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NaNo House

Game of Thrones House

Bending Nation

  1. So, obviously, you always start small, and after moves and big changes you can expect things to be a bit slow. However, I have noticed a weird pattern in people looking for forums. They don't want to join a small forum that's slowly growing, because they want immediate booming activity. But, how does a forum create that "booming activity" when people refuse to join and help them grow? We have advertised like crazy, affiliated like crazy, and we are still finding that people will browse the forum as guests, but never commit to joining. Those that do join, leave because they don't want to actually put in the work of being part of a growing community. We just did a huge move from Proboards to jcink, so of course, slow periods are to be expected. But my staff and I are pulling out at all the stops to do our best with keeping activity up, creating new threads, events, and perks of joining, but it seems to not be working. Are people not into multi-genre roleplay forums anymore? Is it more now that people want something super specific? My thoughts on creating a multi-genre, open world roleplay forum were to give people the chance to do ANY genre and ANY kind of roleplay they wanted. But, we can't show these potential members activity, when no one even bothers joining to try it out. Everyone has lives outside the forum, so we can't expect the couple active members we have to put the forum above their real lives because that's just ridiculous. So, how do we become an "attractive" forum, to entice people to ACTUALLY register instead of just viewing as guests? Any advice would be awesome. Thank you so much! ^^ ❤️
  2. Love em or hate em. Do not reply, all replies will be removed. This is not a discussion thread, this is an interest thread.
  3. Years ago, I was in the RP and fanfic writing communities for Rammstein and a similar band, Oomph! For some reason, there was a TON of fandom crossover with Oomph! and, of all things, Boondock Saints (I still have no idea why). I also really enjoyed LOTR Speakeasy, which was Lord of the Rings actors (and people with six degrees of separation to them) in the 1920s. What's your weirdest fandom/RP niche?
  4. On fandom sites the conflicts come with the fandom: The X-Men and Brotherhood (Xavier and Magneto) conflict comes with the territory on an X-Men board, for example. But on original boards, I've seen time and again the creators of the site start the board with antagonists and conflicting factions already in place, and put the membership of these groups up for adoption as playable characters. But I've never seen that actually work. I was on a site for two years, they had rival criminal groups (a mob boss criminal and a charming rogue Robin Hood-type as the canon leaders of the gangs, who were bitter enemies) but in the time I was there, three different players picked up the mob boss character and then disappeared before the month was out, and the charming rogue was only played for a couple of months before that player also disappeared, and there was never a time when both characters were played and active at the same time. And yet, the admins kept pushing the idea of these two gangs having an active conflict. On another site, a fictional town site, the admins started the game with a sinister company/business menacing the town and warping the town's officials, and set them up to be baddies. The company and its managers were adoptable and players could join them. But no one ever did and no one joined as the town council or mayor; so, the corrupt town officials aspect never really went anywhere. I see new sites just when they are just starting and many of them have staged tension : rival gangs and such that people can join. But given my experiences, I wonder if those setups ever really play out or does it just fizzle. I think a more sensible plan would be for the admins to create tension and drama based on the characters that join and are actually active rather than pushing players to fulfill the storylines they create.
  5. A survey that might help with my new coding endeavor: where do you like to have your cbox? Togglable? Always visible? Do you mind if a togglable cbox overlaps with the other elements while open? Additionally, what do you think about just having a button that opens the cbox in another window or page? The con is that you don't see what's going on at a first glance, the pro is that it doesn't get in the way.
  6. Inspired by this thread. What kind of player is more annoying to you? Type 1, who uses open rules to crash threads and insert their character as the biggest, baddest, most unbeatable fighter who will start a fight for no reason and win always because they say so? Or Type 2, who uses consent rules in order to let their character be snarky, aggressive, and even do things that are wrong, but will never ever give permission for their character to get so much as a scratch unless it follows their narrative? I feel like, for staff, type 1 is easier to deal with. You tell them to quit it or leave. Type 2 is weirder because the allowance for this kind of behaviour is built into the site. As a player, I can just stop playing with either type, but I definitely find playing with the Type 2 to be more annoying because GOSH, you can't just ask for a punch and then call me rude for following through.
