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NaNo House

Game of Thrones House

Bending Nation

  1. I'm building a new site and I'm trying to make it as easy to admin as possible. Therefore, we'll have profiles but no applications which I'm comfortable with, so no worries. I trust people to make decent characters. The question I have is that I've seen some sites where plot pages and profiles are the same thing, and people reply to the profile itself rather than to a separate thread. The major pro I see for this is that the member doesn't have to go out of the way to make a whole new topic for a plot pages, which many members never get around to. The con, of course, is that people can't organize all of their plots in one thread. It also might look messy, or make people believe that one character is super popular. Another idea (slightly unrelated) I had is that the profiles would be posted by the OoC account rather than the specific member account so that it's easy to see which member has which characters. What are your thoughts on this and your experiences balancing profiles and plot opportunities? What approaches have you taken or admired on other sites? Do you find that profiles are better in the actual account profile or as a separate thread, and why? Etc, etc profile discussion.
  2. So I have this member. They haven't specifically broken any rules, nor made any members uncomfortable, maybe only slightly annoyed them. However a few times they have said things that just got under my skin. They've yelled at at staff, for not "doing enough", even though they give us boatloads to do every day, and we are working on our site 2+ hours at least every day, if not more. No other members have complained about how slow we are. They just also seem... to not fit into the community. They act a lot younger than all of us, and sometimes say things that hint they aren't ready for an older community. However, they haven't broken a single rule. What should I do about this? I don't want to ban them, but it's hard for me to see them fitting in.
  3. I really like the group that I'm a part of, and I want it to grow. I've tried advertising it on all the sites I can think of to attract more members. Anyone have any ideas on what more I can do? Or some good sites to advertise on?
  4. Ever feel like that girl/guy who is waiting by the phone (keep looking at mobile) waiting for that person to call you? Either you just gave them your number or it's time to arrange the next date? You thought it all went well! They were into you, they asked for YOUR number, and then.... nothing. Do you call them? Do you text? Does it look too needy/clingy? Right so I am comparing this to new RP buddies, of course! Ever been on IM, plotted and sorted out this awesome plot and characters and then.... tumbleweeds? If so, wtf do you do? Do you poke them, or do you wanna seem chill and just leave it, or be like "Hey man, I am totes chill here just wanna say poke me when you wanna continue this". I tend to try and reach for chill, but I think I come across as crazy stalker RPer THINGER!
  5. Hey guys! Some of you may notice that I have been recently working on a site. BEaconRock has been officially in my back burner for...probably a month now, and is slowly being built by myself (with a bit of help from a friend here and there). I recently came to the conclusion of a few things I'd like to feature for the site, and I'd love advice, and to bounce ideas, off of fellow RPers, and forum owners. Here are a few of the things going on that I'd love to hear from you about: 001. I've decided that I'd like to add the ability to decide between forum RP and chat based roleplay. For this reason I've created TWO discord servers for BeaconRock. One is just for OOC/non-canon interaction. The other is the literal IC ChatRP option. This being said, I know that I will want to have the option to buy powers, upgrades, maybe additional character slots, utilizing the points for the website. My question is: How do I translate this to the Discord ChatRP. I'd hate for some people to prefer chat based roleplay in general, only to be left out of all of the point advantages of writing on the site. That being said all events and contests and such would still happen on site. So it's not as if there WONT be opportunities for them to gather points there. I'd still require all characters to follow site rules, be applied for on the forum, and approved by staff, in order to be played even in the chat. On my Discord RP server I have included a channel that will only be for a list of rules, and useful links, like an invite code to the regular chat server, and site things. Any advice here? 002. I'm in search of bots! BUT I don't want some weird fancy bot with tons of weird options like "meme" and "money" and all that. Basically I am looking for one I can program to announce when a "thread" has been posted in certain forums on the site, right into Discord. I know it's possible because I've seen it done, but I'm so new to this I don't even know where to begin. I'd like one I can program to "say" something ever two hours or so, like announcing 'vote' links, or reminding about 'contests', basically whatever I program it to say. It'd be ideal I wouldn't have to trigger the announcement, I'd like for it to automatically post 'new threads' in all RP forums into a specific channel, or maybe 'new character threads' into the staff channel. As well as pulling 'new threads' when posted in an announcement forum so that I don't have to manually post it everywhere. So, what are some of your favorite bots? Why is this? Do you have a suggestion for ones I could use for this? Do you have suggestions you think I could use and haven't considered? 