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Information on software both hosted, like Jcink, Icyboards, as well as guides on how to delve into the world of self hosting or piggy back hosting.


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36 guides in this category

  1. Absence List w/ Account Switcher Attached Accounts

    An absence list (using the "Away" status option via User CPs) that also displays attached accounts (using the "Account Switcher" plugin).

    Software: MyBB
  2. Auto Counting Additional Statistics

    A lot of boards like to use census totals for characters of specific sex, group (like factions, clans and so on), posts in specific boards and so on so forth. Here I will explain a base script to allow such counting and a few tips on pointers on where to go to further your abilities with what I have given you here. I will also do my best to explain what I have done while keeping it simplified and avoiding an overly defined/long guide.

    Software: MyBB
  3. Combating Spam in MyBB

    If you have a MyBB forum then you likely have at some point had to deal with spam. Most admins do inevitably have to cross this bridge. So, with that in mind, this guide will attempt to show you some of the most common ways to handle spam and what I feel are the most effective ways to manage spam and keep your forum clean. Some updated information can be found in Kit the Human's guide found here.

    Software: MyBB
  4. Create a Push Sidebar for MYBB

    This is a CSS only sidebar code for mybb (and icyboards.) You can adapt it for any other board software, but this guide is focused on mybb.

    Software: MyBB
  5. Default Avatar Fix (If Not Showing)

    For an unknown reason, sometimes when we try to place user avatars in particular areas, the default avatar (if they do not have one) does not show! I'll explain here a little HTML (image scroll tag with javascript) fix that will solve all your problems. Usually this problem will occur while putting the image in the header area or somewhere else. If you are having this problem on posts or profiles, this solution may work as well you'll just need to play around with the variable used for the users avatar.

    Software: MyBB
  6. Face Claim Listing

    UPDATED TO A PLUGIN! Face Claims are a big part of the RPG community, an automatic listing of who has who will make every ones lives much easier. Ooo and did I mention this list was searchable!?

    Software: MyBB
  7. How to import a theme to mybb

    So you have found a theme that you like? Here is a guide on how to import it, along with some of the common issues that you might come across.

    Software: MyBB
  8. How to individually customise forums and categories

    Want to customise your forums individually? A different background image for every forum? A different colour for every category? This guide will show you how to do it for mybb.

    Software: MyBB
  9. How to Install Mybb Plugins

    Want to install a plugin? Not sure how? Read here!

    Software: MyBB
  10. Inline Moderation/Multi-Quote Issues (After 02/10/2017)

    After an update on Icyboards (I believe around 02/10/2017), it seems that a few of Icyboard hosted forums are having some issues with inline moderation (as well as a few other things such as multiquote).


    There is a possible quick fix/solution to this issue and I would like to address it here, have no fear this will almost certainly fix your issues, especially if they just started happening out of the blue and you haven't touched anything in the coding.

    Software: MyBB
  11. Lonely/Open Threads Listing

    Lonely, open or other threads listing! An automatic listing of threads with a specified thread prefix replied to within the last specified amount of days with less than a specified amount of replies.

    Software: MyBB
  12. Recent Posts w/o Plugin

    This guide offers two options to installing and running recent posts on your forum. It also uses the recent posts from the portal so portal settings will dictate how this will work but I have updated this to include thread prefixes and username/group display to properly show.


    Version 1.8.x

    Software: MyBB
  13. Recent/Latest Posts Without A Plugin

    If you are anything like me you hate a long list of plugins in your ACP and you really hate uploading plugins because anything could go wrong (like accidentally placing files where they don't belong and finding them 3 weeks later thinking "how the ****?". So here is my replacement for this issue. There are two topics for this section. The first is the basic generic "pulling" and the second is a more advanced clean up for self hosted mybb forums (because unfortunately using the built in portals latest posts/threads function does not show thread prefixes (which a lot of people use for dictating whether or not a thread is Mature, Open, Private, etc.) and it also does not style a username with the color/styles attached to the usergroup) which we will fix in that section of this tutorial.

    Software: MyBB
  14. Setting up HTTPS & Maintaining The Green Secure Tag

    This guide quickly discusses the how to when setting up your HTTPS and also informs you of great ways to ensure you secure flag stays green without mixed content warnings. You need to contact your hosting provider for information on gaining a TLS certificate.  RPG Initiative hosting already does that part for you when you sign up.

    Software: MyBB
  15. Specific Board Time

    MyBB has the current time setting, which can have a default enabled though if a user has a time zone selected the time will then update to their time. A lot of boards run big events or other things by a specific timezone/set time for the board. Here I will show you how to insert your own!

    Software: MyBB
  16. Update: Kill Spam on MyBB

    Confession: I have never had a problem with spam on my icyboards or self hosted mybb forums. Here is my guide to combatting spam, updated from VirusZero's guide.

    Software: MyBB
  17. Using Style Tags (CSS) In Posts

    As the title suggests I am going to show you two ways to allow style (<style></style>) tags (CSS) in posts on your board!

    Software: MyBB
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