  7. As I am working on the wiki/site lore portion of my forum, I am wondering what to do over the inclusion of character profiles and other content into the wiki. It would take me forever to write profiles of all the canon characters espeaically if I did this with characters that I am not going to play or have created myself as an npc/adoptable character. What do others feel about the notion of incorporating accepted character profiles into the wiki? Are there any potential problems to consider, for instance, when a member gives up a canon character and someone else takes it on? What would you do with the content of the previous player? What is the etiquette that a site would do if a member leaves? Would you keep their written content in the wiki or remove it? I don't mind leaving the content where it is and giving the member credit, but I am concerned if a former member wants to make an issue of it being there. What are site owners experience with this?
  8. This thread is meant to be a mixture of discussion and story sharing so go nuts. Character deaths are often a difficult part of role play even in settings where they should be pretty common. Other players don't spare too much thought about nixing their creations. I'm curious how many people have killed off characters through IC events (or even implied it though the event was never written out). Did you do it primarily for plot reasons, or because you lost interest in a character - or maybe loss of interest in a character caused you to volunteer them to help another character's progress through events. Or on the flip side do you prefer never killing off characters, and if so why? For those that have done it we'd love to hear the circumstances leading up/how they died. Did you give everyone involved a warning ahead of time, or was it something that came as more of a blind side - whether it was a death you planned in advance, or more a spur of the moment kind of thing.
  9. When joining an original sci-fi board, how much do you want to know about the setting? How much detail do you think is required about technology? And what about history from now to the future age when the story is set? To put things in their right perspective, I'm thinking to a science fantasy / space opera kind of thing, as opposite to hard sci-fi, however I also like to keep some internal consistency.
  10. So there is often a debate within roleplays on "who owns" a wanted character. I've always been in the camp that the person that creates them owns that "version" of the character. I basically consider it AU. However I'm an advocate for adaption/changes if ported elsewhere. For example, I don't want my character's dad to be ported and expect someone to pick up my personal character on that site. An adaption/10% change needs to be made at minimum to be fair to me as a roleplayer and to make sure that my creativity isn't stifled because someone thinks I stole an idea from a player that's using a character I originally created. I have personally reached out to RP partners before including them in backstories or as NPCs in the future of my personal character if there was a significant enough influence on my character to warrant adding something. Now, that being said lets continue. I don't mind asking for wanted characters. Characters with some plot and some fun lets do this however, I'm having a problem putting a few up right now and I want advice. These aren't frivolous wanted ads like "I want a character to fill XYZ role, I expect this sort of history between them and I'm leaning toward A or B dynamic." I'm talking relatively fleshed out, I NPC these characters regularly, I have a specific dynamic, specific character interactions etc. Not just that, but I'm not the only person that has expectations from them. However I was asked whether they would be adoptable and I had never thought about it because "why?" but I can see the benefit but I'm trying to weigh the cost to benefit ratio. My cons are: How do I handle if these important people to my character are played in a way that doesn't work for the character? Will anyone pick it up if I'm too strict about it? Why can't/shouldn't I continue to NPC them? What is the benefit to let someone else play them other than for other players on the site interested in some interaction with that specific character? Will I lose interest if this character is played wrong? I would have limited NPC ability over this character now. My pros are: I wouldn't have to NPC this character which means one less thing to think about when playing with other players. I would get to experience more of the character with someone that fleshes them out more. I would get to see a thought baby played outside of my perspective and possibly get further ideas for mental development. Now I know not everyone is pro-wanted ad but I'm looking for advice. Do I try to set out on the world and let this well kept character out there to be tried on by another brain or do I keep the brain baby and maybe just make them into a personal PC for me?