003. I want to implement a store! What kind of things do you think are practical for an RP store to have? My site will have three species. Wolves, witches, humans. As well as being a modern-day-character-driven plot line. What sort of things to you like having the option to buy? Do you prefer to earn new character slots through posting, or points? Do you believe characters should be up-gradable in powers? How so? Should they buy items, or is this over kill and hard to keep up with? I don't know how much I like the idea of buying items...it seems a bit much. What about buying plots, or staff written goodies, or the ability to hold your own site events? Anything you would suggest store wise? 004. Stepping into owning a forum by myself is daunting. I've tried staff searches, and while there seemed to be hype and interest in the concept, there just weren't any bites in actual helping me out. That being said, I was considering a soft opening relatively soon-ish, once I figure out how to utilize the chat-RP correctly, and probably once I have a store in place for the point system. Anyone have any pointers for me? I'm dedicated to the idea of this forum. I've put time and effort into writing these things, and I'm determined to open. My dedication isn't in question...just staring ahead knowing I'll be on my own is a bit....you know XD
  6. How often do you guys find yourselves trying out new things in your RPs? By new I mean, almost obscenely different than your "normal" go-to. And how do you FEEL about these new trial characters/situations? For example, I don't do animal RPs. I might play with a shifter or ani-morph sort of character once in a blue moon, but never (traditionally) a flat-out animal. And I laugh at myself, because now on my new site I'm playing a Cat. A magical cat who creates hauntings in houses, but, a cat nonetheless. It's....strange. And exciting at the same time because I have absolutely have no clue how to make a domesticated pet interactible enough for a successful thread but the challenge gives me purpose to see how much I can push it to work.
  7. Alright, alright, alright... So, I have a question: What IS a sandbox site? I've heard Phoenix called that, but we've always just called it a multi-genre.
  8. So, if you're running a game or plot arc that involves a military or military like group (assassins, police, search and rescue, etc) and there needs to be directions/orders given, or planning and brainstorming how do you keep it on track and avoid it getting bogged down? In the past, the two problems I see happen: the log/thread stalls while everyone waits for someone else to tag, or brainstorming ends up going in circles when we end up rehashing the same thing over and over. I had this happen enough that I really try to avoid writing briefings if I can help it. However, I've come around to the other side of the problem, now my players all come into the action with different ideas than each other on every we're trying to do, and end up working against each other or just getting stuck because no one knows what to do. So, how do you avoid these issues?
  9. Sooooooooo guys and gals… this is going to be a bit long winded. This was a delicate situation that happened recently. I’m looking for feedback. I literally just dealt with as best as I could, and tried to take all of my own personal emotions out of the equation…. Here it goes. I use to role play on a Site A with two other people that now currently role play on my site. I’m going to call them Phoebe and Stella. I role played a lot with Phoebe. She and I had a major canon ship and lots of plots and it was pretty smutty so it was very popular. I also had a rarely used canon plot going with another player. Phoebe ended up picking up a second character- even though the site was canon- she created her own concept and put details into the character that aren’t normally used at all (I’ve never seen- but that’s not saying much as I’m still a newbie). Stella loved our stuff. Which was flattering, but would often try to recreate our plots- with me. I would constantly remind Stella that I was already doing something like that with Phoebe and didn’t want to do the same plot over and over again. I felt it was plot stealing, but I never said anything. Stella also tried to steal my rare canon plot too. I was feeling the heat, but again, I said nothing and moved on. Eventually, I moved on from the original site and made my own. Both Phoebe and Stella joined. I was weary of Stella at first, due to the attempts at plot snatching, but they seemed to have changed and were doing pretty good. Stella asked to be staff. I’ll be honest. Logically, I knew better from past experience with this person, but I really needed the help, so I just ignored the red flags. (Majorly dumb mistake). Stella ended up causes a lot of drama as a staff member with members on the site. When stuff was going on, they would insert themselves and make matters worse. I ended up spending more time cleaning up messes with members than I did anything else. Finally, Stella and I came to a point, either stop making issues, or you’re off staff. I’m not even joking- the next morning, I wake up to a message from Phoebe. (Remember that canon character she did back on Site A- with a unique and interesting concept all her own? Yea that one.) Well, Phoebe had been on lurking on Site B and saw that Stella was playing that same character- exactly how she was. I took a look at both Phoebe's application on Site A and Stella's on Site B. To me it was blatant, but I also role play extensively with her character. Phoebe was understandably