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NaNo House

Game of Thrones House

Bending Nation

  1. We all get into those slumps. The one where writers block just slams us and we cannot figure out how to reply, how to start a new thread, how to get our character to interact with another. It can be difficult to get out of them. One of my favorite ways to do this is to come up with a random list of character prompts. Just small one sentence thread descriptions that could be fun, random, silly, hectic, chaotic, or insane for anyone to be a part of. What are some of your favorite thread prompts?
  2. We have all experienced it. As forum owners some of us go through tons of ideas before we latch onto one that really takes ahold of us. We make forums, reach out to others, desperately try to grab for the attention our ideas, plots, stories, and forums need. Once we find that 'something' we cling to it and put our absolute everything and all inside. We spend hours writing guides, advertising, showing people our shiny new site, making graphics and adjusting skins. We spend hours RPing so it looks active, posting like a mad person in a wild attempt to draw attention. However, sometimes no matter what we do it just isn't enough. People don't bite it, they don't RP, and they don't come in droves like we had been desperately hoping, or thinking, they would. Instead we end up being the only active person, posting to no one, and advertising back to back with little to no results. When do you call it? When has it been dead enough to lay them gently to rest? Do you keep chugging along despite this, or do you finally bite the bullet and realize the dream of a plotline has simply drifted away? When it does die, and you've finally accepted it, what do you do? Do you just drop the whole thing and walk away from forum ownership, or do you try again? What has been your experience here?
  3. I'm bouncing off of @Samantha's post: but it's a sentiment I've seen many times and I don't get it. So I wanted to find out what's going on here. Why do you or don't you have a revulsion towards an underaged character* being RPed on a mature forum? I personally, have zero qualms about it, but I'm not putting these characters into sexual situations (gross) and it's not something I commonly foray into it. I've only RPed one child character recently and this was on a mature forum...but that doesn't mean every single thread is going to be in some way mature or edgy. I feel like maybe the qualm comes from people seeing that some creep could put an underaged character into a sexual situation? Or could take great delight in having their character involved in nasty business, not because it's yay-drama, but to push the envelope on how cool and edgy they are? So yeah, I'd like to hear different thoughts on this! * I get the playby aspect.
  4. When I first joined an RP on this part of the internet, I was flabbergasted when I was asked to choose a “real face” for my character. Until then, we used either drawings or nothing at all (a few sentences of description was enough to get us by), and now nobody would RP with me if I didn’t go this route. Not only did I not know any celebrities (I wasn’t much into pop culture), I was extremely uncomfortable with the thought of attaching a stranger to a character they had no control over. It really limited my character creation opportunities because I wasn’t comfortable using actors at random (what if I chose a horrible person and people thought I supported whatever horrible things this person had done???) and sometimes I couldn’t find anyone who really fit. Further, I found myself trying to find people I wanted to look at rather than thinking about the character itself. Over the years, I’ve become more comfortable with the idea of PBs, but it still weirds me out. People attach too much meaning to them and the obsession is odd. From “claiming” people’s faces to only “shipping” characters played by certain celebrities, it’s just bizarre. On a surface level, I get it. You see a face, say, “Hey that looks like my character!” and then stick it in your avatar. That very basic concept of PBs doesn’t bother me so much anymore, and it can be likened to casting someone in a play, or making a “dream cast” for a novel, or whatever. But we take it so much farther than that with our obsessions. The pictures have to be perfect—high quality only. With the increase of post templates and mini profiles and doHTML, we have to find multiple pictures of our characters, so now we have to spend time searching for a person who not only fits but who also has many good pictures to use. And there are a huge chunk of people who judge other writers by their PBs, who limit plots by PBs, who require certain PBs be used, etc. It’s bizarre. It’s obsessive. It’s . . . a little much. I’d love to use stock images because I’ve seen some rocking stock photos, but now that we all needs avatars, gifs, hovers, templates, applications, etc. . . . it’s just not feasible to do it without using the same picture over and over. I don’t think there is a “solution” and I’m not really looking for one. I was just reflecting over my RP experiences, and I recalled how strange it had been to plunge into a world of “real faces” and the culture shock that was associated with it. I mean, guys, we’re creeps.
