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Looking for identity - half, or partly?

LOOKING FOR IDENTITY: HALF, OR PARTLY?     How often have you heard or said "I'm half, or part Jewish"? You surely have heard it at least, and the wisdom of some Native American elders has something to teach you in this respect. A very touching example, which can be applied successfully to us as well, was told by a physician from Oregon, Les Tate, who discovered as an adult that he was Indian. This is his story, from which each of us has something to learn:    



Don't tell Alice.

Warning: This is a VERY LONG One-Shot. This is the head-canon for my character and his backstory up to his present situation. ( Special thanks to @Morrigan and she knows why ) Born to a well-to-do family in suburban France, Henri was bounced between family estates a lot as a child. He wouldn't remember the reason; that his parents were not having a good time of their relationship. He wouldn't remember the fighting, or the screaming. Instead, Henri would remember the sheep and the go



A Christmas story.

(Chance is 15, Chase is 5) Snow had started falling about ten hours ago. Now there was several feet of it. "CHRISTMAS!" Chase had given a war-cry and landed heavily upon his older brother's chest, first thing in the morning. The teenager grunted, got his arms around the little boy and rolled with him off the bed in such a way to land flat on his back, which made the little boy laugh with a great amount of glee. Chance tried to hide under his bed, and Chase just giggled, clinging t



The Witch

It was more than just a place to sleep. A barn was a warm place; heat radiated off the bodies of animals sometimes in rolls of steam, especially in the winter. Winter here in this barren seeming land was harsh. If you did not find a place to sleep you would freeze within hours of the sun fall. Piper curled up against Daniel. The boy kept his little sister close, wordlessly, as they hid in the straw amongst a forest of legs with hooves. Tails hung from backsides like branches from a willow t



(Mature) Not your standard murderer.

WARNING: Mature content. 18+ Lucy frowned as she fixed her curls in the mirror of her little post-war industrial apartment. The blonde curls were perfect and pristine. She made sure her red lipgloss was too. To continue reading, click the spoiler tag below. © Ghost, 2014



She had no right to miss him.

There isn't some self-agrandizing in death. No. Not unless you die doing something particularly ridiculous that in some way glorifies your death while also being self serving to your memory. Or at least that's how it typically is. You don't remember those who are just simply dead. Or maybe you do. But there are thousands of people who die every day and not everyone gets even so much as a funeral. Some are simply gone. Their bodies are sent to be cremated. The ashes are dumped unceremoniousl



Mutiny III - Death of the accursed boatswain

Mutiny Part III - Death of the accursed boatswain Elouan had seen from the rigging the dog’s attempts to save the man he hated the most, and he silently prayed to God not to let it happen. Jacque Gasquet was trying his best to swim and remain alive, hoping that somebody would throw him a rope or something. He was tired and in pain, as the Breton had strong fists and the boatswain had always been accustomed to give deadly blows, not to receive them. Not to mention the way he fell from



Mutiny II - death of the third lieutenant

Mutiny part II - Death of the third lieutenant On the other side of the ship, Fernand wanted to approach Patrick, who was holding the young boatswain’s mate. He had something to tell him now too, that it seemed the atmosphere changed and the young man’s protector wasn’t there anymore. The men were in commotion, ready to stand up against the bully, following the Breton’s example they had witnessed. Others were shouting the name of another boatswain’s mate they had a bone to pick with, and



Mutiny I - death of a young rigger

Mutiny - Part I: Death of a young rigger The boatswain, that everybody except Antoine Lemieux knew under the name of Jacques Fresne, was looking at his mate at his son, with approval. The lad was learning. He was getting better at mastering the art of being obeyed by the sailors. On his side, Jacque was barking his orders to the riggers, to work quicker and better. Claude, afraid of the man, hurried to pull a line through a block and it fell back, hitting Jacque in the face. The boatswa



An innocent's execution

The execution The day of the execution soon arrived, when a crowd of thousands of people of all ages and social conditions assembled to witness Chago's last few minutes on this earth. It was the first execution of this kind to take place in Kanesville in the latest ten years or so. The judge had wanted an example out of him, discouraging such deeds in his precious town. Chago had time to get resigned to his fate. He was still wondering, though, who was the Judas among the Steamhawke



