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About this blog

A blog where a techie-coder rambles about techie-coding things. And also talks about things they're doing with their mods. And also posts updates about said mods. And probably screms and crais a bit. Occasional guest appearances by technology woes, complaining about SMF, and art-things. Hi, my name's Arceus, coding became my life somehow, I do PHP/HTML/CSS, themes and mods for SMF, and I'm Powered by Salt. If you're interested in SMF, I'm the one to watch, I guess. I'm also writing my own RP-angled software called Gaia. Enjoy my musings and ramblings.

Entries in this blog

10. I need to bitch.

Back in July of last year, I started playing The Sims 4 again. After Realm of Magic was released, I started playing and stayed playing and anyone that's ever played The Sims knows how hard it is to stay interested in it sometimes. Anyway, I got on this kick and I kept playing, and TLDR I'm still playing. LMAO I started formulating a story in my head based on the interactions between the Sims in the game and in November of 2019, this turned into Throw Me Away, a short quick Sims fic that I posted


Arceus in wot

9. Holy Crap What Was I Doing?

It's been a while. Like a long while. Crap happened. Real life snuck up on me. Yeah. It snek.   I took a long break from Gaia (still debating changing its name, Hera and Ceres are on the table), and I came back to it and I'm sitting here like "what was I doing again?" Everyone should know by now about Salerno's new template system, and I keep saying that all it is is just rewriting the templates in the new language, I'm not even changing them that much, but that's kind of a lie. See, g



8. Bruh, War Flashbacks

A tiny rant brought to you by /r/TalesFromTechSupport Pro-Tip: Not knowing anything and realising that you don't is infinitely better than knowing a small amount of something and thinking you're tough shit. I promise you, if you recognise your own ignorance and embrace the opportunity to learn, you're already better than 98% of the end users people like myself have to deal with every day. I promise you.   And this can be extended to anything else. New RP genre you've never played



7. I need more time.

You know that feeling you get, when it's like "Gosh there's just really not enough hours in the day"? Yeah... I get that a lot anymore. I got curious, and did the maths; if I was making $5 an hour working on Gaia, mind you this is below minimum wage and I did absolutely nothing else, I'd have made $7,500 last month, having put in over 1,500 hours of work on it. I really wish those were made up numbers, I really do. xD So I thought to myself, okay, maybe it's time to take a break and do something



6. Blah blah, nerdy programmer stuff

As most should be aware by now, I'm coding an entire software system geared specifically for role-play. (If you didn't know, I guess you do now.)   I actually had it in my head for a long time. I remember posting on some odd resource site asking what features people wanted in their perfect RP software, to get ideas, but by now, I've long forgotten what was on that list. Frankly, oh well. The software's called Gaia (if you're interested in checking that out, there's a preview insta



5. Look, I can still art.

I haven't really drawn or painted anything since late 2017 or something, but it always seems to be the Bleach site that makes me start drawing again. Thus, when it closed, I stopped drawing, and now that it's back... well, I'm drawing again. For a long, long time, I drew exactly like Kubo Tite (no shit), and unfortunately that kind of coloured my art style for the following ten years. Only real recently did I start managing to make my anime-style artwork look any different, more like mine, but I



4. Basically I'm a Boasty Jerk

So I just released ACM2 for 2.0 a while back. I actually didn't change much of anything, just adjusted some installation steps to account for: The difference in syntax between SMF 2.1 and SMF 2.0; The fact certain things that were in the templates are now in the source files, which thank you, gdi, bout fuggin time; and this means, pretty much the ACM2 on SMF 2.0 now is the exact same one as the one on 2.1. ... like down to the templates. Which means some of the templates ar



3. And We're Done Here: A Vent-y Salt-y Explanation

A few days back, I closed In Populus Technology down. For those that don't know, that was my hosting and SMF theme/mod commission service, and it did quite well for several years, considering how few people actually use SMF for their role-playing sites nowadays. I realise, however, that I will be disappointing a few people when I say, I'm done. So this blog post is mostly to explain it to those that haven't pissed me off in some manner, so they understand why exactly I came to this decision. It



2: I like this going right, but it scares me too

I finally broke the two-week or so streak of every piece of code I was writing during that time-frame working immediately, and caused a few errors today. Rofl. Mostly I've been bouncing back and forth between working on the Character Manager, and working on the theme orders I've got sitting in queue staring me down, but I keep taking minor breaks to go do RP posts. It seems kind of Wild that I'd be doing all this work for RP boards and then not RP? Like, I guess some people do, but it just seems



1: Once a Coder, Always a Coder

Like I always do, I decided to take a serious break this weekend and not code anything, and of course, like four hours into my break, I'm coding again. Rofl.   One time, I actually managed to code for about six months straight, pretty much. I'd wake up, eat something (maybe, if I was feeling kind to myself), and then get on the computer and start typing code, day in and day out. For months. I forgot Christmas existed because of that time-span, it was crazy. But apparently brain does an



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