upset. It should be noted that Stella did not copy and paste, but she took Phoebe’s application and reworded it -now if it was some Wikipedia version, then it could be kind of understandable as it’s canon, but this was not strictly canon. Also, Stella never writes apps in first person, but this was was in first person just like Phoebe's original app. This one mimicked Phoebe’s on so many levels, from Face Claim (I know it’s common for people to use the same face), the outline of the history and all the original concepts that Phoebe had put into the character, even some of the original IC quotes Phoebe had made up for the history. NOW the fun part. The original app was on an old site. The ‘reworded’ app was on a different site. Both members are on my site. I felt put in the middle. Because the plagiarism didn’t happen on my site, but I also felt like I had to protect my members. Instantly, Stella was kicked off staff. I took to issue to staff only, and asked them to help me decide. It was half and half, full out ban and the others were undecided. I compromised, 7 day ban and no new character for awhile.The other reason behind this, is we didn’t want to force the admins on the other site to make their decision, but still wanted to protect our members. We informed Stella of the issue, but kept it vague, though we told them it was due to plagiarism. While Stella was banned, she reached out to other members and told them what was going on. Which backfired for them, because these members got worried that Stella was stealing their stuff. Then Stella threaten to leave all together and a bunch of other stuff. (I refused to engage, cause I knew there was no winning for me.) Whew… I promise not much longer. The other site, decided that it was not plagiarism and did nothing. Which I’m not her to judge them on their decision, cause hell it was hard enough for me to figure out what I was doing. Stella sent me a long apology PM and then a few days later, asked a staff member to get me to apologize to them because the other site decided it wasn’t plagiarism. However, I told Stella, what the other site does or decides is up to them. On my site, we concluded that she had stolen Phoebe’s concept. And we dealt with it accordingly, as well as I could of. So, the dust has kind of settled now. Most of the members didn’t seem to notice the change or even know there was an issue (except for the members Stella reached out to). Phoebe has been cool about it, and just won’t thread with Stella anymore. The question is… was this an overreaction? How could I deal with a member informing me of plagiarism going on? I get that it happened on another site, but this person was a staff member (somehow I think it makes it different… I think. But should I treat staff different than if it was a regular member? What do I do if this happens again and it’s a regular member? Should Stella have been banned in the first place? Thanks for reading. I know- really long story. I appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism! Thanks guys and gals! ❤❤❤❤❤
  10. Salutations! I'm a very new Admin. Although I'm not a fan of Activity Checks (AC), i have seen them as a necessary evil. On our site we have an soft AC and a hard AC. Soft ACs consistent of the members simply tagging the characters they wish to keep and those they wish to drop. Hard ACs give a time frame in which a post needs to be made by each character, a link to the thread and who they are threading with. Of course all of this is time consuming for staff and members. I'm looking for alternatives, that will still yield the same results. Any ideas, suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated! <3<3<3 Bamf
  11. As roleplayers we are often inspired by multiple sources. This can be a tv show,book, movie, something we saw online, and even other roleplayers. For some of us we walk a fine line between playing our own original creations and literally taking something someone else made and playing them. This is something I've seen all over the place, an argument for or against using other people characters as their own roleplay characters. My opinions vary on this particular topic. For instance, I believe if you're RPing on an actual fandom site playing a premade character from another location isn't actually a bad thing. You're obviously not the creator of said character, everyone is aware of it, and you're not claiming to be. However, in my opinion, when RPing in a completely original verse, or one even inspired by another verse, playing a character that has been torn from the pages of someone elses book is just plain wrong. For instance if I joined a zombie RP site, and made Machone, but gave her a weird name, and a different playby, it's still the same character, and not my own creation. This would be different if I was RPing INSIDE the TWD verse, where Machone was created, and everyone is aware I didn't write her. What is your opinion? How close can you get to inspiration before you toe the line of ripping someones hard work off? I had one person tell me they found using a playby who played a character that happened to be a ballerina, and making my character a ballerina as well, we ripping and plagiarism. I don't quite agree with this, I find it to be more smarter playby searching since they'd have the same pictures I would need to depict my character, but what is your opinion? If someone puts all of the credits from the inspiration sources, how close can a site come to using other locations information before it becomes their verse and they can no longer claim creation? How close can a character come to your inspiration before it actually becomes that character?