  5. anthrxmilkshake


    How much information is to much information? What I mean is when we join a site we all head right for the plotline, lore, setting, and world information, as well as any species breakdowns. Are you willing to read novels of information in order to roleplay somewhere? Is there a point where there is just to much information, to many details, and you're no longer having fun? I know that I have issues when things become to technical. If I have to follow levels, items, gadgets, upgrades, and such for one character it has become a text based video game, and I'm no longer enjoying myself. Despite that I do like some structure, as having structure in certain circumstances is the make or break of a roleplay. How much is to much for you? How much is to little?
  6. I, personally, have several genres that interest me, but really only one that will draw me at all times. That being said, however, the genre isn't always enough to get my attention. This is for several reasons, all of which I'm completely unashamed to admit:: My biggest pet peeve- The site has to be aesthetically pleasing. I know this is something not everyone agrees with, but I'm a huge sucker for a well put together site. This includes graphics, the way the site is built, the colors, the fonts. Do I have trouble finding things? Do I understand what the roleplay is about from the header alone? Are the forums upside down...by that I mean is all the information at the bottom and the RP at the top? Can I read everything easily, or am I having to guess what it says in the forum headers? One other part is "Do they allow creativity when it comes to posting templates? This one isn't always a make or break part of a site for me, but it is something I always look at. While I understand wanting your site to look uniform, I like my creative freedom. I like coding my own boxes, showing them off, having fun with them and personalizing them to my characters. Being forced to use one identical box that is exactly like everyone elses is frustrating to me, though not something that will cause me to say no to a site if everything else is going for it. I hate to admit it, but the aesthetics of the site usually come before the plot, which is kind of sad, I guess. What about you? Are aesthetics important to you? What about the ability to use your own templates? Do you prefer the site to set them up for you, or would you rather use your own creations, or ask someone to make them for you personalized to your character?
  7. My staff and I have been toying with the idea of reintroducing the idea of sister sites for our site. I would think that sites that are sisters would vote for each other on the topsites and review each other's sites. Anyone have an opinion as to what that involve other than standard link sharing?
  8. I’d like to thank the people of RPG Initiative for being really awesome. For quite some time, I was struggling to find a forum (non-roleplay) community to be a part of, and I’m constantly impressed by the discussions and responses that people provide here. The content of the discussions are solid, and for the first time in a long time, I find them engaging and thought provoking. I never get the impression that people are trying to be “cool” and jump aboard bandwagons. Further, I appreciate that people have differing opinions and as far as I have witnessed, people have respectfully stated their own and questioned others’ without being pushy or using a condescending attitude. One of the things I’ve found most important over the years as a roleplayer is learning that different people come from different backgrounds and have different perspectives on everything from writing to life in general. I won’t delve too much into my personal life, but there have been times I’ve been talking to people only to realize that the ways in which we view the world are so fundamentally different from each other because—quite literally—our brains don’t process information in the same way despite having similar upbringings. It’s something that people online seem neither to understand nor to care about, and yet it is so imperative that we understand this when we try to communicate with other people both IRL and over forums. I imagine that RPG Initiative will be growing larger over time, so I ask that people keep having respectful discussions, bringing new ideas to the table, and understanding that we don’t all have to follow a trend, nor is a trend always a bad thing. Sometimes as you add more people this becomes challenging, especially when people begin to form “groups” or “cliques” of likeminded folks. Disagreeing with someone doesn’t automatically mean that they are wrong, for example, just as agreeing with someone doesn’t mean that they are right. People who speak different languages might disagree over how to pronounce, say, the letter “A,” but it doesn’t mean that either is inherently right or wrong—they are only right or wrong in the context in which they pronounce that letter. I’d like to have hope that as this corner of the RP world grows older and its members more experienced, that we can figure out how to treat each other with respect. Anyhow, with that out of the way, continue on with your discussions.
