To our defense, the person that owned the site we left kept disappearing for weeks on end and then lying about why they were gone (we caught them in several blatant ones).

I was involved in one of these in the first RP I played in. Sometimes it can't be helped if the staff aren't listening and everyone's unhappy. In our case, our friend who was leading everything kept asking us to write stuff related to the plot, wondering why things would stall, and it would turn out to be because we were waiting on him. There may have been more that I wasn't privy to, I was just one of the group that split by transferring my character to the ship that then broke off on its own away from the fleet.

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"It is human nature to yearn to be what we were never intended for. It is singular, but it is so." -Mark Twain

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Blasting a fellow admin for being a dictator with the backup of the rest of the staff team in our staff Discord, and predicting that he would throw a childish fit and shut down the site. I followed this up by subsequently taking about 95% of the active community and building a new site that’s less dictatorial and less.... open to entirely broken and absurd characters. 


And that 95% of the community was about 10-15 members or so. Not a small community by any means. I also essentially took the entire staff team with me; all he got was his update mod, lol. Admittedly, it was worth it cause the guy was a dick, and the fandom it’s in is, uh, full of them. Chock full. Unfortunately. 


Then i think the other worse thing was sitting back and watching with absolute entertainment as a rival site made by a former admin on my own made their own site, brought in a member banned on my own for conduct reasons, only for them to get banned over there, try turning the sites against each other by claiming the other was poaching from us (in appearance, they kind of were, and we did lose a a chunk of members to them and it DEFINITELY looked sketchy) only for them to go into revamp mode a month later and never open again.  To this day, my own site still stands. I enjoyed watching that happen because this former admin was a very close friend who did a total heel-face-turn and burned an almost 7-year friendship by calling me some very not nice things. 

Edited by Saska


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I honestly don't remember any of the cringe worthy things i'm sure I did back in my teens... But lately i've joined a site, gotten excited for it, heard some ish that went down with another member that I was friendly towards, and peaced out myself.  No word of leaving, nothing.  just POOF.  Right in the middle of a big event too.. Woops.  Not sorry, teh site was full of... very finicky individuals in my opinion.


Only other thing I feel kind of bad about is getting a little too snarky in the Cbox on occassion towards one member.  


Iiiii also might bitch about other writing styles to my two closest friends in private chat.  I'm sure it makes me look like a total asshat, but I know they're not judging me, and thats why they are my friends. 

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Like ten years ago, I accused a group of people on a forum of being a clique in a popular (and now defunct) rant forum. The admin of the accused site messaged me to confront me about it, and rightly so. I still cringe about it to this day, especially since I've LONG since reevaluated what a "clique" is. I learned my lesson way back then and I'm glad the admin talked to me about it.


Having a group of friends is NOT a bad thing, especially if they're also friendly and receptive to others. I've found most are. It's usually  just people letting things get to their head or jealousy that pushes them into crying clique!

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Reality is an illusion. 


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I've exploded on an ally in arms because even though we had the same goal in a sense our styles of going about it were so different that I ended up feeling threatened, & eventually went over the edge about it.

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I didn't defend a player from bullying, because I'm too soft and can't say no. Things escalated up to site staff, and I think five people ended up leaving the RP for some period of time.

Glub glub.

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