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What genre were your first rps in? (Member & Staff)


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Mine was Harry Potter. I role-played on a couple of different Potter-related sites growing up, then found one I stuck with for a long time until over a year ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I joined two at once. One was an AU Hogwarts site & the other was a Stargate SG-1 site, so both fantasy AND sci-fi (speculative fiction) 😄🦄

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The rp sites I joined were based on fandom sites - Charmed, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc

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  • 1 month later...

My first three RPs were: Gundam Wing; Dragonriders of Pern; X-Men. I did only X-Men RP for a looooong time, but actually hadn't been in one in years. Maybe it's time to take it back to my roots, lol

[b]Dragon Age: Post-Trespasser
9:47 DRAGON[/b]

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Sci-fi! Star Wars and Aliens vs Predator/Colonial Marine Corps. And they are still both my main genres :) 

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Realistic wolf rp was the first genre I rp'ed in courtesy of Wolfquest.

I still do animal rp to do this day, though mostly fantasy nowadays.

I've tried human rp and its just not for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The first "rpg" I joined was set on groups on Stardoll, of all things. I somehow found my way onto a supernatural creature writing site in a group there when I was eleven. A weird beginning for sure, but over a decade later, I'm still writing on rpgs! That odd little group was my stepping stone to all the other sites I have written on since.


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I've always been involved with wolf RP in one way or another. This is going to sound ridiculous, but there's this moment when you realize that "pretend" isn't okay anymore when you're a kid, or a moment when it starts to get weird. For me, that happened around age nine, but really stopped age ten when I entered grade 6.


When that pretend stopped, I lost an outlet. Middle school also doesn't have "recess" in most places the way it does in primary school, and I didn't know how to react to any of that. So, I sided with the weird kids, and then I took to the internet. I connected with Neopets, I found their forums and subsequently their RP forum, and I found an entire community of young people like me who just wanted to pretend.


Later, this need to pretend turned into the need to write. Sometimes the writing is for "writing", but much of the time it is an outlet for expression. It's the equivalent to throwing paint at a wall at random as opposed to delicately generating a masterpiece. Sometimes it acts as "practice" for writing, but for me at least, it's a much different activity.


TLDR; it was wolves that got me hooked and even brought me back to the stage and stay anchored to. But I've always been open to all and there are few genres other than fanfics that I haven't joined at some point.

Edited by Zina
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  • 2 weeks later...

My first roleplay experience in general was on Gaiaonline over a decade ago, and was mostly Kingdom Hearts and Real Life/Slice of Life RPs. My first Jcink-style RP was an animated panfandom. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

My very first RPG was called Sinlahekin Wildlife Refuge... and it was an all species mess of amazing and epic proportions that I loved. Absolutely loved. I miss it to this day. It was chat based back in the days of Beseen Chats for those old enough to remember them.


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  • 1 month later...

X-Men RPs. Back when I was 12 I joined one on Invisionfree Forums. It also was the first genre type I created a year later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I started RPing on MySpace wayyyy back in the day haha I actually was too young to even have a MySpace and lied to say I was 13 when I was actually only 11. What a rebel, amiright? haha I started out with Harry Potter. My first character was none other than Ron Weasley and to this day I still can only play male characters haha Don't know why! I still play HP RPs, my current site is American based HP, and I no longer play Ronny boy XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

I no longer remember what my first RP was called — if we’re going off of my very first: it was a Neopets RP on a those pages you could customize. My first off-Neopets RP was a wolf RP.

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  • 1 month later...

I can't for the life of me remember what the first RP I joined was called, but I know it was set on MSN groups and had a horse theme - not as in being horses, but owning them, earning money to buy stuff for them etc. Around the same time I also joined a goth one - I don't remember much else than my emo style play bys and that you could earn castles and stuff, I thought that was super cool. 

I also started dabbing into resource sites especially for graphics, participated in challenges and opened my own "shop". I can only laugh thinking about my "skills" and what I made for people back then, but it was all good fun. 


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