  12. Here's another thread on chats. This one is about OUTSIDE the forum. Something a lot of RP forums are picking up now is actively holding a Discord server outside of the forum. This is for many reasons. For one they allow multiple channels for different things. For another it allows the cbox to be used for guest questions without a ton of members drowning out the voice of the guest with their own personal chat and banter. On another hand there is FULL security, banning, roles, moderation, and endless possibilities with bots. With all of these options Discord has become pretty popular, or maybe it was popular before and I'm late to the party. A huge plus of Discord is having the option to log in from a web browser, or download it to your computer. It's WAY less intrusive than skype is, and has never slowed my computer down, no matter which way I use it...I have it downloaded on my phone and my computer for ease of access. However I've heard mention of Slack, and alternative to Discord. Which made me realize there must be many other options out there for chat services that are OUTSIDE of your forum and allow for a wider range of discussions and options for your member base. What do you use, if any? If you don't use any, why is that? Why do you prefer one over the other?
  13. So we have all had our preferences, and we've all had experiences, some good and some bad. I've joined chat RPs that were just shoddy and irritating, and I've joined forums where I couldn't find anything, and just didn't click with the people. I'm sure it's happened to the best of us on both regards. Pros and cons stack up for and against both sides of this argument, but what is your opinion? Do you prefer forum RP? Why is that? Do you prefer chat RP? Why is that? Do you believe there can be a happy balance of both? A chat based RP that includes a forum option, or the other way around? Have any other things you'd like to add yourself?
  14. I have recently been around to a few new forums and seen things I'm just jealous of. Lol. I'd like to include some of these things on my forum that I'm working on, but I legit have no clue where to even start with these things. Some of them include: Rotating Member of the Moment spot <-- This is just badass, self rotates when you refresh the page, and I have NO CLUE HOW TO DO IT. There was also a site that had a weather widget on their site, and I'd definitely like that, though I think I can accomplish that by picking a small town somewhere int he vicinity of the fictional one I'm using and just embedding a weather thing for that area...so I'll probably just do that. I also saw on one site where randomly plot prompts would popup at the top of the forum. Just quick few words would rotate like "There's a sudden growl from somewhere nearby, it doesn't exactly sound friendly does it?" which is kind of like offering a built in thread prompt system just to help people along. Lol. I haven't the foggiest how to do this either. I did find one answer that was put up in early 2014 for that last one, but the links in it weren't good anymore, I has a sad. XD What are some of the add-ons you have on your forum, or have spotted on others forums that you're jealous of/would love to learn how to do yourself?
  15. I'm bouncing off of @Samantha's post: but it's a sentiment I've seen many times and I don't get it. So I wanted to find out what's going on here. Why do you or don't you have a revulsion towards an underaged character* being RPed on a mature forum? I personally, have zero qualms about it, but I'm not putting these characters into sexual situations (gross) and it's not something I commonly foray into it. I've only RPed one child character recently and this was on a mature forum...but that doesn't mean every single thread is going to be in some way mature or edgy. I feel like maybe the qualm comes from people seeing that some creep could put an underaged character into a sexual situation? Or could take great delight in having their character involved in nasty business, not because it's yay-drama, but to push the envelope on how cool and edgy they are? So yeah, I'd like to hear different thoughts on this! * I get the playby aspect.