  9. When you're in a thread with 3+ people, do you adhere to a posting order? Or do you just kind of post as needed/your schedule allows? I'm interested in seeing different people's opinions and practices in multiple character threads. Is there an unspoken norm or expectation when there are several characters in a thread? Or is it more of a free for all? I've been involved with both, so I'm wondering what you consider normal or expected when you enter into one of these threads.
  10. What video games are you playing? What are some of your favorites? I'm currently playing Fallout 4. I love sandbox games, especially ones with a lot of exploration. I'm a big fan of other Bethesda games : the Fallout series and the Elder Scrolls series. The high fantasy setting of the Elder Scrolls is rich with potential, but I love the Atomic 1950s post-apocalypse feel of the Fallout games. I'm also playing a small, independent game called Sunless Sea, a resource management game with weird Lovecraft overtones. Some of my past favorites have been: Deadly Premonition (another sandbox with supernatural aspects) Psychonauts ( a funny 3d platformer) Minecraft Some games on mobile devices Sims Bioshock games A few zombie games Don't Starve Some of these gameworlds would make great settings for RP games. And if not games, what books are you reading?
  11. What, ideally, would you like people to know about you when you join a site? This can be literally anything, from something that is acceptable to know (ex: "I have a busy schedule") to something you probably wouldn't tell people upon first meeting them (ex: "I'm chronically ill and it interferes with my schedule") or things that aren't deemed acceptable (ex: "I really just don't like some people and want to play only with a specific person"). It's kind of like what you'd like people to magically read your mind and know without judging you so that they can provide you all of the comforts you need. Personally, I'd like people to know that sometimes I get really anxious about sites and get overwhelmed and disappear not because I don't like them but because I can't always face them again, especially if I've been gone for awhile. I'd also like people to know that sometimes I get bored of sites and while I'm sorry about it, that's how it is.
  12. I've played in scripted plot games (scripted to various degrees) but I've never played in a sandbox game. The benefit to a scripted plot is an easy to follow storyline and everyone follows the dots to the end. In my opinion, the bad thing about a scripted plot is the feeling that the story is moving along on rails and I don't need to post because nothing my character does makes a difference. From reading the mention of sandbox games other places, I get that liking or disliking sandbox games is a matter of personal preference, but what are some benefits and pitfalls to this type of game?
  13. I started RPing on a Marvel site and didn't look at any other game sites for several years but eventually I looked around and joined another site, an original game. But I always thought it was weird and stifling to the flow of the game that the admins had a half-dozen or so canon characters. They had setup a game narrative/script of two rival criminal bosses trying to control the city. I was there about two years and during that time we rarely had anyone playing either boss. We had about 3 or so characters on each side as lieutenants to the bosses but no one directing us. And for some reason none of the three admins stepped in to play either of the bosses. It was frustrating playing a henchman with no leader calling the shots. And yet, through that whole 2 years the admins kept trying to push the script of two rival bosses fighting for control of the city, which never really gelled. My question, it seemed to me that the admins should've scrapped the site narrative they had in mind after it was clear that we'd never have two people consistently playing those roles and should've focused on the characters we had. In an original game, is this iron-fisted grip on a set story usual? In a fandom, some characters and storylines are a given, such as in an X-Men game having a Scott Summers, Jean Grey, and prof. X and fighting against Magneto with his different ideology. But in an original game, how scripted is too scripted? Is it common for admins to be that set on the story they want as the tentpole for their site? Which sites tend to survive more: scripted or more freeform ones?