  11. Are you set on having faceclaims? Do you make them optional? Are they completely in place of a physical description or not? How far can you go with tweaking their appearance for your character/does clothing and hair style really matter? What about when joining a site, is the availability or lack of (or even the presence of a PB that is disliked) truly so important as to make/break joining that site for you? I fully admit that most sites I've RPed and staffed on have not had faceclaims as a requirement, and as a result I'm mostly against using them even though I do have FCs bookmarked for some characters. Though for each character it's only one and it took me years to find some of them, especially those who I've designed from the ground up. If you want to use them more power to you but I honestly don't see the point of them unless they're canon characters or it's an RP based on a show/movie/whatever. And if it's supposed to be an original RP with OCs that requires a PB? I can understand basing the appearance of a character on a certain PB but not when they look exactly alike aside from minor edits. I'm not even touching on tracking and reserving FCs and only allowing that FC to be used once and the hassle on the staffing end of it. Recently I was looking around for sites to possibly join and I have to admit the FC thing confuses me. Like okay, yeah, it's awesome that you can have a character and easily make graphics for them if you've got a PB. But it seems like most sites don't give you the chance to write an actual description of a character in the application anymore and idk. To me it's odd. I'm used to having 200+ word descriptions of what the character looks like, pointing out their physical scars and imperfections and how they carry themselves. Pointing out eye color and mannerisms and how they might blend in or stand out in a crowd. My vision is also terrible and I find that descriptions are easier to visualize in my head as opposed to figuring out how to describe the appearance of a PB most of the time if there's no description to go along with the image. Eye color is hard to distinguish, downright impossible actually if it's a small image or not a close up of the face. Then there is the issue of lighting and heavier graphical edits to faces which introduces a whole new set of issues for someone who has visual impairments or who may not be the best at separating lighting from actual skin tone. Generally that means looking up who their PB is and then looking up pictures of them and asking the RPer if I'm getting them right just to make sure. For me, it's exhausting. I see people who ban a certain PB or who won't join a site because either their PB was taken or someone had a character with a PB they hated. I understand not liking the PB because of something they've done, but the character isn't the PB. Imo it really stifles creativity and honestly, is it really such a huge problem? And how far is too far to go when editing the appearance of an PB? Eye color and maybe hair color/length are fair common and reasonable edits. The issue I have mainly with mine is finding someone who face shape/bone structure that matches the character. To date I've only had one PB I've found that matches the character's bone structure and didn't require much editing (none in this case actually), but tbf my little healer was half based on the Harp Twins to begin with so Kennerly Kitt being a perfect match isn't exactly surprising. But then I look at other characters, good luck finding a tall, muscular woman (wrestler/bodybuilder, because this particular character likes walking around in full plate armor with a sword bigger than she is) that also happens to have this particular facial structure, which leaves out a good chunk of the candidates there without even going into skintone/eyes/hair. How do you deal with the more niche or unique characters?
  12. So, this may be a bit specific but something that I'm still trying to figure out is how to make battles against NPCs an actual challenge. Yeah, you can talk with the participants and plan out who wins and stuff but that is not what I'm talking about. This is about PvE and cases like a "boss"-NPC. Or, to give an example, I want to have a hit list feature where bounty hunters and similar people can take on specific tasks and hunt unique enemies, no matter if creature or humanoid. I thought that I could combine this with a member shop and clearing these hits grants you hunter points or something which you can spend on something (I didn't figure out on what yet). The thing is - if it's predetermined that the players win, I can just give these points out for free and they lose their purpose. So my question is how can you make battles against NPCs actually challenging and even pose the threat that a player loses (especially against super-tough enemies)? (Without dying, of course, otherwise almost nobody would take the hits on)
  13. A pretty straightforward discussion - do you like it if there is always some danger for your characters (as long as it is not unfair) or do you never want to risk losing them? Deciding on permadeath or death protection seems like an important decision, so I'd be interested to learn which one you chose and why. Or maybe you have both in some way? In one of our old RPs that had a battle system, we had permadeath and lost a number of characters, I think over 10. While it is sad to lose a character it also allowed for some pretty touching or even outright devastating scenes, like a man who had a whole side-chapter devoted to him where he tried to save his daughter - which he did - only to die in the next one after finally rescuing her (the side-chapter even had a whole dungeon). Or a trio of best friends where two of them died in the same battle while the third run had to run away, trying to not have a psychological breakdown at the same time (which happened after the battle), a former comrade that left the group but was mutated and had to be killed, a brave group of friends that died protecting a city, and so on. I'm not sure if I would use permadeath again which is why it would be interesting to hear more about the topic from others.