  16. We all get into those slumps. The one where writers block just slams us and we cannot figure out how to reply, how to start a new thread, how to get our character to interact with another. It can be difficult to get out of them. One of my favorite ways to do this is to come up with a random list of character prompts. Just small one sentence thread descriptions that could be fun, random, silly, hectic, chaotic, or insane for anyone to be a part of. What are some of your favorite thread prompts?
  17. Hey guys! I've seen a few option for this in different locations. Cbox is the most popular, even though they require you to pay for their premium service for really any kind of protection, security, or true personalization. I've also seen SmartChatBox used, and I've used this myself. SmartchatBox is actually pretty nice, they allow for more options without paying for the premium. With premium you get more options, like personal messaging system through the chat box, but that's hardly needed on a forum. It also allows for a lot more security, plus admin and mod positions without paying for it first. So far it's the option I've found with the MOST versatility for someone on a budget. What chat do you use, or have you seen used? Which one offers the MOST options, or is the cheapest alternative chat to be implanted on your forum? Once they give me the ability to embed Discord I'll never use another chat. lmfao.
  18. This is a conversational topic and doesn’t require “advice,” per se. I just thought the topic was fascinating and many of us have experienced either as staff or members how challenging it is to balance free speech with site harmony or the perceived safety of individuals. I’ve seen many larger sites struggle with the concept of free speech. In our modern world, many of us are used to the topic, and we see that “free speech” is a right we can use just about anywhere. However, sometimes sites don’t know where to place the “okay let’s stop now” line. If you draw it too soon, you have members claiming that you don’t allow free speech. If you wait too long, that same free speech could end up hurting other members. And from a member perspective, it’s challenging, too. If you join a site that’s “anything goes,” you could end up getting hurt by callous or uneducated remarks. If you join a site that limits free speech, you’re not always certain what topics are “safe” to talk about, especially if the site doesn’t outright state “don’t talk about X subject” in the rules. You could potentially offend someone, and that someone will get pissed off at you, and the next thing you know, you’ve been frosted out by the members of the site. I’ve been on sites where people pulled the “but it’s free speech!” trick and were belittling and aggravating in topics. You knew that they were being assholes when they posted, but because there’s no tone on the internet, they would tell the admin that the admin misinterpreted the tone. Because the admin was trying to keep the peace and allow people their free speech, the problem members were allowed to stay on for too long before they were eventually banned. But on the flip side, I’ve been on sites that have a hidden list of topics that you don’t get to talk about, and if you do, you get dogpiled and kicked in the throat by multiple people. Nothing you say or do can convince them that you’re allowed to have a different opinion on the topic, and now you’re gasping for breath wondering where the crap everything went wrong. My belief is that it comes down to communication. State in the rules what topics can’t be spoken about if you have anything you’re passionate about that shouldn’t be discussed. Encourage respectful conversation between people: listen to each other, ask follow-up questions, use kind words, limit bold text and capslocked words, thank people for clarifying something or explaining topics, realize that you aren’t always right. And most importantly, understand that there is a difference between talking about a subject and being rude about a subject, regardless of what the subject is or who’s on what side. (Ex: Saying “I don’t like word counts because they limit my creativity” is okay, but “Anyone who likes word counts is a complete bastard and doesn’t understand how crippling they are to the US economy” is not.) Anyhow, I think people on forums should watch this TED talk about communication. I stumbled across it yesterday looking for something else, but it’s awesome and I’m glad I did. It's about ten minutes, but its one of the best TED talks I've seen.
  19. My staff and I have been toying with the idea of reintroducing the idea of sister sites for our site. I would think that sites that are sisters would vote for each other on the topsites and review each other's sites. Anyone have an opinion as to what that involve other than standard link sharing?