  14. Animal rp was one of my early rp settings/subjects/third-example, and it's something akin to a guilty pleasure these days. I'm not interested in quite a few aspects of this genre, I know fuck-all in comparison to the average animal rper. I like a very specific kind of basic talking animals rp, which isn't very popular. So, I have a few questions for experienced animal RPers who're active in this genre. The point here is to get a better insight and to help with game creation. What are the pros, aims, and purpose in the following list of popular themes? For example, is xyz purely for aesthetic appeal or is there a distinct use? If so, how and when is it applied in a scene? E.g the extra-large or hypermorph mutation. Accessories, e.g jewellery, clothing Unusual colours, markings, extra limbs/appendages Skills/stats, upgradable or not Territory challenges Mutations, be it magic or science fiction=based Anthropomorphism* For the last subject, does it matter? Can a game have a level of anthropomorphism beyond standard human speech and intellect? How might it be measured, explained, and enforced for consistency? e.gIn a semirealistic game, rodents naturally have 'handpaws' and can hold, use simple tools or items, whereas dogs and cats cannot; but in a fantasy setting, nearly any species can unrealistically turn and bend their wrists, shoulders, toes/fingers etc. Lastly, please keep in mind that this is not a debate, or a casual 'why is x popular? || I dunno.' discussion thread, thank you!
  15. I could really use some advice from other admins out there on this issue I'm having with a few members. We have two members who are literally trying to change how we run our board. We have them posting docs on the site that we never approved of, things that would confuse a new member, and trying to push us into making changes to our setting to fit their very particular characters. One of the more recent issues is them comparing us to what they have seen on some other boards. "This and that site do A,B and C and so you should do it too." I'm all for feedback and suggestions but when they keep pushing it when we've said no and have explained why we don't run our game that way, it seems to fall on deaf ears. On top of that, when have someone literally trying to skirt around our rules and rewrite our lure, so much so that they lied saying we approved it. When asked by the staffer they changed their story. Again, to fit their particular character. I'm trying to be fair and run a game that I can be proud to be a part of and I could use some advice on how to handle these types of things, I feel like I'm over my head Anonymous poster hash: 6509f...b6d
  16. So I've been RPing in one shape or another (mostly forum based, but I have done chat and others) for about 12 years now. I've seen a few fads come and go. Things as simple as the overly colorful templates that have every letter a different color (had a friend make me a few of those, she was a doll), to "MUST HAVE TINY TEXT EVERYWHERE!!1!1111!!!! SIZE 0 MASTER RACE!!!!1!!!!1". I had to leave RPing for a while, because college happened, because life happened, and I resently (in the last 6ish months or so) have decided to come back. I've found myself... pickier, personally. I won't join just ANY site anymore, and I'm picky about skins, rules, and those I can RP with. I adore romance, and fandoms, and have a hard time finding anyone who's similar (it seems). I'm noticing that where I'm looking, I'm not finding anyone who's a teen. Or if they are, they are very mature. I remember when Chatboxes were filled with "so, school sucked today, I had a biology test, a pop quiz, and my friend's not-boyfriend tried to hit on me" or "my life is so terrible, my parents aren't letting me do _____!!!!!". Now I see "I'll be back later guys, gotta put the kiddos to bed" or "Sorry I'm so late guys! I had to stay late for work, but I will get a post out I swear!". It's... interesting for me. I was gone probably three to three and a half years, and I come back and now... RP is a completely different landscape. I no longer need AIM, but Discord. My forum RPs are being moved to Premium places as we all want more mature themes. (I remember when fade to black was exciting, and felt a little... naughty 😜.) I, personally, am more picky about who, what, where and when I rp. Even my Why has changed a bit. It's no longer about escaping, it's more about... enjoyment for me. I have things I want to RP out (and yes mostly in fandom, because I doubt I'll ever loose that), that I doubt 18 year old me would have wanted to RP. I know I've changed, and I've noticed that the face of RP has changed as well. Again, mostly I've done forum stuff, but I am wondering, who else has seen these changes, or hasn't realized until now that they've happened. Coming back is... jarring, I guess. I'm faced with what feels like a new game, and I'm a bit behind. Tell me your experiences. Even if you started RPing in the last few months, you can tell me what you are seeing as normal, and I can give you an idea how it looks from someone who hasn't really gotten to RP much in the last few years. Here are a few major fads I remember, some were good, some were not so much. Animal Sites [Horses (where I started), Wolves, Tigers, Cats in general, lions] Overly colorful EVERYTHING. Bad color combinations. Tiny, size 0 text. AIM (figuring out group messaging was hard Highschool (RP wise, and RL wise) Emo Mary Sues (I think that had something to do with that terrible/wonderful HP fic, My Immortal?) Black and White Rping (There is no gray, you are a good guy, or a bad guy) Dark, Light, Neutral. Usually with the animal sites. So Much Time! (I had it all guys, I had it all!) Bonding over dumb things your character said (I think this still exists, or it should. If it doesn't, I'm bringing it back) That is just to name a few. Why don't you tell me what you remember/know of/think of as 'modern rping', and we can compare notes!