  14. When someone expresses a dislike for stat and dice systems in play-by-post rp, the most common reason - that I have found - is that those game mechanics "restrict creative freedom." Well, the most common personal reason. Sometimes the person complains how dice or GM heavy game mechanics can bog down play-by-post, or other problems with introducing such elements to a forum environment. But I'm interested in the "restricting of creative freedom" argument. So, I ask myself - and y'all - what is true creative freedom in the realms of forum rp? Or maybe just rp in general. To me, it is the freedom to play the character you want to, and I stress play. Meaning that your character is capable of being what you intended and desired them to be, regardless of what other players may do or say or play. I find in a lot of consent-based rps (the sort where one has to have permission to harm or kill or whatever another player's character) that lack game mechanics, either entirely or of a meaningful nature, I do not have the freedom to play the characters I want to... Yeh, my character is the species and has the appearance I want. Their personality is on point, as is their backstory, abilities, and all else. But when character interactions are...wrong. Very wrong. And for the simple reason that my character cannot harm or touch, really, any other players' without their consent. Now, I play villains. Not suave, discreetly dangerous villains that the average person might approach and interact with without noticing the threat the villain poses. Nah, nah, nah. I play disfigured, disgusting, impulsively violent creeps. The kind of person that makes you uncomfortable at a distance, and once you start talking to them, you realize "No, I'm not being prejudiced about their appearance, they really will (insert your choice of violent crime) me..." But when my horrible villain cannot act upon another character, the other players do not feel that their characters are threatened and...so they respond to my thing as if it were an average, if a bit unpleasant, person. Thus, I am unable to play the character I want to, and only able to play a harmless, dull version of the character. By the design of the game's rules, my character is incapable of being what I intended them to be - because the other player has more power to ignore aspects of my character than I do to enforce those aspects. Yeh, someone could consent to my monster's devices, that's in the rules... But no one ever has... Seriously, I once played a sewer-dwelling, grave-robbing, deranged, cannibalistic hobo half-man. "Half-man" in that he had one good eye, one good arm, and one good leg, all on one side - he was basically half a man and half a twisted wreck. I distinctly remember several members on the forum saying how they loved how horrible he was, but when we threaded, they all treated him as if he were not a cannibalistic hobo. They had their characters approach him with that dull casual curiosity that plagues too many rps - "Oh, you're an odd fellow. Nevermind you appear to be eating dead rats out of the traps behind the local school, where there are children you can torment. What's your story?" ...Because they could safely ignore how dangerous and awful he was, since they had more freedom to do so with the consent rules than I had to play my character how he was intended to be played. On the other hand... In an rp where game mechanics balance character interactions via stats and dice, instead of consent rules, risky situations can truly exist. If math and dice determine if and how one character can harm or kill another character, with no regard to OOC permission, then dangerous characters are truly dangerous. Then you have the ability to ignore the threat of my hobo if you wish - and - I have the ability to enforce the threat of my hobo if I wish. I have the freedom to play the character I want to, instead a hollow, toothless shadow of the character. What do y'all think?
  15. I might be a bit old fashioned, but the new fangaled way of replying to shippers (where someone posts on your shipper, and then in response you post on their shipper) just... I'm not sure if I can wrap my head around it. If you prefer it this way, can you tell me why you like it? I like old fashioned shippers where you just reply to one thread, so you can easily read the conversation. (Then again, I come from the era of plot pages where it was lyrics and you just chose the relationship from the lyrics and went from there.... anyone else? lmao) I'd just really like an open conversation about different preferences for shippers. I'm willing to get the reply to mine, I reply to yours way, but I'm having a hard time understanding!
  16. I'm not really sure which approach is the best. Yeah, I know, you can always just go with whatever you feel like for your site but I still want to do some research as to what people usually prefer since I can go with either and how people view the fourth option (which is what the site we RPed on used).
  17. Hey, how do you go about plotting with people? I ask this because I'm tired of wanting to RP with people but never having any good ideas. Like I'll post in people's plot threads (or they post in mine) and I'm like, "My character is Bob. He's an astronaut who likes fish and I think he might think your character is a doofus" or whatever, but then that's not much to start with as far as creating a thread and setting, etc. I don't like having "cafe threads," if you will, so I want something more than just two characters running into each other . . . but I'm not very helpful. It's not a lack of interest in RPing with the people or the characters, it's an stumbling block of trying to figure out how to make the thread mutually beneficial. I guess I've shied away of coming up with something concrete for years because I didn't want to make any member feel like they're forced to RP what I want, but the end result is that I don't really know how to do anything but shrug and say, "I don't know - what do you want?" I'm not a huge pre-planner (as in, I don't really pre-plan anything except how to start the thread itself) because my characters have minds of their own. I'm thinking about putting together a personal list of ideas for threads I'd like to see my characters in, but keeping them open ended. Like, "A thread in which the character loses her wallet" or something. But I'm also trying to come up with ideas so that my characters develop rather than having a conglomerate of random meet-and-greets in mundane areas. Any suggestions on the topic would be nice. I'm not asking so much about "which plotting page style" do you use, or whether you use plotting pages at all - it's not a discussion about which style is better. It's more of the next step on how to make the thread come to life.