  20. anthrxmilkshake


    How much information is to much information? What I mean is when we join a site we all head right for the plotline, lore, setting, and world information, as well as any species breakdowns. Are you willing to read novels of information in order to roleplay somewhere? Is there a point where there is just to much information, to many details, and you're no longer having fun? I know that I have issues when things become to technical. If I have to follow levels, items, gadgets, upgrades, and such for one character it has become a text based video game, and I'm no longer enjoying myself. Despite that I do like some structure, as having structure in certain circumstances is the make or break of a roleplay. How much is to much for you? How much is to little?
  21. What, ideally, would you like people to know about you when you join a site? This can be literally anything, from something that is acceptable to know (ex: "I have a busy schedule") to something you probably wouldn't tell people upon first meeting them (ex: "I'm chronically ill and it interferes with my schedule") or things that aren't deemed acceptable (ex: "I really just don't like some people and want to play only with a specific person"). It's kind of like what you'd like people to magically read your mind and know without judging you so that they can provide you all of the comforts you need. Personally, I'd like people to know that sometimes I get really anxious about sites and get overwhelmed and disappear not because I don't like them but because I can't always face them again, especially if I've been gone for awhile. I'd also like people to know that sometimes I get bored of sites and while I'm sorry about it, that's how it is.
  22. I've played in scripted plot games (scripted to various degrees) but I've never played in a sandbox game. The benefit to a scripted plot is an easy to follow storyline and everyone follows the dots to the end. In my opinion, the bad thing about a scripted plot is the feeling that the story is moving along on rails and I don't need to post because nothing my character does makes a difference. From reading the mention of sandbox games other places, I get that liking or disliking sandbox games is a matter of personal preference, but what are some benefits and pitfalls to this type of game?
  23. So this could go under both staff and membership and I want to see how people feel about it from both sides and how they deal with it from both sides. I would first like to express I'm not a victim person. I say that to make it clear that I don't cry wolf every time my feelings get hurt or I'm offended by someone because I'm a grown woman. I know how to deal with my problems. If I need help I seek it out from trusted family and friends and if I really want to deal with something specific to a roleplay I'll reach out to a staff member on the site in question. I feel this is important because this is how I'm an actual victim of something that few people recognize. Reverse-bullying. What is reverse bullying you say? Well, what I feel is reverse bullying is, is this: A person that claims they are being harassed or victimized at all times. Now there is a very real possibility that said person is trying to bully the person but I've found, especially with my larger than life personality, that it's more likely that I disagree with the person or they disagree with me. Now don't get me wrong. I have a personality (particularly while drunk) to not listen to what anyone says. You can ask people like @VirusZero @Amelia or anyone else that has been in a chat with me while I'm drinking. I'm a pushy woman when motivated or passionate. I can see how my gusto (drunkedness) can be misinterpreted as bullying. I don't let people talk. I also talk in circles and tell people the same story 30 times too (if you were curious) but that seems to be ignored. Now to get back on topic. Because of these misunderstandings I've been accused many a times of bullying. If I do happen to remember what I was pushy/passionate/drunk talking about I normally remember the beginning of the conversation but if I have any history (and I wasn't direct talking) then I can normally get all the pieces into place and figure out what happened and explain my side of the story to explain what happened from my perspective. I don't, however, always get the chance. With the real thing of cyber bullying out there everyone is afraid of anything with the word bullying or harassment in it. They immediately jump to the side of the "victim" and onto the back of the "bully" without collecting all of the facts. People do this because they don't want to be accused of allowing cyber bullying. What I've found is that most people don't realize is that they are a culprit of reverse bullying. Now to explain, if you cried victim about an account on Facebook (mind you I've never done this but I've read through articles of people who have and their actual process) they don't automatically just go to that persons account and BAN them or even send them a message about ABUSE. They investigate it where they can. They access records, logs and determine whether the accuser has a right to accuse said person of whatever they are accused of. However someone claiming to be harassed on a roleplay immediately gets the smite of the staff or of the members that are told that someone is bullying them. We jump to