  17. This is an ongoing debate among the staff of the site that I'm on, and I thought it would be wise to pose it here: in an rp, how long should a site-wide event last? While I'm of the mind that an event should last as long as it needs to, there's also the question of how long is too long before members lose interest? If you participate in an event, how long do you expect it to go on for? And if you're on a site that revolves around site-wide plot development to move along the story, do you get frustrated if a single event is going on for several months? My staff and I are finally wrapping up an event that has lasted roughly 3 months, and I've personally been feeling some frustration with how long it's been going (which is not a secret, I've been equally excited and complaining about the event the whole time). It couldn't be helped, due to the current system we have in place and real life obligations, but it leads me to wonder what others have experienced in plot-heavy games. While we're currently brainstorming ways to move things along faster, I'm interested to know what it's like in other games. Our game in particular relies on these events to reveal certain story elements (i.e. magic, hierarchy, reincarnations, evil, etc.), so there's currently little to do in plot development outside events, relying instead on non-event threads for character development. While I realize that, in itself, presents some problems, it's not something that will last forever. Once we get through this event and get the ball rolling, things will begin to snowball and everyone will be able to build on what's revealed. But getting to that point is proving difficult and time consuming. Maybe it's just that I'm being impatient? It might be that I want to jump into the meat of it without building up the proper suspense. So, maybe if you're not involved with a plot-heavy site, how do you deal with that as a storyteller? Do you want to jump right into the action in a roleplay? Or is building up that necessary background with your fellow writers frustrating for you, too? Would you rather be a part of that initial story building suspense yourself or have that as part of the site premise and jump into the action immediately?
  18. This might be a bit of a silly confession, but I have really low reading comprehension, all things considered. I speak English as my first language, but I have some difficulties fully comprehending posts and their meanings. Normally I miss words, or phrases, or I don’t really follow the entire thought of the post. In the end, meanings get misconstrued, and I have my characters react inappropriately for the real situation, and I miss obvious cues and details that affect the plot. What is your experience with reading comprehension and roleplaying, either in yourself or in others?