Hosting limited

Hello everyone, I will be re-opening Morrgasm. hosting on a limited basis due to server load. This means that I will be more strict about my inactivity rules so that people aren’t taking up hosting that aren’t utilizing the service. As such I will email any current applicants and see if they are still looking and then post if I have further spots. Thanks! Current Available hosting slots: 5/10 Morrgasm hosting would love to upgrade to offer further hosting to more RPGs and even possibly inve



Wrong characters for the ongoing story

I guess each RPG - which is a collectively written story - gets sometimes the misfit. But while we encourage the misfit as a character in various ship crews, as a personality interesting to explore in the interaction with other characters, we don't encourage the lone wolf in a creative endeavour based on collectivities (ship crews). Yes, the odd one or two might happen, as secondary characters, forging their paths among the collectives - but they are rare sights. (Exactly how women sailors



No commitment is the worst

I have learnt that nothing can be achieved without full involvement and commitment. That you reap what you sow, and the effort bears fruit. In a hobby, giving yourself without half measures brings the satisfaction of achievement, and many other subsidiary ones. But it seems most people dont know to live, to give themselves, to commit. They are lukewarm, not inspired, not excited, not invested, lacking any commitment. You cant build a house on sand; you can build it only on stone or on wood



Hosting Closed temporarily

So as some have noticed I’ve been having a few issues with keeping the server up. It’s been a trial and I know I can fix it but until I can get what hosting I currently have stable I will not be accepting new hostees, primarily because I don’t want your first site experience to be intermittent downtime of the server. That being said I’m also working on an upgrade to the Character Mod for the current IPB version. Once it’s released I will work on the 4.0 version subsequently with the help of a f



Just bitching today

Yes, I would need some sweet bread to make my day sweeter. Not that I have anything particular to resent today as I do. I guess some days of this kind just happen, when everything already piled up starts hurting and mattering. I have an exam today and I haven't studied enough. No time. I have a hard day at work too... and I am just taking a little break from it now. It is rainy for several days and I feel it in my bones, in my head, in everything. And I have deadlines for my s



Star Trek Uncle Sam

Remember that post forever ago? With Uncle Sam in a Star Trek Uniform! Well a Star Trek Podcast found in and asked to use it so I thought I’d remind you of it and send you there way: http://priorityonepodcast.com/ They … Continue reading → Source



Secret Santa!

A friend is looking for some people to fill some roles. I can’t pick up the characters myself but I figured the fabulous people on the internet may be able to oblige. This here is for these two! http://i42.tinypic.com/2dqn483.jpg first middle holden. 15. first or second year. clique is open. The tentative face claim is Jimmy Bennett but you could use anyone, really. You don’t necessarily have to run it by me as long as they have light brown or blond hair. Elizabeth isn’t extremely close with




The site is all up and running. If you find anything that looks weird or you can’t read let me know! I will make sure that I get it fixed as soon as possible. I added a Plugboard! If you have a button and a site to go with it feel free to plug your site as often as it falls off the plug board. With this I’m willing to host some plugboards so let me know if you want a Plug board for your site hosted by Morrgasm and I’ll contact you to get it setup! I am considering a links directory or a review



Nearing Completion

Hello everyone! Sorry that I kept being fickle about what I wanted to do with this site! It’s always been meant to be the hub of my many sites and all the things I do but when you have a million sites and a million things that you like to do it’s always a difficult feat to make a site that brings that all together into one neat little place. I think so far it’s coming together nicely. For now I want to wish everyone a hello from Morrgasm! I also would like to remind everyone that Morrgasm curr



Updating sites

So I’m in the process of updating Morrigan’s Madness and Morrgasm. I was thinking that Morrigan’s madness needed something new and improved for a skin (still working on that) and just a makeover all around. Excitingly I added a new … Continue reading → Source



Halloween costumes

So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone that I’m a big fan of Halloween. This year is no different. All out crazy and I’m designing for comiccon too. I am sad that my daughter changed her mind … Continue reading → Source



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