conclusions based off of half of the information. HELL! We read passive aggressive tones in text when there often isn't any. That being said I know, at least the fabulous members of the initiative, are smarter than that. Or at least I hope you are empowered enough to know not to take things at face value (particularly on the Internet). I do know that the threat of "allowing cyber bullying" is terrifying. However, how do you personally deal with a situation that arises that someone states that they are being bullied or harassed? Do you really take the time to investigate and find out the legitimacy of the claim or do you just take the word of the person making the claim and go down that path of getting the person off your site? Do you even realize that people can be reverse bullied by those that "cry wolf"? (I mean while @Rune has a website there is a legitimate story about people that tell lies to get attention) Have you ever taken the time to listen to both sides of the story? I'm going to end this off here and explain that I've been reverse bullied off of a lot of sites because I have opinions that don't often align with many roleplayers but I also have been reverse bullied off of site because my strong, larger than life personality has been confused with being overbearing and insensitive. I understand I'm the type of person that is difficult to deal with sometimes but sometimes I need that conflict to remind me that I don't hold the monopoly on opinions. That I need to hear the other side. It doesn't mean that I will change mine or I expect the other person to change their opinion but the reminder that I'm human is awesome. (Even though I have a little bit of fangs now). Just because I don't always want to listen to your opinion because we disagree (I'm a big perpetuator of the la la la I can't hear you or the talk louder so you can't talk method) doesn't mean that I don't think that you're not allowed to have an opinion. If you don't like that I'm doing one of those things hang up on me and we can chat about it a different day when I'm less passionate about it, or never again if you would prefer. However it doesn't mean that I'm bullying or harassing you to agree with me either. Be you. Let me be me. Don't make it more than it is.
  24. Animal rp was one of my early rp settings/subjects/third-example, and it's something akin to a guilty pleasure these days. I'm not interested in quite a few aspects of this genre, I know fuck-all in comparison to the average animal rper. I like a very specific kind of basic talking animals rp, which isn't very popular. So, I have a few questions for experienced animal RPers who're active in this genre. The point here is to get a better insight and to help with game creation. What are the pros, aims, and purpose in the following list of popular themes? For example, is xyz purely for aesthetic appeal or is there a distinct use? If so, how and when is it applied in a scene? E.g the extra-large or hypermorph mutation. Accessories, e.g jewellery, clothing Unusual colours, markings, extra limbs/appendages Skills/stats, upgradable or not Territory challenges Mutations, be it magic or science fiction=based Anthropomorphism* For the last subject, does it matter? Can a game have a level of anthropomorphism beyond standard human speech and intellect? How might it be measured, explained, and enforced for consistency? e.gIn a semirealistic game, rodents naturally have 'handpaws' and can hold, use simple tools or items, whereas dogs and cats cannot; but in a fantasy setting, nearly any species can unrealistically turn and bend their wrists, shoulders, toes/fingers etc. Lastly, please keep in mind that this is not a debate, or a casual 'why is x popular? || I dunno.' discussion thread, thank you!
  25. I started RPing on a Marvel site and didn't look at any other game sites for several years but eventually I looked around and joined another site, an original game. But I always thought it was weird and stifling to the flow of the game that the admins had a half-dozen or so canon characters. They had setup a game narrative/script of two rival criminal bosses trying to control the city. I was there about two years and during that time we rarely had anyone playing either boss. We had about 3 or so characters on each side as lieutenants to the bosses but no one directing us. And for some reason none of the three admins stepped in to play either of the bosses. It was frustrating playing a henchman with no leader calling the shots. And yet, through that whole 2 years the admins kept trying to push the script of two rival bosses fighting for control of the city, which never really gelled. My question, it seemed to me that the admins should've scrapped the site narrative they had in mind after it was clear that we'd never have two people consistently playing those roles and should've focused on the characters we had. In an original game, is this iron-fisted grip on a set story usual? In a fandom, some characters and storylines are a given, such as in an X-Men game having a Scott Summers, Jean Grey, and prof. X and fighting against Magneto with his different ideology. But in an original game, how scripted is too scripted? Is it common for admins to be that set on the story they want as the tentpole for their site? Which sites tend to survive more: scripted or more freeform ones?
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