  18. I know that jealousy is a common problem in the RP world, but usually I only ever hear about how it tears people apart. I'm hoping that someone out there has managed to survive their jealousy without ruining their RP partnerships, because I'm suffering from massive jealousy issues right now. I've fixated on the one plot my partner is doing with someone else to the point where I don't enjoy the plots I do have, and I lied and put up an away on our site saying I'm busy so that I don't have to post or talk to anyone. I don't like feeling this way, but I don't know how to get my emotions under control, either. Has anyone ever successfully broken a jealousy fixation without it destroying your friendship? What did you do? How can I get out of my head and enjoy what I actually have instead of looking at what I don't? Is the answer to take an RP break? Is it to just cry my way through writing my other plots? Is there a less painful way to deal with this than either of those? Anonymous poster hash: 5e3d5...a3b
  19. What are some good prizes/rewards you could give to members if they, for example, complete a challenge or "win" something? Like, if there is a "make this country more interesting" challenge or anything else, really. I thought about something from our artists but, then again, this would be pointless if a member is an artist themselves, so I'm not sure what would be a good way to make challenges and similar stuff more interesting.
  20. Are there fewer RP sites these days? I've been browsing through RP directories and it seems like that there are fewer RP sites than there used to be. I also noticed that sites seem to be clumped into "small town / big city real life" or "vampires/werewolves." Obviously that's a matter of opinion based on observation and isn't backed by hard numbers or statistics, but I don't see the variety that I used to. Or the numbers in general. Yes or no? I might be completely wrong.
  21. Polyvore is gone. It was shut down by Ssense a few days ago (I think they acquired it) and they've stated that it's not coming back. Apparently Ssense wanted the email lists and user information of the polyvore members. I loved polyvore. It was a perfect platform to merge together visual art and writing, and now it's gone. All those pictures and collages I've made over the years have been vanished. I knew it was a possibility that if the website ever vanished, all our work would vanish, too, but this is silly. Now I'm not sure what to do. Does anyone know an alternative that would allow RPers to make collages for their characters and plots? All those poor people who spent every day on Polyvore crafting beautiful artistic pieces. . . . And those people who RPed directly on polyvore itself. . . . They're in even worse shape than the rest of us. Edit - If you're a polyvore user, visit their blog: http://blog.polyvore.com/ You can request your content to be sent to you, and you can opt out of having your information given to Ssense.
  22. Asking for a friend....... I need to consult the pool of RPers who know things that I don't: you guys. What exactly IS a "Shipper App"? And what is its purpose/function?
  23. I would love opinions, I have heard horror stories about sites that kill off one or two canons and I want to know if its a bad sign or if it will be ok for plot wise to do so.....
  24. Hey guys, I know for me it is incredibly important to be a part of a roleplay forum that has a sense of community. In fact, I've found myself recently surprised to find there's a surprisingly large amount of people who prefer to be left alone entirely as they join a forum. Which side of the fence are you on? How important to you is it that a forum has a chat system,a way to simply relax and be people? Do you feel it hinders the roleplay process, keeps people from actually posting on a site? Is it to much for you to have to be a part of a chat and a forum? Do you need the chat alongside the forum to feel welcome and an integrated part of the community and forum itself?
  25. I was thinking about @Elena's thread about whether we write for audiences or not, and I began to wonder if there is a way to encourage people to read each other's threads on forums (if the individual likes that stuff, that is). For example, instead of just a plain old thread tracker, one can have a thread tracker in which one writes a brief summary of the thread. I, personally, don't read a lot of other people's threads. Part of it is the fact that reading on the computer is hard for me, so it takes lots of time and I miss many details. Part of it is that I'm not really invested in others' characters. It's hard to know which threads are "worth" reading verse which ones have lots of filler or "get to know you" posts or end up dying partway through.
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