  19. So this could go under both staff and membership and I want to see how people feel about it from both sides and how they deal with it from both sides. I would first like to express I'm not a victim person. I say that to make it clear that I don't cry wolf every time my feelings get hurt or I'm offended by someone because I'm a grown woman. I know how to deal with my problems. If I need help I seek it out from trusted family and friends and if I really want to deal with something specific to a roleplay I'll reach out to a staff member on the site in question. I feel this is important because this is how I'm an actual victim of something that few people recognize. Reverse-bullying. What is reverse bullying you say? Well, what I feel is reverse bullying is, is this: A person that claims they are being harassed or victimized at all times. Now there is a very real possibility that said person is trying to bully the person but I've found, especially with my larger than life personality, that it's more likely that I disagree with the person or they disagree with me. Now don't get me wrong. I have a personality (particularly while drunk) to not listen to what anyone says. You can ask people like @VirusZero @Amelia or anyone else that has been in a chat with me while I'm drinking. I'm a pushy woman when motivated or passionate. I can see how my gusto (drunkedness) can be misinterpreted as bullying. I don't let people talk. I also talk in circles and tell people the same story 30 times too (if you were curious) but that seems to be ignored. Now to get back on topic. Because of these misunderstandings I've been accused many a times of bullying. If I do happen to remember what I was pushy/passionate/drunk talking about I normally remember the beginning of the conversation but if I have any history (and I wasn't direct talking) then I can normally get all the pieces into place and figure out what happened and explain my side of the story to explain what happened from my perspective. I don't, however, always get the chance. With the real thing of cyber bullying out there everyone is afraid of anything with the word bullying or harassment in it. They immediately jump to the side of the "victim" and onto the back of the "bully" without collecting all of the facts. People do this because they don't want to be accused of allowing cyber bullying. What I've found is that most people don't realize is that they are a culprit of reverse bullying. Now to explain, if you cried victim about an account on Facebook (mind you I've never done this but I've read through articles of people who have and their actual process) they don't automatically just go to that persons account and BAN them or even send them a message about ABUSE. They investigate it where they can. They access records, logs and determine whether the accuser has a right to accuse said person of whatever they are accused of. However someone claiming to be harassed on a roleplay immediately gets the smite of the staff or of the members that are told that someone is bullying them. We jump to conclusions based off of half of the information. HELL! We read passive aggressive tones in text when there often isn't any. That being said I know, at least the fabulous members of the initiative, are smarter than that. Or at least I hope you are empowered enough to know not to take things at face value (particularly on the Internet). I do know that the threat of "allowing cyber bullying" is terrifying. However, how do you personally deal with a situation that arises that someone states that they are being bullied or harassed? Do you really take the time to investigate and find out the legitimacy of the claim or do you just take the word of the person making the claim and go down that path of getting the person off your site? Do you even realize that people can be reverse bullied by those that "cry wolf"? (I mean while @Rune has a website there is a legitimate story about people that tell lies to get attention) Have you ever taken the time to listen to both sides of the story? I'm going to end this off here and explain that I've been reverse bullied off of a lot of sites because I have opinions that don't often align with many roleplayers but I also have been reverse bullied off of site because my strong, larger than life personality has been confused with being overbearing and insensitive. I understand I'm the type of person that is difficult to deal with sometimes but sometimes I need that conflict to remind me that I don't hold the monopoly on opinions. That I need to hear the other side. It doesn't mean that I will change mine or I expect the other person to change their opinion but the reminder that I'm human is awesome. (Even though I have a little bit of fangs now). Just because I don't always want to listen to your opinion because we disagree (I'm a big perpetuator of the la la la I can't hear you or the talk louder so you can't talk method) doesn't mean that I don't think that you're not allowed to have an opinion. If you don't like that I'm doing one of those things hang up on me and we can chat about it a different day when I'm less passionate about it, or never again if you would prefer. However it doesn't mean that I'm bullying or harassing you to agree with me either. Be you. Let me be me. Don't make it more than it is.
  20. Not so long ago, I had someone sign up on my forum, and I noticed something very peculiar about their character application. It was mainly due to the style they wrote it in the history section and I noticed that the character descriptions for personality and appearance seemed a little off, too, like the descriptions didn't quite fit the character. After some rudeness from them in which they refused to make changes I'd asked them to, I banned them from the site. Still feeling like something was suspicious about the app, I ran the description through a plagiarism analyzer and discovered that they'd not written the personality and appearance descriptions at all as it had been lifted from a fandom wiki. The same person joined a site I am just a member of, and started making an application on there. I ran part of their app through the plagiarism analyzer again and found that most of it had been lifted from fandom wiki entries again. (If I was staff on the site, I'd bring it up in staff board, but I'm not, so I don't know if I should say anything to one of the admins because I don't want to look like I'm causing trouble.) I know that sometimes there is a problem with plagiarism where people have stolen characters, especially OCs, fortunately, it's not a situation I've seen/experienced myself, but it's the first instance I've known of where people have stolen things from fandom wikis. Is this a widespread problem? Would you ban a member if you found that they had been stealing content from fandom wikis? Anonymous poster hash: 808e4...f1d
  21. Which term do you personally use and prefer to see on roleplay sites? Personally I'm a playby person. It's just the term I sort of grew up on but I'm curious which you prefer.
  22. One of the things we recently did on Blue Windows is allow members to RP with NPCs. There are a certain number of "non-player characters" that were thrown into the mix for the sake of reality (so that we could have some characters that weren't 'main' characters, for example, or who could get seriously injured beyond what the members were comfortable with for their personal characters). Members are allowed to 'rent' these NPCs and RP with them for awhile. Technically the NPCs aren't allowed to survive, so members can really do whatever they want with the NPCs. I've been having a blast. In my latest thread, I had an NPC teenage girl ally with my character, and then she went nuts due to lack of sleep (prolonged periods of sleeplessness over extended periods of time + stress), attacked herself, and then had a seizure due to organ failure and blood loss, and died. Okay, it sounds a little dramatic when I give you the summary. But the cool thing was that I was able to take this at my own pace and allow the storyline to unfold. I had certain elements that I had to work with (I had to include a shack with words carved on every wall as part of a challenge), and the story ran away from me. What was supposed to be a quick thread turned into a giant 7-page thread between my character account and the NPC account, and it was awesome. My personal character received such great development from it, and I know that on my own, I never would have achieved it. Hell, even if I had been RPing against another person's character, I still wouldn't have achieved it. Anyway, this thread is to encourage people to look beyond the bland and see the benefit of using NPC characters as functional individuals. Instead of just being the man who sells oranges on the side of the road, explore opportunities to flesh out the character enough so that it can have meaningful interactions with your personal characters.
  23. I am on a fandom board which I like being on, and feel like I could fit into, especially after ages of searching for one in that fandom, trying out various sites, including pan-fandom was and finding no one in that fandom is on the board. The only problem is that after coming up with plots people seem to disappear and not post starters or respond to them. Sometimes, I don't know if I should be the one to post the starter or if I should wait because it wasn't made clear to me. This appears to not just be a problem with regular members but staff as well and to further compound the problem, the site has introduced an activity check. It's low and manageable, but I don't want to lose my character because of the circumstances I've described. What's the best thing to do? Anonymous poster hash: bab7b...741
  24. So I have this member. They haven't specifically broken any rules, nor made any members uncomfortable, maybe only slightly annoyed them. However a few times they have said things that just got under my skin. They've yelled at at staff, for not "doing enough", even though they give us boatloads to do every day, and we are working on our site 2+ hours at least every day, if not more. No other members have complained about how slow we are. They just also seem... to not fit into the community. They act a lot younger than all of us, and sometimes say things that hint they aren't ready for an older community. However, they haven't broken a single rule. What should I do about this? I don't want to ban them, but it's hard for me to see them fitting in.
  25. The problem with using celebrity PBs is that celebrities are, well, pretty. You're not going to find an ugly character because there aren't really any 'ugly' celebrities out there. You're in a tough spot to find an overweight or pudgy character because plus-size models are still made up to be pretty and aren't really that 'plus size' to begin with, and you're not going to find people who look like folks you meet on the street. Wrinkles on 40-year-old women are nonexistent, pot bellies on middle aged men don't exist, and the dorky girl who wears glasses and doesn't do her makeup is secretly cute because you'll never find a PB that matches the actual description. That is all. For now.
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